Explosive Revelations: Sidney Powell's Guilty Plea Unravels Trump's Denial of Attorney-client Connection

Explosive Revelations: Sidney Powell's Guilty Plea Unravels Trump's Denial of Attorney-client Connection

Trump disavows former attorney Sidney Powell after her guilty plea in Georgia election subversion case

In a recent social media post on Sunday, former President Donald Trump denied that Sidney Powell had ever been his attorney. This statement comes three days after Powell pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case. However, it is worth noting that Powell was briefly a member of Trump's legal team in 2020 and he continued to stay in contact with her regarding election-related matters even after she was removed from his campaign.

Sidney Powell, like many others, believes that the 2020 Presidential Election was unfairly manipulated, which continues to be a widespread belief. Powell, however, was never my attorney and would have had conflicting interests. To add to this, she has recently agreed to collaborate with Fulton County prosecutors and provide testimony against her co-defendants, which could possibly include myself.

On November 15, 2020, Trump made a public announcement where he included Powell as part of his team of lawyers handling the election. She joined Giuliani and Ellis at a widely known Trump campaign press conference, where she promoted baseless conspiracy theories regarding an alleged international vote-rigging scheme aimed at diverting millions of votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

However, the Trump campaign quickly distanced itself from Powell, stating that she was no longer a part of their legal team and that she was engaging in independent legal practice.

Content She went on to file frivolous lawsuits across the country, in hopes of overturning the results. One federal judge later said Powells actions were "a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process."

Result: She proceeded to file numerous baseless lawsuits nationwide, with the intention of overturning the outcomes. A federal judge subsequently denounced Powell's actions as "an unprecedented and flagrant misuse of the judicial system."

Content And she met with Trump on multiple occasions, including a December 2020 White House meeting where he considered naming her as a special counsel to look for voter fraud. This was the infamous meeting where there was discussion of declaring martial law and ordering the military to seize voting machines.

Result: Additionally, she had multiple interactions with Trump, including a meeting at the White House in December 2020. During this encounter, Trump contemplated appointing her as a special counsel to investigate allegations of voter fraud. Notably, this meeting gained notoriety due to discussions surrounding the potential declaration of martial law and the military's involvement in confiscating voting machines.

As Powells trial in Georgia neared, she made efforts to separate herself from Trump. According to her attorneys, Powell stated that she "did not act as a representative for President Trump or the Trump campaign" as she had not signed any "engagement agreement" to serve as their attorney. Additionally, Powell's lawyers emphasized that her name was not included in any court documents from the Trump campaign.

During her guilty plea, Powell confessed to her involvement in the breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia in January 2021.

With the assistance of Republican officials at the local level, a collective of Trump supporters managed to gain entry to the county's election systems and successfully duplicated its data. Their objective was to uncover evidence indicating that the election had been rigged against Trump. This action was taken subsequent to Trump's refusal to authorize an executive order instructing the Pentagon to take possession of voting machines.