Fujimoto's Unpredictable Twist: Pochita's Return in Chainsaw Man Chapter 150

Fujimoto's Unpredictable Twist: Pochita's Return in Chainsaw Man Chapter 150

Chainsaw Man chapter 150 shocks fans with a surprising return of Pochita, compelling protagonist Denji to confront his deepest desires The explanation behind Pochita's resurrection is revealed in this gripping installment

Chainsaw Man chapter 150, released on December 5, 2023, showcased Tatsuki Fujimoto's intriguing narrative decisions. While fan reactions have been mostly positive, the choices made in this latest installment have significant and telling implications for the future of the series.

One standout aspect of Chainsaw Man chapter 150 is the return of Pochita, making his part two debut. Fujimoto's trademark style is evident in the haunting context of Pochita's reappearance, symbolizing the culmination of Denji's character development thus far.

Chainsaw Man chapter 150 forces Denji to realize what he truly wants out of life via Pochita’s part 2 debut

Fans are astounded by Fujimoto's decision to reintroduce Pochita in Chainsaw Man chapter 150, sparking intense discussions on social media. Despite appearing excessive to some, it is undeniably one of Fujimoto's standout narrative decisions in the series' second part.

How Pochita came back, explained

Chapter 150 of Chainsaw Man began with Denji and Nayuta sneaking back to their apartment to check on their pets, having to take back routes and avoid being seen. This caused a delay in their return home.

While on their way, Denji confides in Pochita that he no longer needs to be Chainsaw Man and that he is living the happy, ordinary life they had always hoped for. As he says this, he accidentally steps on a crow, which transforms into Pochita when Denji looks back. Then, Denji transforms into his younger self and Pochita celebrates their dream coming true before asking Denji what he will dream of next.

In chapter 150 of Chainsaw Man, Pochita suggests to a confused Denji that he should dream of having many girlfriends or lots of money. However, Denji expresses his desire to continue being the Chainsaw Man in his next dream. This sets the stage for a return to reality, as Nayuta and Denji arrive home to discover that Barem Bridge and several other members of the Chainsaw Man Church have burned down their home, resulting in the death of their pets.

Fans are emphasizing how Fujimoto writes Pochita's return to Denji in a merciless way. Pochita's reappearance makes Denji realize that he never wanted his ordinary life and instead desires to be the hero of the series. Immediately after, the house representing his ordinary life is shown burning to the ground on the very next page, as if Pochita granted his wish.

The choice to use Pochita to convey the message in Chainsaw Man chapter 150 is clearly deliberate, as Pochita was instrumental in Denji achieving his first dream and now being able to pursue a second one. This marks the culmination of Denji’s character arc, as he has continued to talk about returning to his normal life after taking on his alter ego in the series’ initial stages.

This idea is reinforced by the fact that Denji reaches for his starter to fight Barem and the others, only to be confronted by Public Safety agents, led by Fumiko Mifune, who shoot at him. With Denji now fully embracing his role as Chainsaw Man without any ties to his previous ordinary life, it is clear that Fujimoto intended for Pochita to be the catalyst for this sudden and shocking shift in the narrative.

Be sure to keep up with all Chainsaw Man anime and manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the return of Pochita in Chainsaw Man chapter 150. On the one hand, I am excited to see Pochita again and learn more about his role in the story. On the other hand, I am worried about what this means for Denji's character development.

I think Fujimoto's decision to bring back Pochita is a bold one. It is clear that he is not afraid to take risks with his story, and I admire that. However, I am concerned that this twist could undermine Denji's growth as a character. Denji has come a long way since the beginning of the series, and he has finally found a sense of peace and happiness. I am worried that the return of Pochita could disrupt that and send him back to square one.

Overall, I am cautiously optimistic about the return of Pochita. I am excited to see what Fujimoto has in store for him, but I am also worried about the implications for Denji's character development. I will be keeping a close eye on the next few chapters to see how this storyline unfolds.