Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Discover 8 captivating games where player choices hold immense power, rewriting the narrative From betrayals in Greedfall to moral dilemmas in Detroit: Become Human, these games guarantee a thrilling journey shaped by your decisions Get ready to redefine the story with every choice you make!

Player choice in gaming has become increasingly prevalent in recent console generations. It is now the norm for games to offer multiple endings, contingent upon the player's decisions during crucial moments in the storyline. However, these choices often present themselves in a binary format, with clear-cut "good" and "bad" options that lack subtlety. Additionally, while certain narrative choices briefly branch the storyline, they typically converge towards a similar outcome.

Nevertheless, certain games place greater emphasis on the impact of player choices. These games often present decisions that hold unforeseen consequences for the narrative and the game world as a whole. The significance of these choices only becomes apparent to players after they have made them, leaving them to reflect on the potential outcomes of alternative decisions.

Spoilers ahead for all of the games listed!

8 Greedfall - Kurt's Betrayal

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Greedfall, a pirate-themed RPG, draws inspiration from successful releases by BioWare, such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age. It offers players a diverse group of companions who have their own quests to embark on. Among these companions is Kurt of the Coin Guard, whose quests have the potential to reshape the balance of power in the game world.

Kurt's side missions "Missing In Action" and "Amongst The Ghosts" revolve around a brewing coup within the Coin Guard. Successfully completing these quests with Kurt's assistance will put a stop to the coup. However, if players start the main quest, "The Prince's Secret," before finishing Kurt's missions, he will betray them by joining the coup. This betrayal leads to Kurt's execution, giving players the option to warn one of the game's two main factions about the impending insurrection. In doing so, one faction will be overthrown while its leader is sent into exile.

7 Disco Elysium - Warning Kim

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Throughout Disco Elysium, players will encounter various decision points that will significantly impact the outcome of these choices. Strengthening the Authority stat and building a trustworthy relationship with Detective Kim beforehand will greatly facilitate the process. However, ultimately, the final resolution will be determined by the roll of a dice.

When players finally reach the Mercenary Tribunal, there will inevitably be bloodshed. Although it might be slightly delayed and reduced in intensity, the bullets will eventually start flying. Once the shooting commences, Detective Kim will find himself in a vulnerable position. The player can attempt to warn him by passing an Authority check, benefiting from Kim's trust in them. However, if they fail, Kim will meet his demise. Upon waking up, players will be informed of this tragic news by Cuno, the fiery troublemaker who will then become their investigative partner for the remainder of the game. In fact, Cuno may even be granted the status of a deputy at the conclusion of their journey.

6 Mass Effect 2 - Preserving Genophage Data

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

A standout illustration on this compilation is when a player's choice in a single game profoundly influences the storyline of its continuation. In Mass Effect 2, while undertaking Mordin's Loyalty Mission, players come across crucial data regarding the Krogan Genophage, a genetically modified virus restraining Krogans from procreating. At this point, players face the pivotal decision of whether to safeguard or obliterate the recovered information.

If the Genophage were to be destroyed, all of Mordin's efforts in Mass Effect 3 to find a cure would go to waste. While Mordin would survive the aftermath, the consequences would be dire, as the Krogans would refuse to sign a peace treaty with the Turians, who were initially responsible for unleashing the Genophage virus. Consequently, they would not join Shepard's War Assets, dealing a significant blow to their collective struggle against the impending Reaper invasion.

5 Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Character Creation

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

A key moment in the game's story usually occurs around the midpoint, where players must make impactful choices. However, in Divinity: Original Sin 2, an extraordinary decision that significantly shapes the narrative happens right at the start, during the character creation process. This is made possible by the inclusion of the game's unique "Origins" feature.

Rather than offering a mere assortment of classes, races, and physical attributes for players to choose from,

4 The Witcher 2 - Iorveth Or Roche

entails the option of selecting a pre-designed character that is accompanied by a distinct backstory. This backstory significantly influences the personal quest of the chosen character, which remains consistent throughout the entirety of the game's main campaign and provides a distinctive viewpoint on the overarching narrative. Additionally, each Origin brings forth a unique skill alongside exclusive dialogue options, ensuring that each playthrough offers an entirely fresh and unique experience.

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, player decisions have a greater impact, primarily influencing the outcome of quests. On the other hand, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings emphasizes a pivotal moment where the choice of aligning with a specific character not only determines the game's conclusion but also shapes that character's perception of Geralt in The Witcher 3. This decision further influences the missions undertaken by players from that point onward.

When Geralt leaves Flotsam, he has the option to align himself with either Vernon Roche or Iorveth of the Scoia'tael. If he chooses to side with Roche, his path will lead him on a mission to eliminate King Henselt of Kaedwen and rescue King Foltest's heir. On the other hand, if Geralt aligns himself with Iorveth, he will venture to a completely different part of the world to support a Scoia'tael uprising and save a dragon. These two choices offer drastically different conclusions to the game, with the outcome resting solely on Geralt's decision.

3 Dragon Age: Origins - The Fate Of Redcliffe

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Once again, BioWare offers another captivating game where player choices have a significant impact on future sequels. This time, the spotlight falls on Redcliffe Village. Within the quest "The Attack At Nightfall," the sinister Darkspawn occupying Redcliffe Castle unleash their wrath upon the innocent inhabitants of the nearby village, resulting in devastating loss of life.

If players venture to any other corner of the globe before engaging the Darkspawn, the once-thriving Redcliffe Village will succumb to chaos, with its inhabitants facing a grisly fate. The repercussions ripple far beyond mere missed sidequests in later stages of the game, for the village becomes a haunting testament to the player's choices. Even in subsequent Dragon Age games, the remnants of Redcliffe Village remain in ruins, and the few remaining residents harbor no pleasant recollections of the player's actions in Dragon Age: Origins.

2 Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - Psychological Profiling

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Known for its unique blend of traditional horror tropes like menacing creatures and apparitions, the Silent Hill series has always excelled at weaving psychological horror into the narrative, challenging players to question the mental state of the main character and whether the terrifying encounters they face are genuine or mere figments of imagination.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories took the concept described above to a whole new level. It introduced scenes featuring Dr. K, a mysterious character, in his office. These scenes occur periodically throughout the game and present players with a series of questions about themselves or their impressions of the game's protagonist, Harry Mason. The way players answer these questions will have a significant impact on the game, including its storyline, themes, the appearances of the Raw Shocks (the primary enemies), and, of course, the ending they will witness.

1 Detroit: Become Human - Peaceful Protest Or Violent Revolution

Game-Changing Player Decisions: 8 Choices That Shape the Story's Destiny

Quantic Dream, the developer renowned for its focus on player choice, consistently delivers games that place immense importance on branching paths. This concept is not merely prevalent, but nearly ubiquitous, as practically every scene is imbued with a plethora of choices leading to profound alterations in characters and events as the narrative progresses. Yet, amidst this myriad of momentous decisions, few possess the sheer magnitude of influence as the tone set by Marcus during the android revolution in Detroit: Become Human.

After capturing the Stratford broadcast tower, the Jericho revolutionaries plan for Marcus to address the people of Detroit, outlining their demands. The player has the freedom to choose the tone of Marcus' speech, and this decision will have lasting effects throughout the game. Opting for a peaceful approach will enhance Jericho's public image and ultimately lead to the President halting the military's involvement in the android march later on. However, this path is more challenging and poses greater risks to the survival of Marcus' comrades. In contrast, adopting a violent tone will result in the androids charging at the police during the march. While this choice increases the likelihood of survival (though some friends may sacrifice themselves), convincing the military to back down becomes an uphill battle.