Exclusive: Daredevil Season 1 Showrunner Reacts to MCU's Bold Decision and the Future of 'Born Again'

Exclusive: Daredevil Season 1 Showrunner Reacts to MCU's Bold Decision and the Future of 'Born Again'

Netflix's Daredevil Season 1 showrunner addresses the MCU's decision to revamp Born Again, promising an invigorating new start for the beloved superhero series


Daredevil season 1 showrunner, Steven DeKnight, expressed his thoughts about the original version of Daredevil: Born Again getting scrapped.

DeKnight is delighted that Marvel acknowledges the significance of appointing a showrunner to guarantee the triumph of a series. The alterations to Daredevil: Born Again were implemented due to a myriad of production challenges and to harmonize the atmosphere with the adored Netflix show.

Netflix Daredevil season 1 showrunner, Steven DeKnight, took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the creative overhaul of Marvel's Daredevil: Born Again.

Source: Steven DeKnight/Twitter