From London to Lagos: A Solo Adventure in a Compact Car

From London to Lagos: A Solo Adventure in a Compact Car

Embark on a thrilling solo journey from London to Lagos, starting on January 24. Follow along as content creator Pelumi Nubi conquers challenges, receives a hero's welcome, and overcomes a terrifying car crash on the road to Nigeria's vibrant metropolis.

Pelumi Nubi, a content creator from London, embarked on a solo journey from the UK to Lagos, Nigeria in her purple Peugeot 107 on January 24.

After more than two months and a scary car accident, the 29-year-old was welcomed as a hero upon reaching Lagos, the largest city in West Africa. She traveled through approximately 17 countries, such as France, Morocco, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.

"It's been such an amazing journey, full of wonderful surprises," she shared in a statement just before finishing the epic adventure.

Nubi, who hails from Lagos, reveals that her dream has always been to demonstrate that traveling can be simple, secure, and achievable, especially for Black women who travel solo like herself.

Incredible adventure

The 29-year-old, who was born in Lagos, but grew up in London, was keen to connect the two places she considered as home.

The 29-year-old, who was born in Lagos, but grew up in London, was keen to connect the two places she considered as home.

The 29-year-old, who was born in Lagos, but grew up in London, was keen to connect the two places she considered as home.

Courtesy Pelumi Nubi

After learning about Kunle Adeyanju, a Nigerian man who cycled from London to Lagos, Nubi wondered if any Black women had made the journey by car but found no information on it.

This route held special significance for Nubi as she wanted to bridge the connection between the two places she called home.

"Each time I went home, I just kind of flew over these places," she tells CNN Travel. She explains that despite visiting around 80 countries, she hadn't really explored much in other parts of West Africa and was eager to see more.

Before, Nubi had gone on a road trip around Namibia in a 4x4 and traveled from Ghana to Lagos and back on public transport. However, her experience with overland travel was quite limited. In 2023, she decided to take a trip to Lake Como, Italy by car as a "trial run."

“This is a lot bigger in terms of cross continent travel,” she adds.

View this post on InstagramA post shared by Pelumi Nubi |Travel content creator (@pelumi.nubi)

Nubi decided to stick with her reliable car that she had owned for five years, even though 4x4’s are usually preferred for overland trips like the one to Lagos. She felt that since the trip was already expensive, it didn’t make sense to invest in a new vehicle.

"I thought, 'I already have a car, why should I buy another one that I'm not used to?' So, I just decided to go for it," she explains.

To make sure her car was ready for the 10,000-kilometer trip, Nubi customized it by installing a bed and a kitchen inside.

"It took me about a month to pack everything into my Peugeot 107," she explains.

After spending about a year getting ready for the journey, she started her trip from London at the end of January. Her first destinations were France, Spain, and then Morocco.

"When I entered Morocco, I couldn't help but cry," Nubi recalls. "But it wasn't because I was sad.

"It was just this incredible moment of realization - I had made the process seem much harder in my mind than it actually was. It made me question what else in my life I might be overthinking."

Frightening setback

Pelumi Nubi's beloved Peugeot 107, seen in Paris, France, was given the nickname

Pelumi Nubi's beloved Peugeot 107, seen in Paris, France, was given the nickname "Lumi."

Pelumi Nubi's beloved Peugeot 107, seen in Paris, France, was given the nickname "Lumi."

Courtesy Pelumi Nubi

Nubi drove through the Sahara Desert from Morocco, which is known as the largest hot desert in the world, to Mauritania. She shared that the experience was completely different from what she had expected.

"I thought it would just be sand dunes, but it turned out to be a whole town," she said. "Surprisingly, it ended up being one of the most amazing routes I have ever driven."

After reaching Mauritania, Nubi traveled to Senegal, followed by The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Ghana.

Throughout the journey, she faced various challenges, some more serious than others.

After being delayed at the border on entering the Ivory Coast, Nubi hit a parked truck while driving at night.

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"It was really scary," she recalls. "The truck was just stopped in the middle of the road without any hazard lights on. I ended up sliding right into it. I've never been in an accident before, so I was completely caught off guard by what had just happened."

Thankfully, she was unharmed in the accident, but her car suffered significant damage.

She thought about using another car to complete her journey, but in the end, Nubi chose to wait for her Peugueot, lovingly called 'Lumi,' to be fixed and to continue her travels with it.

“We shared a special bond,” she explains. “She has been there for me on my toughest days. I have cried in her and celebrated moments of joy with her.”

Nubi's journey to Lagos was delayed due to the accident and various border delays she encountered, including a 48-hour wait to enter Liberia.

She expressed, "The borders were more challenging than the accident. I am grateful that I did not get hurt in the accident, but dealing with the strict borders was truly disheartening due to the restricted movement within Africa."

After departing from the Ivory Coast, Nubi traveled to Togo and then Benin, finally reaching her destination in Lagos, Nigeria on April 7.

Nubi has had a great time on her exciting journey, but she does admit that there were moments when she felt lonely.

She explains, "Even though you meet new people, you still long for your mom's homemade meals and the comfort of your own bed."

Bigger picture

Nubi, seen in Kenya before undertaking her London to Lagos challenge, hopes that her travels will inspire us to pursue their dreams.

Nubi, seen in Kenya before undertaking her London to Lagos challenge, hopes that her travels will inspire us to pursue their dreams.

Nubi, seen in Kenya before undertaking her London to Lagos challenge, hopes that her travels will inspire us to pursue their dreams.

Courtesy Pelumi Nubi

Nubi has been sharing her journey on Instagram and YouTube, and she has been grateful for the overwhelming support she has received. She mentions that her online community has been a source of strength during difficult moments.

Reflecting on her solo trip, Nubi acknowledges that it has become more than just about her. After experiencing an accident, she felt compelled to continue her journey because of the many people who were rooting for her to succeed.

Nubi has been receiving messages from teachers about their students following her journey closely and parents sending supportive messages from their children.

Nubi, who partnered with American company Osprey early in the journey, expresses her gratitude for the incredible engagement with society and the people who have supported her. She describes the experience as filled with amazing memories that are priceless.

Nubi aims to shift the perception of West Africa on a global scale by shining a spotlight on the region. She was excited to highlight landmarks like the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace of Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast, known as the largest church in the world.

She believes that West Africa has the potential to become a popular holiday destination. It's not just about the weather and crowds, but also about changing the global narrative about the region.

In terms of her future plans, Nubi is considering a road trip from Lagos to South Africa. However, this time she is thinking of leaving her cherished car behind.

She mentions, "She will be enjoying herself to the fullest in Nigeria," and expresses her desire for Lumi to be placed in a "small museum" where it could possibly motivate future generations.

Nubi doesn't care much about being called the first Black solo female traveler to drive from London to Lagos. She believes in inspiring others rather than chasing titles. Her goal was to show people that the seemingly impossible journey from London to Lagos can be done.

Nubi is excited to reunite with her friends and family, who made the trip to Lagos to support her at the grand finale. She is also looking forward to celebrating in a stylish manner. The accolades she received are appreciated, but they do not fully capture the true significance of her accomplishments.

“I just proved to myself the strength I have within me,” she says. “So it’s a proud achievement personally.

“But I think it expands way past me, and that in itself is just so joyful.”

Editor's P/S:

Pelumi Nubi's courageous solo journey from London to Lagos, Nigeria, is an inspiring testament to the power of determination and the transformative nature of travel. Her account of the challenges she faced, particularly the frightening car accident, highlights the resilience and resourcefulness required to navigate unfamiliar territories. Nubi's choice to continue her journey despite the setbacks speaks to her unwavering spirit and the deep connection she felt with her mission.

Her journey is not merely a personal achievement but also a powerful symbol of empowerment for Black women and solo travelers. By breaking down stereotypes and proving that such an adventure is possible, Nubi challenges the perceived limitations and encourages others to pursue their dreams fearlessly. Her focus on showcasing the beauty and diversity of West Africa also contributes to a broader shift in global perceptions about the region. By embracing the local cultures and sharing her experiences, Nubi is helping to create a more inclusive and representative narrative of the world.