Exploring Captain Sisko's Romances in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Exploring Captain Sisko's Romances in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Discover the unique romantic journey of Captain Sisko, distinct from other Star Trek captains like Kirk or Picard, in Deep Space Nine.

Captain Benjamin Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had fewer love interests compared to his predecessors. This reflected his solid and dependable nature. When the show began, Sisko was a grieving widower and a single father who didn't prioritize romance. Unlike Captain James T. Kirk or Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Sisko didn't engage in romantic pursuits with guest characters frequently. This was one of the many ways in which Star Trek: Deep Space Nine set itself apart from other shows in the franchise.

During the production of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 2, producers Ira Steven Behr and Michael Piller felt the need to flesh out Sisko's character, as he seemed too detached. This led to Sisko's first romance in the episode "Second Sight" and helped define Avery Brooks' portrayal of the character in the following years. Behr later remarked that Sisko was envisioned as a "builder" who sees projects through to completion. Sisko's approach to romance in the show perfectly embodied this characterization.

Jennifer Sisko (Felecia M. Bell)

Star Trek: DS9, Season 1, Episode 1, "Emissary"

Jennifer and Ben Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: DS9, Season 1, Episode 1,

Jennifer and Ben Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: DS9, Season 1, Episode 1, "Emissary" - Jennifer Sisko (Felecia M. Bell)

The pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, titled "Emissary", begins with the heartbreaking death of Jennifer Sisko during the Battle of Wolf 359. As the episode unfolds, we see Sisko reliving the day he first met Jennifer. It was in 2354 on Gilgo Beach where Benjamin and Jennifer Sisko first crossed paths and felt an immediate connection. They soon married, and their son Jake Sisko was born in 2355. The couple enjoyed 13 years together until Jennifer tragically lost her life on the USS Saratoga during the Battle of Wolf 359.

Fenna (Salli Elise Richardson)

After the devastating loss of his wife Jennifer and the destruction of the USS Saratoga, Ben found himself reevaluating his career in Starfleet. Assigned to Deep Space Nine, initially as a temporary position, Sisko's encounter with the Bajoran Prophets proved to be a turning point in his process of healing from grief and trauma. By the end of the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Sisko emerges with a newfound sense of purpose and a shift in his perspective towards Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Wolf 359 massacre. However, it is evident that Sisko is still struggling to let go of the memory of Jennifer.

Star Trek: DS9, Season 2, Episode 9, "Second Sight"

star-trek-ds9-fenna - Star Trek: DS9, Season 2, Episode 9,

star-trek-ds9-fenna - Star Trek: DS9, Season 2, Episode 9, "Second Sight" - Fenna (Salli Elise Richardson)

Mirror Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell)

Mirror Jadzia Dax, portrayed by Terry Farrell, is a character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. In the mirror universe, she is the ruthless and cunning counterpart of the original Jadzia Dax. Mirror Jadzia is a member of the Terran Rebellion, fighting against the oppressive Terran Empire. Despite her tough exterior, she still retains some of the memories and emotions of the Jadzia Dax from the prime universe. Mirror Jadzia's complex character adds depth to the alternate reality portrayed in the series.

Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19, "Through the Looking Glass"

Mirror Jadzia Dax flirts with Sisko in Star Trek: DS9 - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19,

Mirror Jadzia Dax flirts with Sisko in Star Trek: DS9 - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19, "Through the Looking Glass" - Mirror Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell)

Commander Benjamin Sisko had a one-night stand with the Mirror Universe counterpart of Lt. Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 3. In the episode "Through the Looking Glass", Sisko is taken to the Mirror Universe to stand in for his own Terran counterpart, whom it's discovered was having an affair with the Mirror Universe's Jadzia Dax. A Dax and Sisko love story felt like a fascinating avenue for DS9 to explore in the main timeline, but they instead settled for this wryly humorous scene in which a put-upon Sisko has to sleep with Mirror Jadzia, so he doesn't raise suspicions about his true identity.

Mirror Jennifer Sisko (Felecia M. Bell)

Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19, "Through the Looking Glass" and Season 4, Episode 20, "Shattered Mirror"

Benjamin Sisko And Jennifer Sisko Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19,

Benjamin Sisko And Jennifer Sisko Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 19, "Through the Looking Glass" and Season 4, Episode 20, "Shattered Mirror" - Mirror Jennifer Sisko (Felecia M. Bell)

In "Through the Looking Glass", Commander Sisko's mission for the Terran Resistance is to recruit Jennifer Sisko. In the Mirror Universe, Benjamin and Jennifer had a tumultuous relationship and had become estranged. Smiley O'Brien hoped that Prime Sisko could convince Jennifer to join the Terran Rebellion, which stirred complicated feelings for Benjamin. Despite resisting temptation, there were occasionally tender moments between him and his wife's Mirror Universe counterpart. It was Prime Sisko's dependable and loving side that eventually persuaded Jennifer to join the resistance.

Mirror Jennifer Sisko made a return in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 4, episode 20, "Shattered Mirror". This further complicated matters as Jennifer formed a bond with Jake, whom she had kidnapped to convince Sisko to build the ISS Defiant. Jake and Jennifer even began developing a mother and son relationship, much to Sisko's concern. Unfortunately, Mirror Jennifer met a tragic end during Sisko and Jake's escape back to the prime Star Trek timeline, leaving father and son to grieve their loss once again.

Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald)

Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 23, "Family Business" onwards.

star-trek-ds9-family-business-kasidy-yates - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 23,

star-trek-ds9-family-business-kasidy-yates - Star Trek: DS9, Season 3, Episode 23, "Family Business" onwards. - Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald)

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 3, episode 23, "Family Business", Jake Sisko played matchmaker and introduced his father, Ben, to Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald). Ben and Kasidy hit it off right away due to their mutual love for baseball, leading to a blossoming romance. Despite Kasidy being a freighter captain, causing them to spend long periods apart, their bond remained strong. The biggest test for their relationship came when Kasidy was accused of smuggling supplies for the Maquis. However, Ben stood by her side, and their love only grew stronger after overcoming this challenge.

Benjamin Sisko and Kasidy Yates tied the knot during the intense Dominion War of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, even though the Bajoran Prophets advised against it. Despite defeating Gul Dukat in the Bajoran Fire Caves, Captain Sisko was called to the Celestial Temple by the Prophets. He promised to return for Kasidy, Jake, and their unborn child, but the fate of Captain Sisko remains uncertain in the series. Nevertheless, Kasidy and Sisko faced imprisonment and galactic conflict, proving that their love for each other surpasses the warnings of the Bajoran Prophets.

All episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can be streamed on Paramount+.

Editor's P/S:

Captain Benjamin Sisko's romantic life in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a departure from the frequent romantic pursuits of his predecessors. The show's focus on Sisko's grief and his role as a single father made him a more relatable and complex character. While he did