Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Locating Chocobo (Piko Location Guide)

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Locating Chocobo (Piko Location Guide)

Discovering the elusive Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be a challenging task for players. This comprehensive guide provides essential tips and tricks to simplify the search for this iconic creature.

After finishing the action-packed first chapter of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players will have a chance to explore Kalm and catch their breath. However, they will soon need to venture into the Grasslands. As players journey through the wilderness, they must find a safe place to rest.

The first step is to visit the man recommended by the innkeeper, but he will apologize for not having space. He will suggest that Cloud and his friends seek refuge in the swamps, but crossing without a Chocobo is impossible. Therefore, players must make their way to the Chocobo Farm. Locating the Chocobo Farm is straightforward; the real challenge lies in acquiring a Chocobo for free. In this guide, players will discover how to obtain a Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Where Can You Find Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

When you chat with Billy at the Chocobo Farm, he will first mention a pricey Chocobo. But since you might not have enough gil, he'll offer another option.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Where To Find Piko The Chocobo - Billy will ask you to get ahold of Pico, a Chocobo who ran away

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Where To Find Piko The Chocobo - Billy will ask you to get ahold of Pico, a Chocobo who ran away

Billy needs your help to find his runaway Chocobo, Pico. He mentions that you can keep the Chocobo if you successfully catch him. Before you go, make sure to talk to Chloe to get the bait needed. Once you've spoken with Chloe, head outside to begin the search for the Chocobo.

Leave the farm and go right

Follow the Chocobo tracks. Don't stray from the path, and keep going until you see a windmill on the right side

Go toward the windmill, and you will see some Chocobo below

Make your way down, and Cloud will confirm that Piko is in sight

How To Obtain Chocobo In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Getting the Chocobo is only the first step. The next part is a bit more challenging, as you must capture Piko without being seen. To succeed in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players must hide in the tall grass to avoid detection by the Chocobos. This task requires concentration and a little bit of patience.

Move towards the patch in front of the first Chocobo while it's not looking. If it sees you, quickly roll into the patch.

Wait for both the first and second Chocobos to face away, then move towards the next patch.

Once you reach the next area, wait for the second Chocobo to look away. Then go to the patch in front of Piko

Here, you will find several rocks. Pick one up and throw it to distract Piko.

While he is distracted, quietly approach him and press the Triangle button.

With this, players will get their first Chocobo

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How To Get Chocobo - The Chocobo won't run away immediately after spotting you

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How To Get Chocobo - The Chocobo won't run away immediately after spotting you

The Chocobo will not run away right away when it sees you. They have a bar that needs to be filled for the mission to be unsuccessful. Therefore, you can improve the situation by hiding in the grass for a bit.

After the cutscene, return to the farm and complete the rest of the sequence to get the Chocobo Whistle and Piko.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a clear and comprehensive guide on how to obtain a Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, making it a valuable resource for players. The step-by-step instructions are easy to follow, and the inclusion of screenshots and detailed explanations enhances the player's understanding of the process. The article also addresses potential challenges, such as avoiding detection by Chocobos, and offers practical tips to overcome them. Overall, the article serves as an excellent reference for players seeking to acquire a Chocobo in the game.

However, one potential improvement could be to include additional details about the benefits and uses of having a Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This would provide players with a better understanding of the value of completing the task and encourage them to engage with the content.