Exploring Anne Frank Through Film: Ranking Movies & TV Shows

Exploring Anne Frank Through Film: Ranking Movies & TV Shows

Discover the various cinematic portrayals of Anne Frank's life as depicted in movies and TV shows, showcasing the enduring legacy of her story through different lenses.

The story of Anne Frank has been told in various ways since her diary was first published in the 1940s. Born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1929, Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who wrote in her diary while hiding with her family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in what she called The Secret Annex. Unfortunately, they were discovered in August 1944, and Anne, along with her sister Margot, died in the Bergen Belsen concentration camp in early 1945.

The only surviving member of the Annex, Anne's father, Otto Frank, had her diary published in 1947, which became a global success, especially among teenage girls. The diary remains a bestseller today, with adaptations in film and television from around the world. From an Italian version released in 2009 to an Oscar-winning movie in 1959, Anne's remarkable story has continued to captivate and inspire filmmakers and actors worldwide.

Mi ricordo Anna Frank (2009 TV film)

Starring: Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Anne Frank), Panna Szurdi (Hanneli Goslar), Emilio Solfrizzi (Otto Frank)

Anne (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) and Hanneli (Panna Szurdi) embrace in Mi Ricordo Anna Frank poster - Starring: Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Anne Frank), Panna Szurdi (Hanneli Goslar), Emilio Solfrizzi (Otto Frank) - Mi ricordo Anna Frank (2009 TV film)

Anne (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) and Hanneli (Panna Szurdi) embrace in Mi Ricordo Anna Frank poster - Starring: Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Anne Frank), Panna Szurdi (Hanneli Goslar), Emilio Solfrizzi (Otto Frank) - Mi ricordo Anna Frank (2009 TV film)

This version of Anne's story is not as popular as others, but it includes scenes set in a concentration camp. The film focuses on Anne's friendship with Hanneli Goslar and jumps back and forth to cover the entire story. It also shows Otto Frank sharing his daughter's story with children in a classroom years later. However, the constant back and forth can make it difficult to follow the storyline, especially for those who haven't read a detailed biography of Anne Frank.

The Diary of Anne Frank (1980 TV film)


  • Melissa Gilbert as Anne Frank
  • Maximillian Schell as Otto Frank
  • Joan Plowright as Edith Frank
  • James Coco as Hans Van Daan
  • Doris Roberts as Petronella Van Daan

Melissa Gilbert (Anne) and Maximilian Schell (Otto) in The Diary of Anne Frank (1980) - Starring: Melissa Gilbert (Anne Frank), Maximillian Schell (Otto Frank), Joan Plowright (Edith Frank), James Coco (Hans Van Daan), Doris Roberts (Petronella Van Daan) - The Diary of Anne Frank (1980 TV film)

Melissa Gilbert (Anne) and Maximilian Schell (Otto) in The Diary of Anne Frank (1980) - Starring: Melissa Gilbert (Anne Frank), Maximillian Schell (Otto Frank), Joan Plowright (Edith Frank), James Coco (Hans Van Daan), Doris Roberts (Petronella Van Daan) - The Diary of Anne Frank (1980 TV film)

Inspired by Anne Frank's time in hiding, several movies were made about her life in the 1980s. One of the earliest in the United States featured Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie as Anne and Maximillian Schell as Otto Frank. However, some viewers felt that the casting didn't quite fit the film. Gilbert's American accent seemed out of place in the historical setting, and some pronunciations were inaccurate, like the name of Anne's cat. Additionally, the versions of the film available on YouTube have too much distracting background noise.

Love All You Have Left (2018 movie)

Starring: Caroline Amiguet (Juliette Forster), Sara Wolfkind (Anne Frank), Michael Christopher Shantz (Jeff Forster), Kathleen Sheehy (Melanie Forster)

Juliette handing over a book in Love All You Have Left - Starring: Caroline Amiguet (Juliette Forster), Sara Wolfkind (Anne Frank), Michael Christopher Shantz (Jeff Forster), Kathleen Sheehy (Melanie Forster) - Love All You Have Left (2018 movie)

Juliette handing over a book in Love All You Have Left - Starring: Caroline Amiguet (Juliette Forster), Sara Wolfkind (Anne Frank), Michael Christopher Shantz (Jeff Forster), Kathleen Sheehy (Melanie Forster) - Love All You Have Left (2018 movie)

Love All You Have Left may not be a movie about Anne Frank, but it delves into the emotional impact of losing a child. Set in modern times, the film follows Juliette Forster, who is grieving the loss of her daughter to a shooting. When a girl claiming to be Anne Frank is discovered hiding in her attic, the story takes a dramatic turn. However, some critics have pointed out the stiff acting and repetitive camera angles, which they feel border on disrespecting Anne's memory. Kimber Myers of the Los Angeles Times describes the film as "a maudlin drama that inspires eye rolls rather than tears."

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988)

Starring: Mary Steenburgen (Miep Gies), Paul Scofield (Otto Frank), Lisa Jacobs (Anne Frank), Huub Stapel (Jan Gies)

Mary Steenburgen, Paul Scofield, and Lisa Jacobs in The Attic_ The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988) - Starring: Mary Steenburgen (Miep Gies), Paul Scofield (Otto Frank), Lisa Jacobs (Anne Frank), Huub Stapel (Jan Gies) - The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988)

Mary Steenburgen, Paul Scofield, and Lisa Jacobs in The Attic_ The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988) - Starring: Mary Steenburgen (Miep Gies), Paul Scofield (Otto Frank), Lisa Jacobs (Anne Frank), Huub Stapel (Jan Gies) - The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank (1988)

In the 1980s, a different adaptation emerged called The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank. This version focuses on Miep Gies as the main character. Although the appearance of each character may not be entirely accurate, it is considered one of the most historically precise adaptations. The film won an Emmy Award in 1988 for its script and features a beautiful music score by Richard Rodney Bennett that enhances the scenes. Mary Steenburgen, known for her extensive acting career, delivers a graceful and poised performance in this film.

My Best Friend Anne Frank (2021 Netflix film)

Starring: Aiko Beemsterboer (Anne Frank), Josephine Arendsen (Hanneli Goslar), Stefan de Walle (Otto Frank)

Josephine Arendsen as Hanneli Goslar and Aiko Beemsterboer as Anne Frank in My Best Friend Anne Frank - Starring: Aiko Beemsterboer (Anne Frank), Josephine Arendsen (Hanneli Goslar), Stefan de Walle (Otto Frank) - My Best Friend Anne Frank (2021 Netflix film)

Josephine Arendsen as Hanneli Goslar and Aiko Beemsterboer as Anne Frank in My Best Friend Anne Frank - Starring: Aiko Beemsterboer (Anne Frank), Josephine Arendsen (Hanneli Goslar), Stefan de Walle (Otto Frank) - My Best Friend Anne Frank (2021 Netflix film)

This film highlights the close friendship between Hanneli Goslar and Anne Frank, especially their last meeting at Bergen Belsen. It is the first Dutch movie about Anne and can be watched on Netflix. The film portrays the harsh realities of living in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam during World War II, including scenes from a concentration camp. Moving between happy memories in Amsterdam and the harsh reality of the concentration camp, the film is powerful and emotional, reminding viewers of the importance of treasuring their friendships.

Anne no Nikki (1995 anime film)

Starring: Reina Takahashi (Anne Frank), Seiko Tano (Margot Frank), Fumie Kashiyama (Edith Frank), Gō Katō (Otto Frank)

Anne biking down the street in the anime Anne no Nikki - Starring: Reina Takahashi (Anne Frank), Seiko Tano (Margot Frank), Fumie Kashiyama (Edith Frank), Gō Katō (Otto Frank) - Anne no Nikki (1995 anime film)

Anne biking down the street in the anime Anne no Nikki - Starring: Reina Takahashi (Anne Frank), Seiko Tano (Margot Frank), Fumie Kashiyama (Edith Frank), Gō Katō (Otto Frank) - Anne no Nikki (1995 anime film)

Anne no Nikki, a 1995 anime film, is one of the two animated films on this list. It tells the story of Anne, following her journey up to the point of her arrest. While there are some differences in the plot, the movie tries to stay true to the book in terms of the setting. The beautifully painted backgrounds capture key moments, bringing Anne's story to life with sensitivity and emotion. The film does not shy away from the harsh realities, and the music adds to the overall mood.

Where Is Anne Frank (2021 animated film)

Starring: Emily Carey (Anne Frank), Ruby Stokes (Kitty)

Kitty and Anne Frank sit on Anne's bed in Where is Anne Frank - Starring: Emily Carey (Anne Frank), Ruby Stokes (Kitty) - Where Is Anne Frank (2021 animated film)

Kitty and Anne Frank sit on Anne's bed in Where is Anne Frank - Starring: Emily Carey (Anne Frank), Ruby Stokes (Kitty) - Where Is Anne Frank (2021 animated film)

Where Is Anne Frank is the second animated film on this list. It follows the story of Kitty, Anne's imaginary friend and the diary entries recipient. Kitty sets out to find Anne and uncover what happened to her in present-day Amsterdam, while also delving into Anne's life. This film is a great way to introduce children to Anne Frank in a child-friendly manner, teaching them about tolerance and kindness. Although the story does not have a happy ending like Anne's real life, it offers a fresh perspective on helping others and serves as a good introduction to Anne's diary for children.

The Diary of Anne Frank (2009 TV series)

Cast: Ellie Kendrick as Anne Frank, Tamsin Greig as Edith Frank, Geoff Breton as Peter van Daan, Iain Glen as Otto Frank, Felicity Jones as Margot Frank

Ellie Kendrick as Anne in BBC's The Diary of Anne Frank - Starring: Ellie Kendrick (Anne Frank), Tamsin Greig (Edith Frank), Geoff Breton (Peter van Daan), Iain Glen (Otto Frank), Felicity Jones (Margot Frank) - The Diary of Anne Frank (2009 TV series)

Ellie Kendrick as Anne in BBC's The Diary of Anne Frank - Starring: Ellie Kendrick (Anne Frank), Tamsin Greig (Edith Frank), Geoff Breton (Peter van Daan), Iain Glen (Otto Frank), Felicity Jones (Margot Frank) - The Diary of Anne Frank (2009 TV series)

Ellie Kendrick stars as Anne in the BBC version of the story, which focuses on Anne's life in hiding. The series includes glimpses of her life before hiding, staying faithful to real events. Kendrick's portrayal captures Anne's feisty and kind nature accurately. The show remains loyal to the book and includes quotes from the diary. The actors also resemble their real-life counterparts, making this series a standout for historical accuracy.

A Small Light (2023 TV series)

Starring: Bel Powley (Miep Gies), Liev Schreiber (Otto Frank), Joe Cole (Jan Gies), Amira Casar (Edith Frank), Billie Boullet (Anne Frank), Ashley Brooke (Margot Frank)

Miep Gies (Bel Powley) brushes Anne's (Billie Boullet) hair in A Small Light  - Starring: Bel Powley (Miep Gies), Liev Schreiber (Otto Frank), Joe Cole (Jan Gies), Amira Casar (Edith Frank), Billie Boullet (Anne Frank), Ashley Brooke (Margot Frank) - A Small Light (2023 TV series)

Miep Gies (Bel Powley) brushes Anne's (Billie Boullet) hair in A Small Light - Starring: Bel Powley (Miep Gies), Liev Schreiber (Otto Frank), Joe Cole (Jan Gies), Amira Casar (Edith Frank), Billie Boullet (Anne Frank), Ashley Brooke (Margot Frank) - A Small Light (2023 TV series)

A Small Light, based on Miep Gies' story, depicts the challenges faced by the helpers who assisted people in hiding. The series focuses on Miep Gies and her husband Jan's efforts to conceal the Franks and their friends while maintaining a sense of normalcy in their own lives. While some creative elements were added for dramatic effect, the show received acclaim from both the public and critics, earning a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes. Additionally, the series sheds light on lesser-known aspects of Miep's story, setting it apart as one of the most compelling Anne Frank adaptations available.

Youtube video: A Small Light | Official Trailer | National Geographic

Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001 TV film)

Cast of Characters:

Starring: Hannah Taylor-Gordon as Anne Frank, Jessica Manley as Margot Frank, Tatjana Blacher as Edith Frank, Ben Kingsley as Otto Frank, Brenda Blethyn as Auguste van Pels, and Lili Taylor as Miep Gies.

Tatjana Blacher, Hannah Taylor Gordon and Ben Kingsley in Anne Frank the Whole Story - Starring: Hannah Taylor-Gordon (Anne Frank), Jessica Manley (Margot Frank), Tatjana Blacher (Edith Frank), Ben Kingsley (Otto Frank), Brenda Blethyn (Auguste van Pels), Lili Taylor (Miep Gies) - Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001 TV film)

Tatjana Blacher, Hannah Taylor Gordon and Ben Kingsley in Anne Frank the Whole Story - Starring: Hannah Taylor-Gordon (Anne Frank), Jessica Manley (Margot Frank), Tatjana Blacher (Edith Frank), Ben Kingsley (Otto Frank), Brenda Blethyn (Auguste van Pels), Lili Taylor (Miep Gies) - Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001 TV film)

Anne Frank: The Whole Story

This film is divided into two parts, showing Anne's life in hiding and her time in Bergen Belsen. Based on Melissa Müller's biography of Anne, the film stands out for portraying Anne in the concentration camps. The story progresses using events from Anne's diary without any unnecessary dramatic embellishments. The cast includes Ben Kingsley from Schindler's List as Otto and a 13-year-old Hannah Taylor-Gordon as Anne, striking a good balance between factual accuracy and emotional depth.

Cast Members:

Millie Perkins and Joseph Schildkraut as Anne Frank and Otto Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) - Starring: Millie Perkins (Anne Frank), Joseph Schildkraut (Otto Frank), Richard Beymer (Peter van Daan), Shelley Winters (Petronella van Daan), Diane Baker (Margot Frank), Ed Wynn (Albert Dussel)

Millie Perkins and Joseph Schildkraut as Anne Frank and Otto Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank (1959) - Starring: Millie Perkins (Anne Frank), Joseph Schildkraut (Otto Frank), Richard Beymer (Peter van Daan), Shelley Winters (Petronella van Daan), Diane Baker (Margot Frank), Ed Wynn (Albert Dussel)

Starring: Millie Perkins as Anne Frank, Joseph Schildkraut as Otto Frank, Richard Beymer as Peter van Daan, Shelley Winters as Petronella van Daan, Diane Baker as Margot Frank, and Ed Wynn as Albert Dussel.

The 1959 film "The Diary of Anne Frank" is widely regarded as the best adaptation of Anne's story. It received immediate acclaim, winning three Oscars and capturing the hearts of both the public and critics. Otto Frank himself chose Millie Perkins to portray Anne. While the film takes some creative liberties for dramatic effect, it remains true to the essence of Anne's story. Despite its lengthy runtime of 3 hours and some omitted events, it effectively portrays Anne's story and pays tribute to her memory.

Sources: Anne Frank House, Los Angeles Times

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of various adaptations of Anne Frank's story across different mediums, including films, television series, and an anime. It highlights the impact of Anne's diary and the continued relevance of her story. Each adaptation offers unique perspectives and interpretations, capturing different aspects of Anne's life and the horrors of the Holocaust. It is inspiring to see how Anne's story continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, reminding us of the importance of fighting intolerance and hate.

The article also emphasizes the historical accuracy and emotional depth of certain adaptations, such as "The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank" and "Anne Frank: The Whole Story." These adaptations strive to remain faithful to Anne's experiences and the events of the Holocaust, offering a profound and moving insight into her life. The article's inclusion of both popular and lesser-known adaptations demonstrates the breadth and diversity of Anne Frank's legacy in popular culture. It serves as a valuable resource for those interested in exploring the different ways her story has been told and interpreted over the years.