Florida Georgia Line's Brian Kelley Reflects on Band Breakup: Insights from 'Viall Files' Podcast

Florida Georgia Line's Brian Kelley Reflects on Band Breakup: Insights from 'Viall Files' Podcast

Explore Brian Kelley's perspective on the Florida Georgia Line breakup after 13 years of musical collaboration with Tyler Hubbard. Gain insights from their journey into solo projects in 2022 as shared on the 'Viall Files' podcast.

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Robert Bell/INSTARimages

Brian Kelley is talking about his decision to leave Florida Georgia Line, the country music duo he was part of with Tyler Hubbard, to focus on their respective solo projects.

During the May 23 episode of “The Viall Files” podcast, Kelley, 38, shared that he enjoyed being in a duo and being part of a team, drawing from his background in playing baseball and other sports. However, he expressed that unfortunately, their time with Florida Georgia Line came to an end.

Kelley and Hubbard, both 37, first crossed paths during their final year at Belmont University in Nashville. Their shared passion for music led them to start collaborating on songwriting projects.

“We unintentionally formed a duo. It was a journey that lasted around 12-13 years. Now, we are going back to our roots as individual artists, each pursuing our own solo aspirations,” Kelley explained during a chat with podcast host Nick Viall. “It feels like a fresh start for us, but I have gained valuable insights over the years in the music industry, understanding publishing deals, navigating the business world, and developing leadership skills.”

Kelley and Hubbard made the decision in 2022 to take a break from FGL in order to pursue their own interests. Although Kelley initially suggested the hiatus, he did not intend to permanently leave the group.

Kelley explained, "I wanted to continue pushing boundaries with FGL and envisioning our future success for the next decade. It was important for me to continue blazing a trail while also honoring my own voice and songwriting. My goal was to have the opportunity to explore both avenues without completely walking away from FGL. It was never about me leaving for good."

Keep scrolling for more of Kelley’s thoughts about the end of Florida Georgia Line and what he thinks about Hubbard’s solo career:

Why Brian Decided to ‘Initiate’ Breakup Talks

Kelley addressed the rumors about him going solo by explaining that he carefully planned his next move. He wanted to continue moving forward with a new idea that would allow him to use songs that didn't quite fit with FGL's sound. Instead of letting these songs go to waste, he wanted to share them with fans during live performances.

He emphasized that his decision was not impulsive or driven by a desire to leave the band. Kelley wanted to showcase a mix of his own songs, along with FGL's hits, during a three-hour live set. This concept of blending their music was a way for him to express his creativity and connect with fans on a deeper level.

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley of Florida Georgia Line perform during day 3 of the 2022 Boots And Hearts Music Festival Jeremy Chan/Getty Images

Brian's View on Tyler's Lack of Interest in the Plan

Kelley claimed that Tyler "wasn't interested" in continuing the plan. He mentioned that both of them are very busy, with Tyler releasing a record just before him. Kelley acknowledged that they have both been working hard, with Tyler being on the road and him working on new projects. Despite Tyler's lack of interest, Kelley wished him well and expressed his happiness for Tyler's success.

Tyler's Quick Release of Solo Records

Tyler Hubbard wasted no time in releasing his solo record in January 2023, following the success of several single tracks on the radio. Just a year later, Kelley released his solo album, Tennessee Truth, in May 2024.

Kelley shared that he was not the first one to release solo music, but in 2016, he started discussions about exploring different creative opportunities. He believed that having multiple outlets would lead to more creativity. Working with his brother made him want success for both of them, as well as everyone involved. Moving to Nashville to pursue songwriting, Kelley felt the need for an additional platform to share more songs, regardless of their popularity.

Kelley emphasized that writing songs is his passion and something he is deeply devoted to.

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Brian Kelley Never Wanted to End Florida Georgia Line for Good

Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley perform their final concert John Shearer/Getty Images

Reason for Brian's Decision to Inform Fans about Leaving the Band

Brian explained that he felt it was necessary to clarify misunderstandings and provide a timeline of events regarding his departure from the band. He wanted to share his perspective and truth on the matter. His main motivation was to show respect to the fans, himself, and those who were aware of the actual situation. Although it took him some time to speak up, he believed it was worth the wait. Trusting his instincts, he felt that the timing was just right to address the issue.

How Brittney Kelley Supported Brian During Group Disbandment

Brian shared how his wife Brittney has been by his side through the ups and downs of life and their marriage. They faced many changes together in the past few years, but Brittney always reassured him saying, "Babe, I got your back." They prayed together, sought help from a mental health coach, and worked on themselves as a team. In times of uncertainty, they focused on self-improvement and finding new opportunities. They spent quality time together discussing and planning for the future, always encouraging each other with the belief that they can overcome any challenges.

Brian shared that he and Brittney, who is 34 years old, put in a lot of effort to navigate challenges in a mature and healthy way. According to him, they worked hard and stayed positive while facing obstacles. He mentioned this during a podcast with host Viall, who is 43 years old. Brian emphasized the importance of handling situations calmly and maturely without unnecessary drama. He expressed pride in their ability to respond positively to difficulties and stay true to themselves, with faith in God and support from their fans.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an insightful look into Brian Kelley's decision to leave Florida Georgia Line and pursue a solo career. Kelley's passion for music and desire to explore new creative avenues are evident throughout the article. He acknowledges the successful journey he shared with Tyler Hubbard but emphasizes the need for personal growth and the exploration of his own unique voice. Kelley's thoughtful approach to his career and his willingness to share his perspective demonstrate his respect for both himself and his fans.

Furthermore, the article highlights the importance of support and collaboration in navigating life's challenges. Kelley's wife, Brittney, played a crucial role in providing emotional support and encouragement during his transition. Their ability to work together as a team and seek professional guidance demonstrates their commitment to personal growth and well-being. Their mature and positive approach to adversity serves as an inspiration for others facing similar challenges.