Exclusive: Putin and Xi Join Hands in Pivotal Moment for Global Stability Amidst Middle East Crises

Exclusive: Putin and Xi Join Hands in Pivotal Moment for Global Stability Amidst Middle East Crises

Russian President Putin highlights the strong alliance between Russia and China, as he joins Chinese leader Xi Jinping at a global event in Beijing Together, they present a vision for a new world order, offering an alternative to the existing global framework

Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the strong connection between Russia and China during his appearance as a distinguished guest at a significant international event in Beijing. There, Chinese leader Xi Jinping presented his vision for a restructured global order. Without prior notice, Putin delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum, commending Xi's prominent foreign policy endeavor as an effort to establish a more just and multi-polar world.

Russia and China both have a shared desire for equal and mutually rewarding collaboration. They prioritize respecting the diverse civilizations and acknowledging the right of each state to determine their own development model. This statement by Putin serves as a response to the pressure on authoritarian leaders to uphold human rights and political freedoms domestically. Following Xi's address, where he extended a warm welcome to numerous world leaders and delegations, this event commemorated the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. This ambitious but contentious initiative aims to enhance global connectivity and trade through Chinese infrastructure projects.

Xi praised his initiative, stating that it introduced a fresh framework for international cooperation and offered a different approach to development for the global community. The event, held in Beijing's impressive Great Hall of the People, occurred against the backdrop of a Middle East conflict that poses a potential risk of expanding into a larger regional war. Additionally, it highlighted the widening rifts between major world powers.

Leaders and delegates from mostly Global South countries have convened in Beijing, while US President Joe Biden is scheduled to land in Israel today to demonstrate unwavering backing for its partner, which has pledged to eradicate Hamas after the Islamic extremist organization's brutal assault on Israel earlier this month.

China and Russia have urged a ceasefire in the escalating conflict and refrained from directly condemning Hamas, standing in stark opposition to the strong support for Israel expressed by the US and leaders throughout Europe.

Exclusive: Putin and Xi Join Hands in Pivotal Moment for Global Stability Amidst Middle East Crises

Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin shake hands after signing joint statement during Xi's state visit to Moscow in March 2023.

Xie Huanchi/Xinhua/Getty Images

China and Russia criticize Israel as divisions with the West sharpen

Rather than directly confronting the conflict, Xi indirectly implied a noticeable change in global power and leadership in his speech on Wednesday. He acknowledged that unprecedented transformations of great importance are taking place in our world and era. "China is actively striving to strengthen itself and revitalize the Chinese nation in every aspect by pursuing Chinese modernization. The modernization we are pursuing is not only beneficial for China, but also for all developing countries through collaborative endeavors."

China's leader expressed China's opposition to unilateral sanctions, economic coercion, and supply chain decoupling, in an apparent criticism aimed at the United States. He further emphasized that ideological confrontation, geopolitical rivalry, and bloc politics are not options for China.

Viewing the development of others as a threat or perceiving economic interdependence as a risk will not lead to personal improvement or hasten one's own development. Additionally, other world leaders, such as Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Indonesia's Joko Widodo, delivered speeches during the event, with many expressing agreement with Xi's plea for enhanced global development and a more collaborative, multilateral world.

An alternative world order

Xi, a formidable and assertive leader of China in recent history, has been intensifying endeavors to establish China as a viable alternative to the US in terms of leadership, encompassing a comprehensive vision for safeguarding global security and promoting development.

Hosting leaders in Beijing for China's first major international event since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic is a crucial element of Xi's effort to present his vision to nations that have cultivated close relationships with China over the last ten years. This event, commemorating the ten-year anniversary of Xi's flagship Belt and Road Initiative, has drawn attendance from world leaders, representatives, and delegations from over 140 countries, including those from the Middle East and the Taliban.

However, amidst China's internal hurdles such as a decelerating economy, soaring unemployment rates, and perplexing changes within the upper ranks of the ruling Communist Party, the nation also strives to divert attention from these issues. Beijing's objective at the gathering is to showcase its dominance and highlight its significant role in global development, presenting itself as an exemplary model of superior leadership.

China's signature foreign policy has successfully harnessed a substantial amount of Chinese financing, totaling hundreds of billions of dollars, to construct various infrastructural projects globally. These projects include ports, power stations, bridges, railways, and roads, effectively bolstering China's international interests and influence. Over 150 countries have actively participated in this program, which Beijing claims has stimulated economic growth in developing nations by generating investments of up to a trillion dollars.

However, as China's economic growth engine slows down and the global financial climate undergoes changes, the country's infrastructure building spree is facing challenges. There are concerns about the high costs it imposes on countries, ranging from accumulating debt to environmental impact. In fact, analysts suggest that China has become the largest debt collector in the world through its extensive infrastructure development endeavors.

In his Wednesday address, Xi disregarded criticisms and reaffirmed his dedication to the initiative.

"The achievements of the past decade prove that Belt and Road cooperation aligns with the right side of history. It symbolizes progress in our era and the correct path ahead," he stated.

Xi also put forward a comprehensive eight-point action plan regarding the Belt and Road initiative, encompassing the complete elimination of limitations on overseas investment in Chinese manufacturing and a proposal on worldwide governance of artificial intelligence.