Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Choosing Between Aerith and Barret or Tifa and Red XIII

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Choosing Between Aerith and Barret or Tifa and Red XIII

Explore the pivotal decision in Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth where players must decide between assisting Aerith and Barret or supporting Tifa and Red XIII. Uncover the impact of this choice on the game's narrative and gameplay dynamics.

Games in which players can change the story based on their decisions weren't very popular when Final Fantasy 7 was being created in the mid-nineties. However, nowadays, it's common for players to have this feature in games, including in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

In the game's sixth chapter, Fool's Paradise, players are faced with a choice. They must decide whether to help Tifa and Barret or Aerith and Red XIII on the beach in Costa del Sol. The game doesn't give any hints about how this choice will impact the story. If you're unsure about who to choose, this guide will discuss the different outcomes and recommend the best option for you.

Choosing Your Team in Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

When it comes to choosing between Aerith and Red XIII or Tifa and Barret on the beach in Chapter 6 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the decision may not seem crucial in the big picture. However, there are consequences to consider, both short-term and long-term. In the short term, the pair not selected will be unavailable for an upcoming boss battle. Looking ahead, Cloud's bond with the chosen characters will strengthen, increasing the likelihood of going on a date with them at the Gold Saucer in the future.

While these two outcomes may appear significant initially, they are actually not very important in the end. This is because the two party members who join Cloud in the upcoming boss fight are quickly taken out of the battle, leaving Cloud to handle the fight alone. As for building better relationships, players have many opportunities to strengthen Cloud's bond with other party members. So, missing out on just one of them shouldn't make a big difference as long as players take advantage of other chances they have.

Editor's P/S:

The article presents a detailed analysis of a crucial choice in "Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth" and its potential ramifications. While it initially suggests that the decision carries significant weight, the author ultimately concludes that the consequences are relatively minor. This revelation highlights the complexity of game design, where choices are carefully crafted to provide a sense of impact without hindering the overall narrative or gameplay.

Personally, the article's insights resonate with my own experiences with narrative-driven games. The allure of player agency and the ability to shape the story can be captivating, but it's important to strike a balance between meaningful choices and the preservation of the game's intended narrative arc. By acknowledging the limited impact of the decision in "Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth," the article reinforces the notion that player choice can be a valuable tool to enhance immersion without compromising the core gameplay.