Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Finding Allies and Mastering Junon Parade

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Finding Allies and Mastering Junon Parade

Embark on a quest to locate your lost comrades and excel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to attain top scores. Uncover the secrets of Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth presents various challenges, with some involving quick-time events (QTEs) that you must pass. However, before facing these challenges, you must first locate your troops. This guide focuses on the Junon Parade and the Midgar 7th Infantry in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

If you're looking for information on the Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you've come to the right place. This guide will help you navigate through the game and find the locations of the Midgar 7th Infantry.

Which Junon Parade formations to choose

Junon Parade minigame tips and rewards

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade guide

In Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Era, the objective is to locate the Midgar 7th Infantry. Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith sneak into Larboard Junon by wearing Shinra uniforms. However, they face a dilemma as Cloud needs to find other troopers to lead their formation in a parade.

Midgar 7th Infantry locations

Here is a map showing the locations of the Midgar 7th Infantry in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. When Cloud talks to these soldiers, they will immediately line up in formation.

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Just find five squads to start the Junon Parade minigame. There are actually 10 troopers in total, so it's a good idea to find all of them to unlock more options for later.

As you walk along the left-hand side, you'll notice Barret in a navy uniform. He's fairly close to this spot.

On the right-hand side of the main street, you'll see soldiers taking pictures in front of a Rufus Shinra standee.

Inside the Full Arsenal weapons shop.

Inside the Cecilia's of Junon item shop.

Follow Rude inside the Glabrescent Bar. Before a scuffle ensues, the bald troops join the formation, too.

Head to the third floor of the Shopping Center (i.e. the Maghnata Folio shop).

The second-floor office of the Barracks.

The third-floor office of the Barracks.

Check the storeroom/basement of the Larboard Garrison building.

Inside the Le Sourire bar.

Choosing Junon Parade Formations

If you gather all Midgar 7th Infantry troops, you will unlock additional formations for the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Junon Parade minigame. Remember to create a manual save before speaking to the Commander.

Then, when asked to pick your squads, we recommend selecting 2x Grenadiers, 2x Riot Troopers, and 1x Flametroopers. This gives you the following formations:

Ramuh Formation

Shiva Formation

Bahamut Formation

Tougher formations mean more QTE button presses. But if you're successful, you can also get a higher score.

Tougher formations mean more QTE button presses. But if you're successful, you can also get a higher score.

Tougher formations mean more QTE button presses. But if you're successful, you can also get a higher score.

Junon Parade minigame tips and rewards

The Junon Parade minigame involves multiple QTEs where you need to press the correct buttons (i.e. Square, Triangle, X, and Circle) based on the colors:

Red - A single press will do just as the symbol glows.

Yellow - Rapidly tap the button.

Hold down the button while the symbol glows, and let go when the line reaches the next symbol. The camera moves around a lot, so it's easy to make mistakes. The formations for Ramuh, Shiva, and Bahamut are quite challenging with a 3-star difficulty rating. However, these challenges are definitely worth trying because the more buttons you press correctly, the higher your score will be.

If you think you've made too many mistakes, don't worry! You can simply restart. This will take you back to right before you spoke to the Commander. Just fast forward through the cutscenes and get ready for the QTE sequences again.

It's okay to restart the whole thing if you make mistakes.

It's okay to restart the whole thing if you make mistakes.

If you reach a score of 100,000 points or higher, you will receive the Outstanding Performance Award. This award comes with the "Stealing the Show" trophy. Remember, it's okay to start over if you make mistakes.

You'll get twice the bonus relationship/affinity with Tifa and Aerith. It's crucial to achieve a high score to not miss out on the double bonus. Check out our romance and relationships guide for more information.

That wraps up our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade guide. We wish you the best of luck in completing this challenge successfully.

A grand adventure awaits you in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. We've got all the tips and strategies for you in our FF7 Rebirth guides hub.

Editor's P/S:

This article is a comprehensive guide to the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade. It provides clear instructions on locating the Midgar 7th Infantry and choosing the best Junon Parade formations. The guide also includes detailed tips for completing the Junon Parade minigame and maximizing your score.

Overall, this article is a valuable resource for players who want to complete this challenging section of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The clear instructions and helpful tips will make it much easier to succeed in the Midgar 7th Infantry and Junon Parade.