Gon's Future Unveiled: Togashi's Surprising Twist in Hunter X Hunter Manga Ending

Gon's Future Unveiled: Togashi's Surprising Twist in Hunter X Hunter Manga Ending

Hunter X Hunter manga's potential ending is unveiled by author Yoshihiro Togashi, shedding light on the long-awaited conclusion Discover the thrilling possibility of the series ultimately reaching its climax after enduring Togashi's infamous hiatuses

Hunter X Hunter is renowned for several impressive aspects, although author Yoshihiro Togashi's consistent hiatuses remain the most significant drawback. Togashi has battled back problems since his days working on Yu Yu Hakusho in the 90s, and unfortunately, his condition has only worsened over time. As a result, his current series rarely releases new chapters, leaving fans concerned about the possibility of Togashi being unable to complete the story due to his health. Adding to these worries, the author has recently divulged certain details about one of the potential endings of the series, further fueling the already burning fears of Hunter X Hunter enthusiasts.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Hunter X Hunter series.

Hunter X Hunter author Yoshihiro Togashi reveals details of the series' potential ending

Yoshihiro Togashi took to the internet to offer insights into his contemplation behind the finale of the beloved Hunter X Hunter series. The writer reveals that he contemplated four possible conclusions, each with varying degrees of potential discontent among fans.

Togashi revealed more details about the fourth potential ending, but remained secretive about the first three. This ending centers around Gon and his future on the island where he grew up. The story follows a young girl named Jin, who, similar to Gon at the beginning, catches a massive fish. Jin's sole ambition is to remain on the island and avoid becoming a Hunter, unlike her parents and Grandpa Gon.

Following several discussions, a festive celebration takes place in the town, and then a bird takes flight, symbolizing the future generations of certain characters. Although Togashi does not explicitly mention who these characters are, it is widely speculated to be Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, who are the main characters alongside Gon.

The possibility of the series concluding

Gon's Future Unveiled: Togashi's Surprising Twist in Hunter X Hunter Manga Ending

Gon and Killua (Image via Madhouse)

The future of Hunter X Hunter hangs in the balance due to Togashi's ongoing health issues and his struggles to release new chapters. This poses a great challenge for fans who eagerly anticipate the series' conclusion, considering its expansive world and intricate development.

Given the publication history and the extensive story that needs to be covered, the likelihood of the series reaching its conclusion appears slim. Nevertheless, there is a glimmer of hope sparked by Togashi's recent announcement, suggesting that he is committed to finishing his masterpiece.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Hunter X Hunter, I'm both excited and anxious about the potential ending of the series. On one hand, I'm thrilled to finally get some insight into Togashi's plans for the conclusion, and I'm hopeful that he'll be able to complete the story in a satisfying way. On the other hand, I'm worried that his health issues will prevent him from finishing the series, or that the ending won't live up to the high expectations that fans have.

The potential ending that Togashi has revealed is certainly intriguing, and it would be a fitting conclusion to Gon's journey. It would be great to see Gon return to his roots and live a simple life on the island where he grew up, and it would be interesting to see how the other characters' stories would play out in this new setting. However, I'm also a bit concerned that this ending might feel too anticlimactic after all the build-up and excitement of the series so far. I'm hoping that Togashi will be able to find a way to balance the emotional impact of Gon's journey with the need for a satisfying conclusion to the overall story.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of Hunter X Hunter. I believe that Togashi has the potential to deliver a satisfying ending to the series, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of challenges that he'll need to overcome in order to do so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll be able to stay healthy and finish the story on his own terms.