Exploring the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Resignation Controversy: Key Details Unveiled

Exploring the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Resignation Controversy: Key Details Unveiled

Discover the latest on the resignations and scandals surrounding Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, shaking up the world of pageants

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Chance Yeh/Getty Images for Supermodels Unlimited

In just two days, both the current Miss USA and Miss Teen USA decided to step down from their titles. The reigning Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, announced her decision to give up her crown on May 6 through a statement on Instagram. She mentioned that her mental health was a priority for her.

I believe in the significance of making decisions that prioritize your well-being and mental health. Through life experiences, we have the opportunity to discover more about ourselves and continue to grow.

Her resignation letter, which was acquired by NBC News, outlined the challenges she faced within the organization after winning her crown in 2023.

Voigt, 24, expressed concerns about a toxic work environment within the Miss USA organization. She mentioned issues ranging from poor management to potential bullying and harassment, which she noticed shortly after winning the title of Miss USA 2023.

Following Voigt's statement, Just Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava also made a decision. Within 48 hours, on May 8, she announced her resignation through an Instagram post. Srivastava explained that after careful consideration, she realized that her personal values no longer fully aligned with the organization's direction.

Miss Colorado Arianna Lemus resigned in solidarity that Friday, following Voigt and Srivastava's decisions. Social media manager Claudia Michelle also submitted her resignation.

If you want to learn more about why the Miss Universe Organization is facing a series of resignations and how it has reacted, keep reading.

Why Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Resigned

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Hector Vivas/Getty Images

In Voigt’s Instagram post, she urged fans to “never ​​compromise your physical and mental well-being.”

Fans were quick to notice that the first letter of each sentence in her statement spelled out "I AM SILENCED." Voigt stated that the organization's CEO and President, Laylah Rose, had created a toxic work environment by not addressing a sexual harassment allegation seriously.

In her letter, Voigt described an incident at a Christmas event in Florida where she was left alone in a car with a man who made inappropriate statements about wanting to be in a relationship with her.

Voigt stated that Rose's response to the accusations was that dealing with public criticism is a part of being a public figure and cannot be avoided.

Additionally, Voigt claimed that Rose had been speaking negatively about her, labeling her as hard to work with and even going as far as calling her "mentally ill." Rose was also reported to have expressed a desire for Voigt to be hit by a baseball while throwing the first pitch at a game.

Voigt has been diagnosed with anxiety and is currently taking medication for it. She also mentioned experiencing a flare-up of a pre-existing condition, leading to symptoms such as heart palpitations, full body shakes, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, lack of sleep, hair loss, and more.

In a letter, she pointed out that every statement made about MUO's morals and integrity contradicts the current situation within the USA organization.

Srivastava's resignation was announced just two days after she revealed that she had been contemplating the decision for several months.

In her statement, she expressed gratitude towards her family, state directors, sister queens, and supportive fans who have been there for her since she won her state title. She shared that she will cherish the memories of her time as Miss NJ Teen USA and found representing her state as a first-generation, Mexican-Indian American at the national level to be a fulfilling experience.

Srivastava added that she will continue her work advocating for education and acceptance, citing the response to her children’s book The White Jaguar.

Mothers Speak Out

Voigt and Srivastava's mothers made an appearance on Good Morning America on Tuesday, May 14. They spoke up for their daughters, who are restricted by a non-disclosure agreement.

Barbara Srivastava emphasized that it's not about the prizes or benefits. It's about the mistreatment, abuse, bullying, and feeling trapped that their daughters experienced. She described how their dream job turned into a nightmare.

Noelia’s mother, Jackeline Voigt, shared her perspective on the Christmas event incident her daughter had written about. She recalled how she noticed Noelia feeling stressed and urgently asking her to get in the car. Once inside, Noelia explained that a man had made her uncomfortable by asking if she was interested in older men with money.

In a comment on Noelia’s Instagram post, Jackeline expressed how she had witnessed a change in her daughter’s personality and a dimming of her light after the incident. It saddened their family to see Noelia affected in such a way, but they were relieved to see her returning to her true self.

Miss USA Organization Response

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Miss USA has not directly responded to the allegations. However, she did mention in a statement to ABC News that they are dedicated to creating a positive and open-minded atmosphere for all participants, including contestants, state titleholders, national titleholders, and staff.

Rose emphasized to NBC that the well-being of everyone involved with Miss USA is her main concern.

She expressed her personal mission as the leader of the organization to encourage women to pursue their dreams, be brave in their endeavors, and uphold their values. Rose also stated that she holds herself accountable to these principles and takes any accusations seriously.

The Miss USA Organization posted on social media to thank Noelia and UmaSofia and wish them well. Laylah Rose and the Miss USA Organization were unavailable for comment at the time.

Celebrities Offer Their Support

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA Controversy

Felix Kunze/Bravo

Noelia and UmaSofia have seen an outpouring of support from the celebrity world, including The Valley star Nia Sanchez, who was named Miss USA in 2014.

Sanchez, 34, showed her support for our queen @noeliavoigt on Instagram on Monday, May 6. She expressed how being #MissUSA was an amazing experience for her. Sanchez also sent love and well wishes to Noelia as she resigns from her Miss USA title, acknowledging the challenges she must have faced.

Following Sanchez's message, Big Brother 24 winner Taylor Hale left a comment on Noelia's Instagram. Hale reminded Noelia that life is more than just a crown and praised her for putting herself first. She encouraged Noelia, saying that this is just the beginning of her journey.

The pair also received an outpouring of comments from their fellow pageant members, including actress and model Olivia Jordan, who won the title of Miss USA in 2015.

Olivia Jordan wrote to UmaSofia, "Sending you lots of love. Whenever you feel ready to share your story, I'll be here to listen and support you."

Miss Teen USA 2022 Faron Medhi expressed her pride and support for Uma, saying, "My sweet Uma, I am so proud of you and your strength. This is only the beginning for you lovebug!! Standing by you and with you always."

Noelia and UmaSofia also showed their support for each other by commenting on each other's posts.

Editor's P/S:

The recent resignations