Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: The Enigmatic Frog Quest Guide

Embark on the peculiar journey of the Enigmatic Frog Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, a whimsical side quest that will intrigue fans with its bizarre twists and turns. Dive into this must-play adventure for those who seek the peculiar and the unexpected in the world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Calling All Frogs is a unique side quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It involves Cloud and the gang discovering an area that turns them into frogs, reminiscent of the Frog status effect from the original PS1 game. The quest includes a battle in frog form and a Total Wipeout-style mini-game for Cloud to participate in.
While Calling All Frogs may seem strange and a bit challenging, there is a trick to mastering both the frog battle and mini-game. This will help players complete the side quest with ease. Although the rewards may not be significant, the quest's distinctiveness makes it a must-play for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth enthusiasts.
How to Complete the Calling All Frogs Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-noticeboard - How to Complete the Calling All Frogs Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
To start the Calling All Frogs side quest, players should visit the Community Noticeboard in Under Junon. Next, they should make their way to the lower part of the settlement and follow the waterfront to reach the quest destination. Once there, players will watch a cutscene or two before finding themselves transformed into frog form. Their objective will be to defeat a group of Capparwires in order to move forward.
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-leapfrog - Unfortunately, players aren't able to deal very much damage using their regular attacks, which can at first make this feel like a losing battle
Players may find themselves struggling to deal substantial damage with their regular attacks in battle. However, by filling up their ATB gauge, they can unleash the powerful Leapfrog ability from the command menu. This devastating attack is capable of dealing significant damage and wiping out most enemies with a single hit.
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-jumpfrog - After defeating all of the enemies, players should return to Finn, who'll invite Cloud to play a new Final Fantasy mini-game called Jumpfrog
Players should head back to Finn after defeating all the enemies. Finn will then introduce Cloud to a fun new Final Fantasy mini-game called Jumpfrog. In this game, the goal is to dodge the spinning beams and try to stay on the platform for as long as you can. As time passes, parts of the ground will disappear and the beams will speed up. However, players only need to remain on the platform for 30 seconds to finish the quest.
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-jumpfrog-game - The best way to achieve this is to avoid moving around too much, as staying in one spot makes it much easier to pre-empt when the beams are going to be passing by
To increase your chances of success, try to limit your movements. By staying in one spot, you can better anticipate when the beams will come your way. Just be mindful that both beams do not intersect at the same time. With some strategic planning, you can easily avoid this potential challenge.
final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-rewards - Once players have survived for 30 seconds and achieved Rank I, they can exit the mini-game and speak to Finn once more, which results in the player completing the Calling All Frogs side quest
After surviving for 30 seconds and reaching Rank I, players can leave the mini-game and talk to Finn again. This will complete the Calling All Frogs side quest. As a reward, players will get Jumpfrog prizes, 10 Party EXP, 500 EXP, and a better relationship with Tifa.
Editor's P/S:
The Calling All Frogs side quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers a refreshing and unique departure from the game's main storyline. It brings a sense of whimsy and humor, injecting a lighthearted element into the overall narrative. The quest's inclusion of a boss battle and a mini-game adds an engaging layer of gameplay, further enhancing its appeal.
While the rewards for completing the quest may not be substantial, the true value lies in its distinct and memorable experience. The quest's emphasis on strategy and perseverance in both the frog battle and the Jumpfrog mini-game provides a satisfying challenge for players. Moreover, the reward of strengthening the relationship with Tifa adds an emotional incentive to complete the quest, making it a worthwhile endeavor for fans of the series.