France’s Health Minister Denies Bedbug Invasion but Urges Vigilance – Find out Why!

France’s Health Minister Denies Bedbug Invasion but Urges Vigilance – Find out Why!

French health minister denies reports of a bedbug invasion in Paris, emphasizing the government's commitment to reassure and protect the public Measures to address the emerging issue will be intensified

The French health minister has reassured the public that there is no need for widespread panic, despite the reported increase in bedbugs in Paris. During an interview with French radio station France Inter, Aurelien Rousseau acknowledged the distressing nature of having bedbugs in one's home but emphasized that the situation does not signify an invasion.

According to the National Institute for the Study and Control of Bedbugs (INELP), bedbug infestation in France has reached a worse level compared to previous years. However, they also stated that it is treatable. INELP president, Marie Effroy, mentioned that bedbugs have been increasingly prevalent in France for the past two to three years, with peaks occurring during the summer. This year, the infestation has surpassed all previous records, with a significant increase in cases observed from late August to early September.

Effroy stated that there is a bedbug issue, accompanied by a prevailing sense of fear and anxiety due to people's awareness of the problem. Regarding the recent sightings, Effroy acknowledged that individuals often mistake other insects for bedbugs.

Measures to be strengthened

Earlier this week the French government vowed action to "reassure and protect" the public.

The French transport ministry has confirmed to CNN that transport minister Clement Beaune has scheduled a meeting on Wednesday to assess the situation and enhance measures in light of the reported increase in bedbug numbers. French transport operators assert their continued vigilance in addressing bedbug concerns, particularly after reports of sightings in public transportation.

RATP, the company in charge of the Paris metro system, informed CNN on Monday that they carefully consider and handle each reported sighting, and stated that "in recent days, no verified instances of bedbugs on our trains have been reported." Furthermore, RATP mentioned that a report was filed last Wednesday, but upon evaluation, no presence of bedbugs was discovered on the train.

The SNCF, a railway company that operates numerous trains in the country including the Eurostar, informed CNN that it regards reports of pests seriously. However, as of now, there have been no confirmed sightings or reports of bedbugs. Following the circulation of several videos showing bedbugs on public transportation and other public places like cinemas, officials in Paris and trade unions have urged the government to take action.

In an interview with French TV station LCI on Friday, Deputy Mayor of Paris Emmanuel Gregoire described the phenomenon as "extensive." He emphasized that no one is exempt from the problem, explaining that although there may be risk factors, bedbugs can be contracted and brought home from any location.

Emerging phenomenon

Three years ago, the French government launched an anti-bedbug campaign, which includes a dedicated website and an information hotline, as numbers of the insect surged.

However, Gregoire pointed out that the plan does not fully address the issue as "every day, 3.6 million individuals enter Paris, and bedbugs do not confine themselves to the city's outskirts." According to an expert from France's national health and sanitary organization, Anses, bedbug infestation is becoming a growing concern in France, as well as globally.

Johanna Fite, from the Anses department of risk assessment, stated that the main reason for the proliferation of bedbugs is the movement of people and population traveling, particularly when individuals stay in temporary accommodations and inadvertently bring back these pests in their suitcases or luggage. Fite also emphasized that the number of infestations is escalating due to bedbugs developing higher resistance to insecticides.

"We are noticing an increasing number of bedbug populations that have developed resistance, making it challenging to find a foolproof solution for their elimination," stated Fite.

French health minister, Aurelien Rousseau, also firmly rejected the notion that the surge in bedbugs is connected to immigration.

"Its got nothing to do with immigration, its related to movement, when you come back from abroad you might bring bedbugs back with you," he told radio station French Inter.

France’s Health Minister Denies Bedbug Invasion but Urges Vigilance – Find out Why!

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Meanwhile, the deputy mayor of Paris cautions against overreacting to the issue, highlighting the growing number of Parisians seeking information on bedbugs from their local town halls' information services.

"Professional companies specializing in residential areas report that the current rate of bedbug interventions is exceptionally high and escalating rapidly," he stated. Officials remain unconcerned despite this information, as Paris prepares to host the 2024 Olympic Games.

Gregoire reassured that the Olympic Games are not under any threat. He emphasized that bedbugs have been and will continue to exist, but regarded the games as a chance for collective action towards addressing the problem.