Final Fantasy 16: Unleashing an Epic Wave of Monsters in Future Updates & DLC

Discover the missing foes in Final Fantasy 16! While the game features iconic adversaries, there are several intriguing omissions Unleash chaos with the quirky Cactuar, beware the lethal Tonberry, encounter the enigmatic Sin Eaters, face the fearsome Catoblepas, tackle the treacherous Magic Pots, confront the duo of Ultros & Typhon, and prepare for the mind-altering powers of the Mindflayer
When it comes to memorable and iconic monster designs in gaming, the Final Fantasy series truly stands out. Spanning across numerous mainline and spin-off games, including the highly anticipated Final Fantasy 16, these games have introduced a vast array of monsters, demons, ghosts, and other fascinating entities.
The monsters that players hold dear vary greatly depending on the FF game they grew up with. So, let's explore some of these iconic creatures that are absent from the latest installment, Final Fantasy 16, with the hope that they may be added in future content updates, events, or DLC expansions.
Slight Final Fantasy 16 spoilers ahead as to what enemies do not show up at any point in the game.
7 Cactuar
Starting off with the one that crossed every Final Fantasy fan's mind – the Cactuar. The Cactuar has made appearances in almost all Final Fantasy installments since their debut in Final Fantasy VI. Therefore, it would make sense for them to make an appearance in FF16 as well. Despite Clive's Game of Throne-like world and its darker storyline, it doesn't mean that the more comical monsters are out of the equation.
6 Tonberry
could be observed throughout Final Fantasy 16, appearing in various locations. Even though they may not possess their signature silliness, Chocobos remain a common sight. Additionally, within Cid's Hideaway, one can find a Moogle named Nektar the Bold. It would be intriguing to witness how an action role-playing game (ARPG) approach to a Final Fantasy game tackles a battle against a Cactuar, considering their expertise in evasion and defense. Moreover, the inclusion of the formidable Gigantaur, unleashing its infamous '1000 Needles' attack, would add an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay experience, particularly when facing off against Clive.
Tonberry, these adorable mini psychopaths from slasher films, have achieved an iconic status in the gaming realm. Final Fantasy enthusiasts instantly recognize them, just like Cactuar, Moogles, and Chocobo. Memories of underestimating these little creatures, as they creep slowly towards the party, are etched in the minds of those who played earlier installments like FFV, FFVI, or FFVII. The devastating blow they deliver in a single attack, obliterating a party member, remains a traumatic experience.
If they were to make an appearance in Final Fantasy 16, it would be intriguing to witness how the Tonberry, known for its multiple one-hit knockout attacks, would be handled in a more character-action-style game. For instance, they could introduce a mechanic where players have the opportunity to defeat the Tonberry during a single Staggered phase while it is downed. However, there is a catch. If Clive fails to eliminate the Tonberry before its Will refills, the Tonberry could retaliate with a variation of 'Everyone's Grudge,' causing immediate damage to him based on factors such as the number of hits he has inflicted or the number of enemies he has slain thus far in the game.
5 Sin Eaters
This extraordinary creature, despite its limited feasibility, would undoubtedly captivate the hearts of FF14 fans if reimagined within the realm of Final Fantasy 16, boasting enhanced graphical capabilities. However, the introduction of mimic-like beings known as Sin Eaters into Final Fantasy 16's narrative would prove challenging due to their intricate connection to FF14's storyline. This immensely popular MMORPG consistently explores the dichotomy of light and dark, wherein the Shadowbringers expansion delves even deeper by introducing the enigmatic Sin Eaters.
However, FF16 already has elements reminiscent of an excess of light or dark energy with ideas like 'going Akashic' suggesting that an abundance of aether can lead to significant alterations or metamorphoses. Hence, the developers have valid grounds to incorporate Sin Eaters or a comparable creature into the game.
4 Catoblepas
Many monsters on this list have withstood the test of time, originating from earlier Final Fantasy games and making frequent appearances in future games either as tributes or due to their iconic status. The Catoblepas stands out as a relatively recent addition to the Final Fantasy franchise, debuting only in the latest mainline game, Final Fantasy 15. While it may seem new, its design is undoubtedly inspired by and pays homage to the summon of the same name in Final Fantasy V.
3 Magic Pots
: These creatures are included in FF16 not only because of their imposing size and unique appearance, but also because they promise to provide an exhilarating combat experience. With their towering stature, lengthy necks, and powerful stomp attacks, they possess skills that will undoubtedly challenge both novice and experienced ARPG players.
In Final Fantasy 16, Ability Points hold immense importance as they serve as the primary currency for Clive's expansive range of abilities throughout his lengthy and captivating journey. To unlock and truly master the abilities of each Eikon he encounters, players must accumulate a substantial number of Ability Points. Introducing Magic Pots into the game would be a brilliant strategy by the developers to aid players who diligently explore every nook and cranny of the vast maps. These enchanting creatures have a longstanding presence in the Final Fantasy series, offering players the opportunity to gain significant job experience, level experience, or even rare items. Of course, players must fulfill the Magic Pot's requirements in order to reap these valuable rewards.
This concept would be highly effective in an ARPG like FF16. If Clive happens to encounter one of these creatures, the Magic Pot could prompt him to execute a specific combo or achieve a certain damage threshold within a designated time limit. By successfully completing these challenges, players who discover the Magic Pot will be rewarded with a substantial amount of Ability Points, allowing them to level up their skills at a faster pace. Furthermore, fans of the game's Devil May Cry-esque combat will have the opportunity to engage in a mini Bloody Tower-style challenge. This implementation would greatly enhance repeat playthroughs or NG+ in 'Final Fantasy mode,' alleviating the tedium of grinding for Ability Points.
2 Ultros & Typhon
Despite the presence of peculiar creatures in Final Fantasy, the task of seamlessly integrating Ultros (sometimes known as Orthros) into the FF16 universe would pose considerable challenges, which is precisely why they should attempt it. For those unacquainted with this recurring monster, Ultros is a wriggling collection of purple tentacles and menacing teeth that has made appearances in numerous FF games. Interestingly, he is often relatively easy to vanquish and heavily relies on his companion Typhon (who would also make an appearance). However, Ultros is adored by fans for his delightfully cheesy jokes and inappropriate remarks directed towards female party members.
There's no real combat-based reason to include Ultros as one of Clive's many Bounty Hunts in Final Fantasy 16 as he hasn't posed much of a threat in combat. However, it would still be amusing to witness how Clive handles Ultros' jokes, considering his serious demeanor. Additionally, it would be intriguing to observe how Jill responds to Ultros' inappropriate advances, especially given her typically composed and calm nature.
1 Mindflayer
Now, we turn our focus to the ultimate adversary, an entity that has existed long before the inception of Final Fantasy – the Mindflayer. Dating back to the early era of Dungeons and Dragons, these aberrant terrors have inspired numerous video games, each with their unique take on these otherworldly beings.
Content: Mindflayers in the Final Fantasy series are often portrayed as fearsome wizards that utilize their powerful 'Mind Blast' ability to immobilize their enemies. In Final Fantasy 15, these creatures were exceptionally challenging and more menacing. It would be fascinating to observe how Final Fantasy 16 tackles the depiction of Mindflayers, taking into account the game's overall difficulty. Now, Final Fantasy 16 can be experienced on the PS5.