Exclusive: Final Fantasy Creator Drops Bombshell Revelation About FF16

Exclusive: Final Fantasy Creator Drops Bombshell Revelation About FF16

Final Fantasy mastermind Hironobu Sakaguchi shares his personal insights on the highly anticipated RPG, Final Fantasy 16, after completing the game Discover the highlights of his thoughts in this exclusive article


Final Fantasy 16, the latest installment in the beloved RPG franchise, has received high praise from the series' original creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi.

The game has garnered positive reviews from both fans and critics, who have especially praised its engaging storyline and well-developed characters. Discussions about possible DLC for the game have been circulating, but no official announcements have been made as of now.

Final Fantasy 16 has received high praise from its original creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi. As the creator of the first entry in the series, Sakaguchi has seen the franchise grow into a gaming juggernaut. The newest installment has followed in its predecessors' footsteps, selling an impressive 3 million units within a month of its release. With fans and critics already lauding the game's story and characters, Final Fantasy 16 has emerged as a popular title. It even surpassed highly-anticipated games like Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy to become the best-selling PS5 game in Japan. This return to a more traditional fantasy setting has resonated with many, including Sakaguchi himself, who has only positive things to say about the game.

Sakaguchi, the creator of the original Final Fantasy, recently announced that he has completed Final Fantasy 16. In his review of the game, he praised it as the "ultimate" Final Fantasy experience. Sakaguchi had a long history with Square Enix, working there for twenty years and serving as director for the first five Final Fantasy games. Although he left Square Enix in 2003 to start his own studio, Mistwalker, Sakaguchi has remained prominent in the gaming industry. Mistwalker collaborated with Akira Toriyama, the Dragon Ball artist, to create the popular Blue Dragon JRPG franchise. Additionally, their game Fantasian, which received high praise on Apple Arcade, is now rumored to be coming to Steam.

Fans of Final Fantasy 16 are already considering the possibility of DLC being released for the game due to its early success. In a recent interview with Yoshi-P, there was a suggestion that a DLC chapter featuring the beloved character Cid could be introduced. This follows the pattern set by Final Fantasy 15, which released separate DLC stories for Prompto, Gladiolus, Ignis, and Ardyn. With the positive reception it has received from legendary figures in the Final Fantasy franchise, it appears that Final Fantasy 16 has a promising future. The game is currently available exclusively for PS5.

Source: PushSquare