Exploring the Sinister Connection Between Palpatine and the Imperial Inquisitors

Exploring the Sinister Connection Between Palpatine and the Imperial Inquisitors

Delve into the mysterious ties between Palpatine and the Inquisitors. Could Project Necromancer be at the heart of their dark purpose?

A new theory regarding Star Wars suggests a potential hidden agenda behind the existence of Palpatine's Imperial Inquisitors. These individuals were established following the Jedi Purge caused by Order 66 and operated under the authority of Darth Vader. However, there is speculation that they may have been instrumental in Emperor Palpatine's clandestine scheme to achieve immortality for himself and his Empire in the Star Wars universe.

Palpatine's Imperial Inquisitors Were Jedi Hunters

It has been revealed that the Inquisitorius was established by Palpatine using disillusioned Jedi whom he manipulated and recruited before transforming the corrupt Republic into his own Empire, as depicted in Revenge of the Sith. These Imperial Inquisitors were agents of the dark side assigned with the task of locating any surviving Jedi post-Order 66. However, The Bad Batch season 3 hints that their role extended beyond mere Jedi elimination and was intertwined with Palpatine's future plans.

Unleashed In The Aftermath Of Order 66

Inquisitors and Sith Lords in Star Wars Image - Unleashed In The Aftermath Of Order 66 - Palpatine's Imperial Inquisitors Were Jedi Hunters

Inquisitors and Sith Lords in Star Wars Image - Unleashed In The Aftermath Of Order 66 - Palpatine's Imperial Inquisitors Were Jedi Hunters

Following the events of Order 66, Emperor Palpatine officially established the Imperial Inquisitors to carry out the Jedi Purge and ensure the complete eradication of the Jedi Order. Under the leadership of the Grand Inquisitor, the Inquisitorius was overseen by Darth Vader who directed their efforts in hunting down any surviving Jedi. This included the pursuit of Vader's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, as depicted in the Disney+ series focusing on the exiled Jedi Master, set a decade after the events of Revenge of the Sith. The series notably showcased multiple Inquisitors in live-action for the first time.

Although the Inquisitors eventually faded into obscurity by the time of the original trilogy, they played a significant role in the Star Wars Rebels animated series. Tasked with tracking down Jedi like Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus, and Ahsoka Tano, the Inquisitors were prominently featured in the show. One particular story arc followed the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother on a unique mission that potentially had implications for Emperor Palpatine's clandestine schemes dating back to the Clone Wars era and his reign as Emperor.

The Inquisitors Didn't Just Kill Jedi Survivors

The Legacy of Project Harvester

Palpatine kidnaps Force sensitive children in The Clone Wars - The Legacy of Project Harvester - The Inquisitors Didn't Just Kill Jedi Survivors

Palpatine kidnaps Force sensitive children in The Clone Wars - The Legacy of Project Harvester - The Inquisitors Didn't Just Kill Jedi Survivors

During the Clone Wars, the bounty hunter Cad Bane was tasked with abducting Force-sensitive children for Palpatine's Project Harvester. The goal was to train them as spies and agents loyal to the dark side. Fortunately, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano intervened and rescued these young individuals from Bane's clutches.

The official Project Harvester was initiated during the days of the Empire. Inquisitors were tasked with abducting Force-sensitive children, with some attempts being foiled as seen in Star Wars Rebels. However, it is possible that the Inquisitorius succeeded in other instances. This raises the possibility of a dark connection between Project Harvester and another of Palpatine's schemes: Project Necromancer.

Living Jedi In Stasis?

Palpatine and Project Necromancer Test Specimins Bad Batch Season 3 - Living Jedi In Stasis? - Star Wars Theory: The Inquisitors Found Donors For Palpatine's Project Necromancer

Palpatine and Project Necromancer Test Specimins Bad Batch Season 3 - Living Jedi In Stasis? - Star Wars Theory: The Inquisitors Found Donors For Palpatine's Project Necromancer

In The Mandalorian season 3, Project Necromancer was teased, and its existence was confirmed in the premiere of The Bad Batch season 3. This project involved a series of experiments carried out by the Empire's Advanced Science Division under the leadership of Doctor Hemlock. The main objective of Project Necromancer was to develop a genetic clone template capable of maintaining a high midi-chlorian count. Cloning midi-chlorians is not possible, so they had to be extracted from a living being and implanted into a clone to increase its "M-count." Unfortunately, the clones' bodies often reject these midi-chlorians, leading to rapid and significant degeneration.

The ultimate aim of Project Necromancer is to create sustainable clones for Emperor Palpatine to transfer his essence into in case of his death, as depicted in The Rise of Skywalker. In The Bad Batch season 3, viewers witness Palpatine inspecting various containment units that presumably hold the living donors of these midi-chlorians. However, the specific identities of these mysterious Force-sensitive individuals remain unknown.

Will Bad Batch Season 3 Reveal Who Palpatine's M-Count Donors Are?

It is speculated that these donors, likely Jedi who were captured by the Inquisitors, are being kept in stasis using various technologies and possibly the dark side itself, as indicated by the ancient Sith writing in the heavily guarded room. This leads to the belief that the true purpose of the Inquisitors' Project Harvester was to provide Palpatine with M-count donors for Project Necromancer.

They Could Be Younglings

Palpatine Order 66 and Jedi Younglings in Star Wars - They Could Be Younglings - Will Bad Batch Season 3 Reveal Who Palpatine's M-Count Donors Are?

Palpatine Order 66 and Jedi Younglings in Star Wars - They Could Be Younglings - Will Bad Batch Season 3 Reveal Who Palpatine's M-Count Donors Are?

After the three-episode premiere of The Bad Batch season 3, the identities of the imprisoned M-count donors remain a mystery. Speculation suggests that Grogu, with his high M-count as revealed in The Mandalorian season 2, could be among them. Additionally, there is a possibility that the donors may tragically include younglings, making them easier targets for the Inquisitors and the Empire to capture, aligning with past events from Project Harvester in the Star Wars canon.

It will be intriguing to see if any Inquisitors make an appearance in upcoming episodes of The Bad Batch season 3, considering their activity during this point in the Star Wars timeline.

It is speculated that the Imperial Inquisitors may be tasked with finding potential donors to support Palpatine's future in the Star Wars canon. With their presence already established in the timeline, it will be intriguing to see if they appear in upcoming episodes of The Bad Batch season 3. The mysteries surrounding Project Necromancer suggest that there is more yet to be unveiled.

Watch episodes 1-3 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3 now on Disney+. New episodes are released on Wednesdays at 12:00 a.m. PT, 3:00 a.m. ET, and 8:00 a.m. GMT.

Editor's P/S:

This article presents a fascinating theory that the Imperial Inquisitors' role in the Star Wars universe extended beyond simply hunting down Jedi survivors. It suggests that they may have been instrumental in Emperor Palpatine's secret plan to achieve immortality through Project Necromancer. The idea that the Inquisitors were tasked with abducting Force-sensitive children for this purpose adds a sinister dimension to their actions.

The article also raises intriguing questions about the identities of the mysterious M-count donors, hinting that they could be younglings or even Grogu himself. The speculation that upcoming episodes of The Bad Batch season 3 may reveal more about the Inquisitors' involvement in this scheme adds to the anticipation surrounding the show's continuation. The theory adds depth to the Star Wars lore and suggests that the Inquisitors were more than just pawns in Palpatine's quest for power, but also played a crucial role in his ultimate plan for immortality.