Exploring the Crucial Storyline for The Last Of Us Season 2 to Enhance Abby's Character

Exploring the Crucial Storyline for The Last Of Us Season 2 to Enhance Abby's Character

Discover the pivotal storyline that could elevate Abby's character arc and bring depth to her narrative in The Last Of Us Season 2. Uncover how this key expansion may hold the key to fixing Abby's story and enhancing the overall experience for fans.

Abby has been a subject of criticism in The Last of Us Part II, and HBO's The Last of Us season 2 must address this by delving into a key storyline. While the game explores most main arcs in depth, some aspects, like Abby's storyline, are left unexplained. This is an area that HBO can improve upon in season 2.

The Last of Us season 2 is highly anticipated as it continues HBO's adaptation of the popular video game series. The upcoming episodes will focus on adapting The Last of Us Part II, the sequel to the original game. While the first season made some changes to the game's story, including expanding on certain character storylines and the virus origins, season 2 has the opportunity to further develop Abby's arc.

HBO's The Last Of Us Needs To Expand Abby's First Journey To Jackson

Abby from The Last of Us Part II aiming her gun off Screen with Joel and Ellie in the Background - HBO's The Last Of Us Needs To Expand Abby's First Journey To Jackson

Abby from The Last of Us Part II aiming her gun off Screen with Joel and Ellie in the Background - HBO's The Last Of Us Needs To Expand Abby's First Journey To Jackson

If season 2 of HBO's The Last of Us wants to delve into a storyline from The Last of Us Part II, Abby's first journey to Jackson is a prime candidate. In the beginning of The Last of Us Part II, Abby and her WLF friends arrive in Jackson and seek revenge by killing Joel for what he did to Abby's father in the first game. After this, they leave Jackson and head back to Seattle, where the focus shifts to Abby's journey as Ellie pursues her.

While Abby's act of killing Joel is a crucial part of The Last of Us Part II, the game barely touches on how Abby and her friends made the dangerous trek from Seattle to Jackson. This journey is not explored in depth, unlike the perilous journey back to Seattle that is a central focus of the game. It is essential for The Last of Us season 2 to address the challenges Abby faced while traveling from Seattle to Jackson City.

Exploring Abby's First Journey To Jackson Can Fix The Biggest Abby Criticisms

Joel and Ellie talking in The Last of Us season 1 finale - Exploring Abby's First Journey To Jackson Can Fix The Biggest Abby Criticisms

Joel and Ellie talking in The Last of Us season 1 finale - Exploring Abby's First Journey To Jackson Can Fix The Biggest Abby Criticisms

Many fans had an issue with Abby in The Last of Us Part II because of her killing Joel. The game starts off with Abby committing this act, but then tries to make players sympathize with her later on. While this approach worked for some, others found it difficult to care about Abby due to her actions.

To address these criticisms, focusing on Abby's journey to Jackson in The Last of Us season 2 could be a way to change how viewers perceive her. By showing Abby's backstory before she kills Joel, audiences may be more understanding of her motivations. This approach might not be favored by all fans, but it could help improve the perception of Abby's character.

What The Last Of Us Part II Reveals About How Abby Got To Jackson

Abby looking angry in The Last of Us Part II - What The Last Of Us Part II Reveals About How Abby Got To Jackson

Abby looking angry in The Last of Us Part II - What The Last Of Us Part II Reveals About How Abby Got To Jackson

Despite spending a lot of time with Abby in The Last of Us Part II, the game surprisingly reveals very little about her journey to Jackson. Before heading to Jackson, Abby was a Firefly who later joined the WLF. While with the organization, she searched for clues about Joel's whereabouts and eventually heard rumors about his brother Tommy Miller living in Jackson. Abby then recruited Owen and other friends to investigate.

Several months later, the game jumps to Abby and the WLF already in Wyoming. The entire journey to Wyoming is skipped over, with only bits of dialogue referencing it. Expanding on this expedition would help provide closure to some loose ends in the game and strengthen The Last of Us season 2.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the need for HBO's "The Last of Us" season 2 to delve into Abby's journey to Jackson City in "The Last of Us Part II." This exploration could address criticisms surrounding Abby's character by providing context for her motivations. By revealing the challenges she faced and her backstory before Joel's death, the show could potentially enhance viewers' understanding and empathy towards her.

Expanding on Abby's first journey to Jackson would also provide closure to unanswered questions from the game. It could shed light on the arduous trek from Seattle, her recruitment of fellow WLF members, and her search for information about Joel. This additional content would not only enrich Abby's character but also strengthen the overall narrative of the show, ensuring a more cohesive and satisfying adaptation of the beloved video game sequel.