Exploring Junon Region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Complete Guide to Side Quests

Exploring Junon Region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Complete Guide to Side Quests

Discover the hidden gems of the Junon Region in Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth through five engaging side quests that will take you on a journey to unique locations within the region. Learn how to tackle each quest and reap the rewards along the way.

Players exploring the Junon Region in Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will encounter five side quests. Each of these side quests offers a unique experience, with different tasks to complete and rewards to earn. It's a good idea for players to finish all the Junon Region side quests before moving on to Chapter 5 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

The great thing is that most of the side quests in Chapter 4 can be completed quickly. To access the last two quests, players will need to unlock a special area called The Crow's Nest in the Junon Region. This can be done by completing one of the other three side quests first. So, there's really no reason for players not to complete all the side quests in Chapter 4.

If you're feeling stuck in a rut while playing Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, don't worry! Below you'll find the objectives for every side quest in this chapter, along with a helpful video walkthrough for each one. For more detailed instructions, simply click on the links provided under each side quest for in-depth written walkthroughs.

Speak with the ranch owner to hear the details.

To climb the mountain and reach the wainwright's hut, you must first capture the chocobo Belle.

Ride Belle to reach the hut atop the mountain and obtain the parts needed to repair Gabe's carriage from the wainwright.

Gather the materials listed in the wainwright's note.

1-3 pieces of Dried Driftwood

A minimum of 1 piece of dried driftwood is required for the wainwright to begin his work.

Return to the wainwright and hand over whatever driftwood you managed to find.

Return to Gabe and hand over the carriage parts.

Gabe's chocobo carriage has been fixed, and he has found his love for his delivery service again. Aerith fixed it, not just for the chocobos, but because she enjoys making people happy.

Stuck In A Rut Walkthrough

When Words Won't Do

Speak with Rhonda to hear the details.

Rendezvous with the dog Salmon at the angler's stowage so you can escort him to his destination.

Join Salmon on his journey and protect him from any enemies that may try to harm him.

Thanks to the assistance of Cloud and his friends, Salmon successfully delivers the money to Dillan. This ensures that Dillan and his partner Claire will have more than sufficient funds to provide for their upcoming baby. It is evident that even though Rhonda and her son have drifted apart, she still holds a strong love and concern for him.


When Words Won'T Do Walkthrough

Calling All Frogs

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-featured-image - Calling All Frogs

final-fantasy-7-rebirth-calling-all-frogs-featured-image - Calling All Frogs

Speak with the Frogmaster to hear the details.

Ribbit ribbit ribbit, ribbit ribbit.

Cloud and Tifa have been fortunate to see the world from a frog's perspective. This unique experience has shown them the value of a simple ribbit.


Calling All Frogs Walkthrough

The Hardest Sell

Speak with Toby to hear the details.

Head to the abandoned lighthouse currently occupied by the self-proclaimed Merc of Junon.

Search for the Merc of Junon and see what their intentions are.

Dealing with the fiends attracted to the lighthouse due to Kyrie's aggressive advertising, Toby's eccentricity is overshadowed by Kyrie's boldness. The unintended consequence of Kyrie's actions turns the lighthouse into a magnet for fiends. However, Cloud and his friends successfully fend off the fiends and rescue Kyrie from the repercussions of her obnoxious marketing tactics.


The Hardest Sell Walkthrough

Dreaming of Blue Skies

Speak with the society to hear the details.

To procure suitable bait for the condor, you must first capture a chocobo adept at traversing the mountains.

Head to the condor's hunting spot and search for promising prey.

Use Belle to follow your quarry's scent trail.

Use Belle to follow the fiend's scent trail and claim your stolen prize.

Continue your pursuit of the fiend that stole the condor's dinner.

Return to Colin and hand over the bait you procured for the condor.

The beloved condor of Hunon has been spotted again, bringing joy to Colin and the other watchers. The magnificent bird's return is unpredictable, but the society can now be at peace knowing she is safe and thriving.

Dreaming Of Blue Skies Walkthrough

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive guide to the side quests in Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, offering detailed objectives and helpful video walkthroughs for each one. It emphasizes the importance of completing these quests before moving on to the next chapter, as they offer unique experiences and valuable rewards. The clear and concise explanations make it easy for players to understand the tasks at hand and progress through the region efficiently.

Overall, the article serves as a valuable resource for players who want to make the most of their time in the Junon Region. By following the step-by-step instructions, they can unlock special areas, earn exclusive rewards, and gain a deeper understanding of the game's narrative. The inclusion of related articles and walkthroughs further enhances the guide's usefulness and provides additional support for players who may encounter difficulties or seek more detailed information.