Explaining the Changes to the Bard Class in Dungeons & Dragons
The Bard in One D&D underwent significant changes during playtesting, including updates to its spellcasting and Bardic Inspiration abilities, as well as the introduction of a captivating new subclass, the College of Dance
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The Bard class in the One D&D playtest underwent significant modifications, particularly in relation to Bardic Inspiration. As part of these changes, Bardic Inspiration was transformed into a reaction during combat instead of a bonus action. However, feedback from players indicated that this alteration weakened the class, leading to a decision to largely revert Bardic Inspiration back to its previous form.
The Bard class in One D&D has undergone significant updates, such as the introduction of a new subclass called the College of Dance, enhancements to the Bard Spell List, and further adjustments to Bardic Inspiration. One D&D will serve as a replacement for D&D 5th Edition but will be fully compatible with the sourcebooks of the 5th Edition, ensuring a seamless transition for long-time players. The game's classes have experienced thrilling modifications, including improved spellcasting abilities and the inclusion of various subclasses like the College of Dance.
The One D&D playtest is currently underway and has introduced significant revisions to various classes, including the Bard. The first set of updates was released in the fifth iteration. These revisions notably impact Bardic Inspiration, now granting an additional roll (ranging from a d6 to a d12, depending on the level) to the checks, attacks, and saving throws of a chosen creature. To enhance its ease of use during combat, the action required to activate it has been changed from a bonus action to a reaction. However, players expressed dissatisfaction with this change, considering it more of a weakening than an improvement, especially since it competes with other valuable reactions such as opportunity attacks, counterspell, and subclass features like Combat Inspiration. Consequently, the feature has mostly reverted to its original form. Furthermore, One D&D's Bard has undergone other significant modifications, including the introduction of a new subclass called the College of Dance.
Updates to the Bard Spell List
Further modifications to Bardic Inspiration
One D&D Updates, and then Reverts, the Bard’s Spell List
One D&D will replace the current D&D 5th Edition, while still being compatible with the sourcebooks of the previous edition. This means that veteran players will easily adapt to this new version. Additionally, new dungeon masters will find it simpler to begin their campaigns with a more streamlined DM Guide. While there have been changes to core elements such as feats and backgrounds, the most thrilling aspect for players to explore are the modifications made to the game's classes.
One D&D decided to enhance the spellcasting abilities of the class by introducing a feature named Magical Secrets. Previously, Bards were limited to learning only two spells from any class, which were then added to their repertoire of known spells. However, in the sixth playtest, players were granted an entire spell list (Arcane, Primal, or Divine) in addition to their existing Bard spells. This new list was chosen at level 1, not only offering access to different spells but also shaping the potential background of their Bard character.
However, shared spell lists were eliminated in the seventh version of the One D&D playtest. Consequently, players are now obliged to adhere to the predetermined spell recommendations offered by the designers in the 2022 iteration of the One D&D playtest. This compilation comprises spells that are exceedingly suitable for the Bard, such as Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, and even some Power Words. This alteration was well received by certain players, as it detached the Bard's background from any other class.
The One D&D Bard’s College of Dance Subclass Explained
Playing a Bard in Dungeons and Dragons offers a multitude of subclass options, making it a truly versatile choice. The newly introduced College of Dance further enriches this diversity. Those who choose this path as Bards believe in the potency of both words and melody, while also recognizing the importance of movement and motion. By incorporating dance into their repertoire, they achieve harmony with the universe, enhancing their agility and speed. Notable features of this subclass include:
Dazzling Footwork (Level 3)
Masters of both elegance and accuracy, the Dance Bards excel in seamless movement and precise strikes. However, their effectiveness hinges on their freedom from any encumbering weight. By abstaining from armor or shields, players can capitalize on the full potential of their unarmed strikes, enhanced by the power of Bardic Inspiration. Additionally, their unarmored defense is fortified by combining their inherent Dexterity and Charisma modifiers.
Tandem Footwork (Level 6)
At the onset of combat encounters, players have the ability to utilize their Bardic Inspiration dice to grant bonus Initiative to select allies, including themselves. This advantageous feature enhances the likelihood of party members taking precedence in action, allowing them to secure optimal positions before enemy forces can even respond.
The most recent playtests for One D&D have made improvements to Bardic Inspiration, allowing players to utilize it after a failed d20 check, eliminating the need for guesswork during encounters. These updates, along with the introduction of a new subclass, highlight the Bard's exceptional creativity and originality as a magic user. This class particularly embraces the concept of individuality, which is a trait that its characters often take pride in. Development for One D&D is underway, with a planned release date in 2024.
Dungeons and Dragons, developed by Gary Gygax, is a renowned tabletop game that allows players to create their own unique realms and join forces to embark on thrilling escapades set in the enigmatic realms described in companion materials. Widely regarded as one of the finest role-playing games ever conceived, it has also been transformed into numerous video games and other forms of media.
Franchise Dungeons & DragonsOriginal Release Date November 30, 1973Publisher Wizards of the CoastDesigner E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson
Editor's P/S
As a long-time Bard player, I was initially excited about the changes to the Bard class in One D&D, particularly the addition of the College of Dance subclass. However, I was disappointed by the changes to Bardic Inspiration, which was one of the Bard's most iconic abilities. Making Bardic Inspiration a reaction instead of a bonus action made it much weaker, as it competed with other valuable reactions such as opportunity attacks and counterspell. I'm glad that the designers listened to player feedback and reverted Bardic Inspiration back to its original form.
Overall, I think the changes to the Bard class in One D&D are a step in the right direction. The new College of Dance subclass is a great addition, and the Bard spell list has been expanded to include some powerful new spells. I'm excited to see how the Bard class evolves in future playtests.