Florida priest allegedly bites woman in dispute over Communion bread incident

Florida priest allegedly bites woman in dispute over Communion bread incident

In a recent incident during a Mass in St. Cloud, a Florida priest is accused of biting a woman in a dispute over Communion bread. The priest reportedly claimed to be defending the Communion bread during the altercation, as detailed in the charging affidavit for the case.

A Florida priest, Father Fidel Rodriguez, is facing accusations of biting a woman while giving out Communion during a Mass in St. Cloud. The incident allegedly occurred as he tried to protect the Communion bread, as stated in the charging affidavit.

During a Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on May 19, Father Rodriguez initially refused to give the woman Communion bread. He informed her that she had not completed the necessary steps to receive the bread, according to the police report.

The Diocese of Orlando stated that Rodriguez blessed the woman during the 10 a.m. Mass and recommended that she go to Confession before receiving the Eucharist.

The woman shared with the police that she attended the noon Mass and informed the priest that she had completed the required steps, feeling accepted by God and ready to partake in communion.

According to the statement from the Diocese, the priest inquired if the woman had been to Confession, but she replied that it was not his concern.

The woman informed the police that Rodriguez got angry and attempted to force the Communion bread into her mouth. She then tried to take another piece of bread from the priest, who then grabbed her arm and bit her, as stated in the affidavit.

The Diocese's statement on the incident reported that Father Rodriguez offered Holy Communion to the woman on the tongue. However, the woman forcefully grabbed some sacred Communion hosts from the vessel, crushing them.

With only one hand free, Father Rodriguez found it difficult to restrain the woman as she refused to release the hosts. In response to her pushing him and perceiving it as an act of aggression, Father Rodriguez bit her hand in an attempt to make her let go of the hosts she had taken.

The woman was asked to leave, according to the Diocese, which added the priest had not met her before.

Bryan Hagerich is seen in an undated photo.

Bryan Hagerich is seen in an undated photo.

Bryan Hagerich is seen in an undated photo.

From Hagerich Family/WPXI

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The priest explained to the police officer that the woman had pushed him and refused to release the communion tray. He felt biting her arm was the only way to get her to let go, as mentioned in the affidavit.

According to the Diocese, in the Catholic Tradition, the Eucharist is seen as the most important aspect of worship and faith. Taking part in Holy Communion requires a deep understanding, respect, and devotion.

The statement clarifies that requesting this item is not a simple request and should not be dismissed as just a "cookie" as mentioned by the complainant.

According to the affidavit, the woman declined medical assistance and law enforcement officers took photos of the bite mark.

St. Cloud Police have sent the summary of events affidavit to the State Attorney’s Office for review.

The Ninth Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office informed CNN that they have received the case and are currently reviewing it to decide on the next steps.

Editor's P/S:

The accusations against Father Fidel Rodriguez are deeply concerning and raise questions about the appropriate behavior of religious leaders. While it is understandable that the priest may have