Game-Changing Design Flaw Revealed in Xbox Elite Controllers - A Must-Read for Gamers!
An Xbox Elite controller user discovers a critical design flaw that causes the controller to disassemble while in use, leading to an unexpected and frustrating gaming experience
Xbox Elite controllers are experiencing a problem where they come apart due to heavy use, which is a downside despite their quality.
The quality assurance issues faced by Microsoft's Elite controllers are significant, considering their reputation for being both expensive and high-quality. These controllers, originally priced at $179.99, have come under scrutiny as users on Reddit have reported problems with the textured grips peeling off. This recurring issue suggests that it may be a common fault with Elite controllers rather than an isolated incident.
Xbox Elite controller users are encountering an unexpected issue where the high-end gamepad falls apart during gameplay. Despite its reputation as a quality device, Microsoft's Elite controllers have faced multiple problems resulting from frequent use, which is a significant drawback.
Although many regard the Xbox Elite as the ultimate controller, the concerns surrounding its subpar quality assurance are particularly concerning given its initial price of $179.99. Microsoft is likely aware of some of the reported issues, given that the Elite has undergone two iterations, with the Series 2 being the most recent version.
Xbox Elite controller user LordHelmetN7 recently shared on Reddit that their gamepad is experiencing significant wear and tear, specifically with the textured grips peeling off after use. This unfortunate issue does not seem to be isolated as other Elite users have also voiced similar grip problems in the thread. AdNo3558 suggests that the root cause lies in the users' sweat dissolving the adhesive that holds the grips in place, indicating that even a replacement controller would likely face the same fate.
One might assume that this issue only affects the older Series 1 Elite controllers, but that is not the case here. From the provided images, it is clear that LordHelmetN7's controller is the Elite Series 2 model, featuring RGB lighting and a redesigned trigger area. This means that Xbox's top-of-the-line controllers may potentially have a significant issue, which is unfortunate considering their high price and impressive features.
Although the Series 2 Xbox Elite controllers are less expensive than the Series 1 gamepads, they are still a significant investment that gamers likely want to keep for a long time. However, the community suggests that the device's advanced features lead to bigger quality assurance issues compared to the regular controllers. While there are not many differences between the Series 1 and 2 Xbox Elite controllers, some were hopeful that the new generation would overcome the shortcomings of its predecessor. Unfortunately, users themselves indicate that a Series 3 device may be necessary in the future.