Exploring the Depths of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

Exploring the Depths of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

A behind-the-scenes look at the production of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, episode 2, and the creative vision of director Jordan Canning.

The Creative Vision of Jordan Canning

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 has concluded production on its second episode, offering fans a glimpse into the captivating world of the Starship Enterprise. Director Jordan Canning, known for her exceptional work on previous episodes, shared an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the set, shedding light on the intricate details and immersive experience of the production.



As the season 3 premiere, directed by Chris Fisher, addressed the cliffhanger from the previous season involving the Gorn, Jordan Canning took the helm in early January 2024 for Strange New Worlds 302. Her Instagram post, featuring an iconic moment of her in the USS Enterprise's Captain's chair, served as a fitting announcement of the completion of filming for episode 2.



The Vulcan comedy of manners, Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 5, 'Charades,' directed by Canning, earned accolades and was recognized as one of the best TV episodes of 2023 by Rolling Stone. This further solidifies her exceptional talent and creative prowess in the realm of Star Trek storytelling.



Instagram article posted by jjhcanning

Unveiling the USS Enterprise Set

The behind-the-scenes journey of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, episode 2, delves deep into the mesmerizing sights and details of the USS Enterprise set. Director Jordan Canning offered a wealth of captivating photos on her Instagram Stories, providing fans with an exclusive glimpse into the immersive world of the Starship Enterprise.



From the intricate details of the Costume Department directions written in multiple Star Trek languages to the 3-dimensional chess set, transporter controls, Sickbay workspace, and the Enterprise's Port Galley, fans were treated to a visual feast of the finer elements of the production.



The backstage route to the holodeck, a close-up of the replicator, and the medical chair from Sickbay revealed the meticulous attention to detail that went into creating a truly immersive experience for viewers. These behind-the-scenes insights into the USS Enterprise set showcased the dedication and creativity of the production team in bringing the iconic starship to life on screen.



The Future of Strange New Worlds

As the captivating journey of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 unfolds, fans can anticipate the visionary storytelling of upcoming episodes. With Dan Liu taking over the director's chair for episode 3, the creative narrative and immersive world-building of the series continue to evolve, promising an exciting and engaging experience for fans of the Star Trek universe.



Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 is available for streaming on Paramount+, inviting fans to embark on a thrilling adventure aboard the iconic USS Enterprise. The imaginative storytelling, attention to detail, and the dedication of the creative team shine through in every episode, offering viewers an unparalleled experience in the vast universe of Star Trek.

