Ghostbusters: Afterlife's Polarizing Character Comeback Receives Rave Reviews From Visual Effects Experts

Ghostbusters: Afterlife's Polarizing Character Comeback Receives Rave Reviews From Visual Effects Experts

Despite being a topic of debate, the visual effects in Ghostbusters: Afterlife are nothing short of extraordinary.

VFX artists are full of admiration for the most controversial aspect of Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Instead of being a reboot, the 2021 film serves as a continuation of the original Ghostbusters series. To honor its predecessor, Afterlife brought back all four of the original Ghostbusters to carry on their stories. The actors dedicated their time to ushering in the next generation of Ghostbusters, with even the late Harold Ramis returning as Egon, despite his passing before filming began.

Many reviews of Ghostbusters: Afterlife felt it necessary to mention Ramis' ghostly cameo, as his character plays a significant role in the movie. One talented VFX team, the Corridor Crew on YouTube, specifically highlighted Ramis' appearance. The team showered praise on the techniques used for the cameo. You can watch their reaction in the video below:

Harold Ramis's Controversial Ghostbusters Return

The team was full of admiration for the VFX work done on Egon's appearance. They praised the talented animators for ensuring that he exuded the right vibe, calling it one of the best instances of people replacement they had ever seen.

Egon's ghost appears to Phoebe in Ghostbusters Afterlife - Harold Ramis's Controversial Ghostbusters Return

Egon's ghost appears to Phoebe in Ghostbusters Afterlife - Harold Ramis's Controversial Ghostbusters Return

Filming Ghostbusters: Afterlife posed a challenge as Harold Ramis had already passed away. The movie was intended as a tribute to the original, and with the return of the other three original Ghostbusters, it was important to somehow include Ramis. Through the use of CGI and body doubles, Ramis' character, Egon, was able to make a few brief appearances in the film.

Ramis' unexpected appearance in Ghostbusters: Afterlife stirred up controversy due to the fact that he joined the cast after his death. Unlike other posthumous appearances like Peter Cushing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Christopher Reeve in The Flash, Ramis did not give his consent or participate in the movie himself.

Although the entire movie serves as a tribute to Ramis' legacy, the ethical implications of featuring someone in a film after their passing remain questionable. In Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Egon, the character played by Ramis, does not have any speaking lines, which may diminish the impact of his presence. Nevertheless, the use of posthumous artificial cameos continues to spark debate among those who find it discomforting.

Source: Corridor Crew

Editor's P/S:

The return of Harold Ramis as Egon in "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is a testament to the enduring legacy of the original film series. Despite his untimely passing, Ramis' presence in the movie serves as a poignant tribute to his iconic character. The VFX team's meticulous attention to detail ensures that Egon's return is both respectful and emotionally resonant.

While the ethical implications of posthumous appearances in films may be debated, the use of CGI to resurrect beloved actors offers a unique opportunity to honor their legacy and connect with audiences. In the case of "Ghostbusters: Afterlife," Egon's return not only serves as a nostalgic nod to the past but also provides a powerful emotional anchor for the story. By balancing ethical considerations with artistic expression, filmmakers can create moments that both celebrate the departed and bring joy to fans.