Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Gameplay Duration Guide

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Gameplay Duration Guide

Discover the extensive world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and explore the different playstyles that can dictate your gameplay duration. Unravel the mysteries of this massive game and plan your adventure accordingly!

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers seven regions for players to explore, sparking curiosity about the total gameplay time.

The game, a standout in 2024, includes 14 chapters, each requiring a few hours to complete. This provides players with a rough estimate of the time needed to finish the game. However, for a more detailed breakdown of playtime, read on.

How Long Does It Take To Beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Main Campaign

final fantasy 7 rebirth how long to beat 2 - How Long Does It Take To Beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Main Campaign

final fantasy 7 rebirth how long to beat 2 - How Long Does It Take To Beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Main Campaign

On average, it takes around 40 hours to complete the main campaign of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. If players are solely focusing on the main story, some encounters in the game can be quite challenging. For example, the first boss fight with Midgardsormr in the Grasslands region can be especially tough if players rush into it without completing side quests along the way.

How Long Does It Take To 100% Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

For most players, it will take slightly longer to complete the game, around 50-60 hours. This estimate includes completing a few World Intel side missions. Keep in mind that this does not take into account additional activities like Queen's Blood or various side quests from NPCs.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers a treasure trove of content for completionists, providing players with many hours of gameplay beyond the main story. Those who aim to finish every side quest and thoroughly explore the vast world of the game can easily spend over 100 hours immersed in the experience.

The total gameplay time can vary depending on whether players seek guidance for finding hidden treasures or prefer to discover everything on their own. Moreover, players may need to revisit certain parts of the game to engage in romantic encounters with all available characters. Fortunately, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth allows for this flexibility, saving players from having to replay the entire game.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the expected gameplay time for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, offering valuable insights for eager fans. The estimate of around 40 hours for completing the main campaign aligns with the typical duration of modern RPGs, while the additional 20 hours for 100% completion reflects the