Exploring the Mysteries of Honkai: Delving into Star Rail’s Topaz Mechanics
Discover the thrilling addition to Honkai: Star Rail - Topaz and Numby! Brace yourself for an electrifying surprise as these new characters bring a whole new level of excitement to follow-up attack players Get ready to explore Topaz's incredible kit and unlock the ultimate gaming experience
Article Key Points
Topaz is an important addition to Honkai: Star Rail as the game's first featured fire five-star character and second featured Hunt character.
She excels as a sub-DPS, enhancing the damage output of follow-up attackers and functioning as a valuable Support unit.
With a follow-up skill and a normal attack in her arsenal, Topaz's kit is designed to be efficient in skill point usage, while her technique enables her to replenish energy, thereby minimizing the requirement for energy recharge.
Before the release of Topaz, Honkai: Star Rail did not have a featured fire five-star character. This already sets her apart, but she is also the second featured Hunt character in Honkai: Star Rail after Seele, who was introduced during the game's launch alongside Jing Yuan. However, Topaz's combat style is quite different from Seele's, resembling more of a Kafka or Jing Yuan approach. She is designed to fulfill a sub-DPS role, which adds to her uniqueness.
Typically, when a character is released, they are either a dedicated Healer, Support, or DPS unit, with being a sub-DPS usually considered an added bonus. Although players could utilize Topaz as one of Honkai: Star Rail's DPS or Support characters due to her kit's capabilities, she is better suited to fulfill the sub-DPS role. Furthermore, she synergizes extremely well with follow-up attackers, enhancing their damage in a similar manner to a Support character.
Honkai: Star Rail's Topaz's Kit
Topaz and Numby's kit is noteworthy for their follow-up attacks, both in terms of their skill and normal attack. What makes their kit interesting, particularly their skill, is that it automatically targets an enemy on the field, requiring no action from the player. This makes them very efficient in terms of skill points, especially when compared to units like Dan Heng: Imbibitor Lunae who are more reliant on skill points. However, it is important to note that if the skill does not hit the intended target, players will need to manually switch it to their desired enemy.
As a single-target damage dealer, Topaz and Numby may face challenges when dealing with the multiple minions or group enemies in Honkai: Star Rail. However, these concerns can be minimized by carefully constructing their team composition. It is recommended to pair them with other follow-up attackers, as Topaz's skill provides buffs to follow-up attacks and is always active. On the topic of Numby, the warp trotter functions similarly to Jing Yuan's Lightning-Lord. While Numby cannot be directly buffed, using Topaz's burst will accelerate his turn by 50% and significantly increase his damage output. It is advisable to activate Topaz's ultimate before Numby's turn.
When constructing Honkai: Star Rail's Topaz, players should focus on typical DPS statistics, primarily ATK. Her abilities scale with ATK, so it is important to maintain a balance with strong crit statistics and any other necessary player requirements. Investing in additional units to enhance her attack is also recommended. Well-known units like Tingyun and Bronya are compatible choices, though giving priority to Tingyun's position on the team is preferable in order to have follow-up attacks from Clara instead of Bronya.
Beyond battles, Topaz also heightens the player's overall gameplay experience. When utilizing her technique, she summons Numby who assists in locating basic treasures and other valuable items. By using this technique before engaging in combat, Numby can replenish 60 energy to Topaz once, which is advantageous considering her ultimate ability consumes a significant 130 energy. Consequently, energy recharge becomes less of a priority for the Honkai: Star Rail fire unit. Additionally, this technique is also effective in the Simulated Universe, providing players with more cosmic fragments and, if fortunate, a random curio.
Honkai: Star Rail is an RPG developed by HoYoverse (formerly miHoYo) and published by HoYoverse (formerly miHoYo). The game was released on April 26, 2023, and is available on Android, iOS, PC, and PS5. It falls under the genre of RPG and is rated T for Teen by ESRB.
Editor's P/S
Topaz, the first featured fire five-star character in Honkai: Star Rail, brings a unique combination of sub-DPS and Support capabilities to the game. Her kit is designed to enhance the damage output of follow-up attackers, making her a valuable asset in any team composition. Her follow-up skill and normal attack are efficient in terms of skill point usage, and her technique allows her to replenish energy, minimizing the requirement for energy recharge.
Overall, Topaz is a well-designed character who adds a lot to Honkai: Star Rail. Her unique kit, combined with her interesting personality and backstory, make her a popular choice among players. I am excited to see how she will continue to develop as the game progresses.