Exclusive Revelation: Long-Awaited Grinch Slasher Film Going Digital - Prepare for the Most Unexpected Thrills!

Exclusive Revelation: Long-Awaited Grinch Slasher Film Going Digital - Prepare for the Most Unexpected Thrills!

Bizarre Grinch Slasher Movie, the ultimate Halloween treat, finally arrives in the digital realm after going viral Get ready to embrace the horror and witness the birth of a cult classic!


The Mean One, a dark twist on Dr. Seuss' The Grinch, is set to be released digitally on October 3, following a limited theater run last December.

Despite the negative reviews from critics and audiences, the movie still holds promise of becoming a cult classic, particularly with a broader audience reach through its release on VOD. Additionally, it has established a new trend in the horror genre by reimagining childhood classics like Winnie-the-Pooh, as seen in the unconventional and playful film titled "Blood and Honey". This unique approach may attract those seeking comedic horror films for the Halloween season.

The twisted version of Dr. Seuss' The Grinch will be released digitally just in time for Halloween. The film tells the story of adult Cindy You-Know-Who, as she returns to her hometown and confronts a horrifying past. After witnessing her mother's murder at the hands of a bloodthirsty green-skinned killer in a Santa suit, known as the Mean One, Cindy must face her traumas. Starring David Howard Thornton, known for his role in Terrifier, the movie has sparked controversy for its dark adaptation of a beloved childhood character.

After nearly a year since its viral announcement, DeskPop Entertainment has finally announced the digital release date for The Mean One. Following a successful limited theater run last December, the unconventional Grinch slasher movie will be available on video-on-demand platforms on October 3. Additionally, fans can also purchase the film on Blu-ray and DVD on the same date.

The Mean One Is Destined To Become A Cult Classic

Exclusive Revelation: Long-Awaited Grinch Slasher Film Going Digital - Prepare for the Most Unexpected Thrills!

Despite not being expected to be a major hit, The Mean One was a disappointment among critics upon its release. It only received a 20% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics finding fault in its acting and overly serious tone, which detracted from its promising concept. The audience response on the review aggregate was not much better, with only a 49% rating. However, amidst the negative reviews, there was some praise for Thornton's portrayal as the Mean One, with critics acknowledging his success in playing terrifying killers in the past.

However, despite its initial reception, The Mean One has the potential to become a cult classic as it enters the home media market. The fact that the movie was able to earn over $612k at the box office with a limited release in just 162 theaters suggests that there is interest in this bizarre slasher film. Furthermore, with a VOD release planned, allowing for wider coverage and coinciding with the Halloween season, audience reception may improve as there will be a larger pool of reviews to base opinions on.

The Mean One has the potential to become a cult classic for another significant reason - it was at the forefront of a peculiar new horror trend that involves reimagining childhood classics in the genre. While Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey was initially announced, The Grinch slasher actually beat it to the theaters. With several other projects in progress that follow this concept, such as a twisted Bambi slasher, viewers might want to start gathering a collection of tongue-in-cheek horror movies for the upcoming season.