FIFA Considers Suspension of Israel Football Association: Legal Advice to be Sought

FIFA Considers Suspension of Israel Football Association: Legal Advice to be Sought

In an upcoming special council meeting, FIFA is set to deliberate on the potential suspension of the Israel Football Association (IFA) from international competitions. President Gianni Infantino announced this development during a congress event in Bangkok, Thailand, indicating a significant decision on the horizon.

FIFA president Gianni Infantino announced during a congress in Bangkok, Thailand that a special council meeting will be held within the next two months. The purpose of the meeting is to decide whether the Israel Football Association (IFA) will be suspended from international competition.

The Palestinian Football Association (PFA) had previously requested a vote to ban Israel from FIFA. This request came after accusations that the IFA had breached FIFA rules during the conflict in Gaza.

"FIFA will now use independent legal experts to review the three requests from the Palestinian Football Association. This is to make sure that FIFA's rules are followed correctly," Infantino explained.

"Both member associations will have a chance to share their opinions and claims during this legal assessment. This is to ensure that the process is fair and just," he added.

Infantino mentioned that the findings and suggestions will be shared with all FIFA Council members before a special meeting is held before July 20. This meeting will address the PFA's request to suspend Israel from international matches.

Before Infantino's statement, PFA President Jibril Rajoub had urged FIFA to take prompt action.

Today, the Palestinian people, along with the Palestinian football community, are facing a severe humanitarian crisis. Rajoub expressed concern about the ongoing crisis in Gaza, referring to it as a live televised genocide.

He urged everyone to take action and make a difference by voting and standing on the right side of history. Rajoub emphasized the urgent need to address the suffering of millions, including thousands of football players. He called on the President to act now, stating that the responsibility lies in his hands.

Israeli FA president Shino Moshe Zuares addresses the FIFA congress.

Israeli FA president Shino Moshe Zuares addresses the FIFA congress.

Israeli FA president Shino Moshe Zuares addresses the FIFA congress.

Manan Vatsyayana/AFP/Getty Images

Rajoub went on to call for FIFA “to temporarily suspend the IFA as a member of FIFA with immediate effect.”

Jordan Football Association general secretary Samar Nassar expressed her support for Rajoub, emphasizing that the focus should be on taking a vote rather than discussing the human tragedy. She highlighted the importance of FIFA's decision and its potential impact on the world.

Nassar also pointed out FIFA's past decisions to ban countries like Yugoslavia, Russia, and South Africa for extended periods of time, stating that FIFA has a history of standing on the right side of history. She emphasized the need for action to be taken in the present situation.

Reacting to the calls for the IFA’s ban, the association’s President Shino Moshe Zuares expressed his belief that football plays a crucial role in bringing people together and promoting healing. He criticized the Palestinian Association for their attempt to harm Israeli football, calling it cynical and political.

Zuares emphasized that the IFA has always followed the rules set by FIFA and UEFA, and will continue to do so in the future.

Seven months after the tragic day when football matches couldn't be played in many parts of Israel, both in the north and south, and with over 130 Israelis still held in Gaza, it is unjust that we have to fight for our basic right to participate in the game.

In his closing statements during the debate, Infantino expressed his shock and concern over the events that took place on October 7 in Israel, as well as the ongoing situation in Gaza.

“I pray for all those people who suffer the unimaginable … and I want, like all of you, just one thing: peace.”

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the complex and contentious issue of whether the Israel Football Association (IFA) should be suspended from international competition. The Palestinian Football Association (PFA) has accused the IFA of violating FIFA rules during the conflict in Gaza, leading to calls for a ban. FIFA President Gianni Infantino has announced a special council meeting to review the matter and make a decision.

The debate raises important questions about the role of sports in political conflicts and the responsibility of international organizations like FIFA to address human rights concerns. It also underscores the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the urgent need for action to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. The outcome of FIFA's review and the subsequent decision on the IFA's status will have significant implications for both Israeli and Palestinian football, as well as the broader international community.