Giant Kangaroo Gathering Disrupts Serene Golf Game in Australia

Giant Kangaroo Gathering Disrupts Serene Golf Game in Australia

Picture this: you're enjoying a peaceful round of golf when a massive group of kangaroos unexpectedly joins the game, adding a unique twist to your day on the course.

Stephen Roche was enjoying a round of golf when he was unexpectedly interrupted by a mob of kangaroos. At first, he couldn't believe his eyes as the 'roos hopped towards him.

Roche shared a video on X (previously known as Twitter) on Wednesday, showing a group of kangaroos hopping along the course in a carefree manner.

In his post, Roche mentioned that the kangaroos were moving across the fourth hole at the St John’s course located in the Heritage Golf and Country Club in Victoria, Australia. While it was not uncommon to see kangaroos at the private club, the large number of them was a unique sight for him.

Roche and his playing partner waited patiently as a group of kangaroos hopped past them on the golf course. He jokingly told them, "Please don't stand on my golf ball."

After Roche shared a video of the encounter, some people expressed worry about the condition of the course with the kangaroos around. However, Roche reassured them that there was no damage done by the playful animals.

“Surprisingly no,” Roche said when asked whether they was damage to the greens. “Soft footed animal. The only sign of them is footprints in bunkers.”

The kangaroos flood down the fourth fairway.

The kangaroos flood down the fourth fairway.

The kangaroos flood down the fourth fairway.

Stephen Roche/X

Some people were delighted by the sight of the kangaroos, while others humorously compared their behavior to that of golfers.

One social media user jokingly commented on the kangaroos' manners in the bunker, suggesting that they must be experienced golfers who follow the rules closely.

One compared it to a scene from Jurassic Park or Jumanji, while another had more simple concerns.

“Did they bother to check in at the pro shop before heading out?” they asked.

A bull shark swims close to the edge of a lake at Carbrook course in January 2012.

A bull shark swims close to the edge of a lake at Carbrook course in January 2012.

A bull shark swims close to the edge of a lake at Carbrook course in January 2012.

Courtesy Scott Wagstaff

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Kangaroos are a familiar sight at golf courses in Australia, including at Anglesea Golf Club in Victoria. Over 300 Eastern Grey kangaroos roam the fairways, and there is even a bus tour available for visitors to learn more about the resident kangaroo population.

Kangaroos at the Anglesea golf course are not interested in golf balls and prefer to graze on the longer grass at the edges of the course. They also provide free fertilizer in the form of manure, which helps to effectively "manage themselves," according to Anglesea board member Marg Lacey who spoke to CNN in 2023.

Lacey expressed how captivating it is to watch the baby kangaroos come out and play or jump around. She mentioned that even after seeing it many times, it never fails to amaze and entertain.

“They are infinitely fascinating and players just love them.”

Editor's P/S:

The unexpected encounter between Stephen Roche and a group of kangaroos during his golf game is a testament to the unique and often surprising experiences that can be had while enjoying the sport in Australia. The large number of kangaroos that hopped across the fourth hole at the St John's course is a reminder of the country's rich wildlife and the harmonious coexistence between humans and animals in many parts of the continent. While some may worry about the impact of kangaroos on golf courses, it is reassuring to know that they generally do not cause damage and can even provide some entertainment for players.

The comparison of the kangaroos' behavior to that of golfers is particularly amusing, highlighting the lighthearted nature of the encounter. The sight of these iconic Australian animals playing in the bunkers and following the rules of the game is sure to bring a smile to the face of any golf enthusiast. The article also touches on the larger presence of kangaroos at golf courses in Australia, such as the Anglesea Golf Club, where they are a cherished part of the experience. Their grazing habits and playful demeanor make them a delight to watch, reminding us of the special bond between nature and recreation in this fascinating country.