Exciting News for Dead Space Fans: EA Motive's Next Game Will Blow You Away!

Exciting News for Dead Space Fans: EA Motive's Next Game Will Blow You Away!

Even though EA Motive's next game isn't Dead Space-related, fans have compelling reasons to anticipate it The Iron Man game could potentially pave the way for the future of the Dead Space franchise


Dead Space should keep an eye on EA Motive's upcoming Iron Man game for a few reasons.

Iron Man's flight may have the likeness of Zero G sections, and his repulsor attacks may bear a strong resemblance to the Contact Beam weapon. On land, his movement could emulate the substantial feel of Isaac's walking.

Besides a few gameplay parallels, Iron Man has the potential to introduce new features that can be carried over to Dead Space. Additionally, keeping track of Iron Man's advancements may give Dead Space fans an indication of the timeframe for another installment.

Developer EA Motive has demonstrated its passion for the Dead Space franchise from the beginning. Despite concerns when it was announced that the game would be remade without the previous developer, Visceral Games, Motive has exceeded expectations. The studio has been transparent throughout the game's development, hosting live streams to share progress in areas such as sound design and creative decisions. Although it is uncertain if or when another Dead Space project will be created by Motive, fans should definitely stay on the lookout for their upcoming game.

Last year, EA revealed that an Iron Man game was being developed, with EA Motive leading the project. This game has been highly anticipated, considering Iron Man's prominent role in the successful Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With their experience from Dead Space, Motive appears to be the ideal studio for this undertaking. While there may be limited similarities between the two games, Dead Space fans may have a valid reason to follow this project closely.

EA Motive’s Iron Man Game Can Set The Stage For Dead Space’s Future

Exciting News for Dead Space Fans: EA Motive's Next Game Will Blow You Away!

The tones of Iron Man and Dead Space are completely different. The vibrant and lively world of Iron Man sharply contrasts with the brutal and gruesome nature of Dead Space. Locations like the glamorous Stark Tower are a world away from the blood-soaked corridors of the USG Ishimura. However, both games share the common element of featuring armored protagonists, which could lead to some similarities between the two characters.

Although Iron Man is known for his ability to fly and rarely stays grounded for long, there are situations where being on the ground is necessary. Crystal Dynamics' ill-fated Marvel's Avengers did a decent job of portraying this, but the Dead Space remake excelled in capturing the true essence of controlling someone in an armor suit. This bodes well for the Iron Man game, as it suggests that controlling Tony Stark on the ground could be just as exhilarating as controlling him in the air.

Speaking about flight, Dead Space's Zero G sections could serve as a solid starting point for Iron Man. While Iron Man will definitely be much faster than Isaac Clarke, there will still be instances where he stops in mid-air to engage enemies with his repulsors. Shooting while floating gives a satisfying experience as Isaac, and the same gameplay mechanic could be implemented whenever Iron Man is hovering in the sky. Fans of Dead Space who enjoyed the Zero G sections in the remake might find a sense of familiarity and satisfaction in Iron Man's combat.

There are other potential similarities to consider as well. For instance, one of the weapons Isaac wields in the Ishimura, the Contact Beam, could be used as inspiration for Tony Stark's repulsor blasts. Both the primary and secondary firing modes of the Contact Beam resemble Iron Man's attacks, offering fans an additional aspect to appreciate in Iron Man. Beyond the gameplay similarities, it is possible that EA Motive will adopt a similar approach to marketing, allowing fans to follow the game's development. This level of transparency was well-received by many Dead Space players, and it would be nice to see a similar format again, as it may sway any undecided fans in Iron Man's direction.

Dead Space fans should also consider watching Iron Man to explore potential new mechanics that could be implemented in future Dead Space games. This includes the possibility of drawing inspiration from enemy types in Iron Man to create innovative Necromorph designs. Additionally, the expansive, open flying areas depicted in Iron Man could inspire the inclusion of larger Zero G segments in Dead Space. The incorporation of Easter eggs, such as incorporating Zero G Basketball or displaying a poster from the Ishimura, could enhance the overall experience. Lastly, by staying updated on Iron Man's development, fans can gain insights into the potential release timeline for a sequel or even a Dead Space 2 remake. It can be assumed that as Iron Man progresses further in its development, EA Motive would have more resources available to focus on the survival horror series. Dead Space is currently available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.