From New York to Paris: A Woman's Unexpected Journey to a New Home

From New York to Paris: A Woman's Unexpected Journey to a New Home

Initially planning to move to New York, Melissa Regan's life took an unexpected turn when she found herself studying in France. This twist of fate led her to permanently settle in the cosmopolitan city of Paris, where she now calls home.

While Melissa Regan was growing up in California, she dreamed of moving to New York, working in finance, and experiencing life in a bustling city.

However, her plans took an unexpected turn when she decided to study abroad in Vienna, Austria for a semester. This led to her "accidentally" finding herself studying in France in 1999.

As a result, Melissa Regan ended up permanently living in another big city - Paris.

“It was clearly my destiny to get here,” Regan tells CNN Travel. “But I can’t say that it was planned.”

‘Life-changing’ semester

Regan had been to Paris twice when she was younger, but France wasn't at the top of her list of favorite places.

However, everything changed during a semester she spent in the south of France. She fell in love with the French culture, and it completely transformed her perspective on life.

"In the United States, especially back then, when you meet someone for coffee, they might seem distracted. They could be thinking about their next meeting or event instead of focusing on the conversation.

On the other hand, in France, when you meet someone for coffee, it feels like time stands still. You can enjoy your coffee without feeling rushed, as if the world around you has paused for a moment."

On returning to the US, Regan signed up for an international MBA program that would allow her to spend an entire year in France.





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After graduating, Regan was offered an internship in Paris in 2022, giving her the chance to experience life in the French capital.

She was amazed by the opportunity and knew it would be foolish to let it slip away.

Regan was captivated by the vibrant culture of Paris, especially its restaurants and museums. She was amazed by the amount of fun one could have in the city.

Initially, she had planned to live and work in Paris for a year or two.

When Regan met and married a Frenchman named Julien in 2007, it seemed like her destiny was set in stone.

"I had been living in Paris for three years already," she explains. "I was really loving my life there and had a tight-knit group of friends."

“So it wasn’t even like I met him and it changed everything. But he became a major component of me no longer seeking to possibly go back to the States.”

Quality of life

The entrepreneur with husband Julien and their son Theodore and Jefferson.

Courtesy Melissa Regan

She and her husband went on to have two sons, Theodore and Jefferson.

Regan was greatly impressed by the exceptional care she received while giving birth. She mentioned that in the country, it is common for new mothers to stay in the hospital for a few days.

She considers herself fortunate to have raised her children in France because of the amazing quality of life there. Despite working very hard, she makes sure to be home for dinner with her family every night.

“We have school vacation every six weeks,” she explains. “So every six weeks, the kids are off from school for two or three weeks.

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“And in that time, it is culturally accepted that you take vacation. It’s normal.”

Regan explains that she believes her children are safer in France than in the US because there are fewer issues with guns.

She also mentions that children in France as young as 10 or 11 years old start going to school on their own, which is considered a normal part of the culture.

As a parent of young children, I find that the quality of life is much better. Regan has also discovered that France is more affordable for her family, even though Paris is considered one of the most expensive cities to live in globally.

She believes that the French healthcare system plays a significant role in this, as it offers universal coverage to all legal residents. According to her, having both a social system and private healthcare provided by companies helps alleviate stress compared to other systems.

Regan recently spent around five weeks in the US and she admits to being stunned by how much prices had increased.

International city

Regan with her sons at their apartment in Paris.

Melissa Regan shared her surprise at the rising prices of groceries, especially due to inflation. She mentioned that in Paris, there has been an increase in inflation as well, but not as significant as in other places.

Regan has been living in Paris for more than twenty years. However, it took her a while to feel truly at home in the city. "It took me about two years to fully embrace my life here," she shares. "And probably around eight years to really feel like Paris was my home."

"I can't imagine living my life anywhere else now."

Regan has watched Paris evolve over the years and believes that the city has become even more diverse and international with a growing number of foreigners.

"Twenty years ago, not speaking French made living here very difficult," she says, "but things have changed now."

Regan admits that even though she had taken intensive French courses before moving to France, it still took her some time to feel comfortable speaking the language.

She used to find big dinner parties challenging because she was usually the only English speaker.

But now, she believes things would be different since there are more people in the city who speak other languages.

"It's much easier now to relocate to Paris," she says.

Regan first arrived in France on a student visa. Later, she got a working visa and eventually married a French national. This made her eligible for a French residence permit called Carte de Sejour, which she renews every 10 years.

She is eligible for French citizenship at the moment, but she has not started the process yet.

"It's a big administrative job," she says. "And it seems like every year, I have had something else more important to focus on."

Regan currently manages a real estate agency in Paris that offers property services to clients from around the world.

She mentioned that she takes pride in the fact that they are able to assist people who are new to France. Many of these individuals find it challenging to navigate the slower administrative procedures in the country and seek guidance on identifying neighborhoods that are safe and suitable for foreigners.

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“I have a huge amount of faith that things work out the way they're always supposed to," says Regan.

Melissa Regan graciously shared her thoughts on the Netflix series "Emily in Paris." The show follows an American marketing executive who relocates to Paris for work. It has reignited interest in the city, inspiring fans to visit and immerse themselves in the experiences depicted on the show.

Regan acknowledges that the show may have brought in new visitors, but she emphasizes that Paris has always been a popular destination.

She recalls being in her twenties 25 years ago and shares that it was always her aspiration to visit Paris, even before the show "Emily in Paris" aired.

“So I think it’s probably opened that up to a larger audience that maybe didn’t necessarily have the opportunity to travel internationally previously.”

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"It's definitely a bit more formal here," she mentions. She explains that her Parisian friends typically pamper themselves with hair and nail treatments before traveling, but she prefers a more relaxed approach when returning to the US.

"I remove my nail polish and skip the makeup. It's a more laid-back vibe."

Regan, despite her strong ties to America, does not envision herself going back and believes she has found her rightful place.

"I truly feel content with where I am," she explains. "I have a deep belief that everything falls into place as it should."

The past 25 years have been quite a journey for me. It has been filled with amazing moments, as well as challenges. Personally, I feel very fortunate and grateful.

When asked if she now considers herself a Parisian, Regan admits she is not entirely sure if she can claim that title on her own. However, she does feel a strong connection to Paris and considers herself almost like a Parisian by choice.

Editor's P/S:

Melissa Regan's journey from California to Paris is a testament to the unexpected turns life can take. Her initial dream of a