Fran Kirby's Inspiring Comeback: How Her Latest Injury Has Reignited her Passion, Despite Missing the World Cup

Fran Kirby's Inspiring Comeback: How Her Latest Injury Has Reignited her Passion, Despite Missing the World Cup

In an exclusive interview with Sky Sports, Fran Kirby shares her inspiring journey overcoming injury and missing the Women's World Cup The talented Chelsea and England midfielder discusses England's strong chances in the tournament and urges skeptics to give women's football a chance Discover her insights on the growth of the women's game and the team's hopes Down Under

The sight of Fran Kirby, Leah Williamson, and Beth Mead receiving a standing ovation in the Royal Box at Wimbledon's Centre Court earlier this month marked a joyful occasion. However, it also served as a reminder of what England is currently lacking in Australia, as these three players, who are sidelined with long-term knee injuries, were unable to join Sarina Wiegman's Lionesses on their journey.

"I've frequently encountered the other girls a great deal in the past few weeks!" Kirby shares with We at her residence, while she steadily pursues her rehabilitation with Chelsea.

"It's challenging for any player to miss a World Cup due to an injury - but that's the nature of the sport, that's football. We step onto the field every day and these injuries happen. It's a hurdle that I have developed greater mental strength in handling."

Williamson and Mead's injuries were significant, but the fact that Kirby experienced another setback due to his recurrent fatigue and illness issues in recent years is even more worrisome.

Fran Kirby's Inspiring Comeback: How Her Latest Injury Has Reignited her Passion, Despite Missing the World Cup


Fran Kirby at Wimbledon's Centre Court, where she went with fellow injured players Leah Williamson and Beth Mead

Kirby had expressed that if she endured another significant injury, she would contemplate her future in both club and international football. However, the Chelsea midfielder was granted a one-year contract extension by Emma Hayes and Chelsea recently, easing any thoughts of retirement as she gears up for a pre-season comeback.

"I have faced numerous health issues and injuries throughout my life, reaching a point where one can only endure so much. However, this specific injury has plagued me since the age of 13," Kirby explains.

"Undergoing surgery was a new experience for me, but realizing its success and the disappearance of the problem has revitalized me. If anything, it has instilled a new sense of energy within me."

Fran Kirby's Inspiring Comeback: How Her Latest Injury Has Reignited her Passion, Despite Missing the World Cup


Kirby hobbled out of Chelsea's victorious League Cup semi-final against West Ham earlier this year.

"This injury has actually improved my situation as I am now capable of doing things that were previously impossible due to the surgery. I feel much more optimistic about this injury than any previous ones."

When I mentioned the possibility of one more injury being a breaking point, it was something I genuinely meant and is a topic I often reflect upon in terms of managing my body during specific periods.

However, that concern is not currently occupying my thoughts. My main focus is on ensuring a successful pre-season and entering the upcoming season with a renewed sense of energy and readiness.

Kirby to women's football skeptics: 'Just try it!'

Fran Kirby's Inspiring Comeback: How Her Latest Injury Has Reignited her Passion, Despite Missing the World Cup


England are preparing for a World Cup without Kirby and Co

Prior to resuming her duties with Chelsea, Kirby is making arrangements to support her fellow Lionesses during the World Cup at a local pub. In collaboration with Just Eat, the Chelsea midfielder will be present at the 'Queen's Header' pub in east London to witness England's World Cup debut on Saturday morning, as they face Haiti. Notably, this pub will exclusively showcase women's football on their screens throughout the first week of the Women's World Cup.

Kirby has been informed about certain pubs that refuse to broadcast women's football, but she is thrilled that the World Cup can offer another chance to highlight the women's game.

"There is a growing movement in women's football, and it's much stronger than in previous years. The fact that pubs now show women's football and fans can join in the celebration is a remarkable change, especially considering it was unthinkable just a couple of years ago!

It provides a secure and welcoming environment for individuals to express themselves freely. It would be fantastic if more pubs embraced this concept. The social aspect and the opportunity to enjoy a full day of festivities are crucial. It is a chance for everyone to come together and commemorate the beginning of England's World Cup journey."

As for Kirby's message to those who remain doubtful about women's soccer? "Give it a shot! What's the harm in trying? Tune in to a match, and if it doesn't captivate you, simply switch it off."

There are numerous anecdotes about the opinions of older individuals, both men and women, who initially express disinterest in watching women's football but end up being pleasantly surprised when they witness the game firsthand. Stepping outside of one's comfort zone and disregarding the influence of others who claim not to enjoy it is key.

'England have every chance at this WC'

If the content does not appeal to you, then it may not be the right fit. Personally, I may not enjoy watching every sport on television, but I encourage you to experience the atmosphere yourself. We are not imposing it on you, but I encourage you to give it a try because you never know what you might discover.

How will England perform in this tournament, according to Kirby? Especially when considering the squad's long injury list, the uncertainty looms over their potential success.

In my opinion, with the talented squad England currently possesses, along with their wealth of experience and numerous achievements, they are more than capable of achieving greatness in this tournament. The pressure they will face is nothing unfamiliar to them.

The unpredictability of the World Cup is well-known, and we understand that anything can happen. While I would be thrilled if they were able to achieve success, I am also aware of the great challenges that come with reaching that level. The World Cup is full of surprises, and I am certain there will be unexpected results. I have a positive outlook and hope that the girls perform admirably. In fact, I reach out to them daily to inquire about their training progress and emotional well-being because their updates are important to me.

"I'm part of a small WhatsApp group that includes Jess Carter and Beth England. Sometimes I message them quite late at night, but I always make sure to check in on them and see how they're doing."

Fran Kirby, representing Just Eat, a proud partner of UEFA Women's Football, spoke to us about The Queen's Header, a unique British pub that exclusively showcases women's football matches and offers delicious breakfast options.