Exciting News for Capcom Fans Coming on March 7 and March 11

Exciting News for Capcom Fans Coming on March 7 and March 11

Get ready for exclusive video reveals showcasing Capcom's latest games and DLC for all gaming platforms. Stay tuned for exciting updates and announcements!

Capcom is teaming up with streamer FightinCowboy once again to announce its latest games and DLC in two video presentations. These presentations will be spread out over two non-consecutive days, taking place on opposite sides of Daylight Savings Time. Following their successful collaboration on the Capcom Showcase in June 2023, this event aims to provide the latest information on titles launching soon and give an update on the current state of Capcom.

Capcom has a history of bringing many well-known titles and franchises to market, including Mega Man, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry. One of its most iconic brands is Street Fighter, the classic arcade 2D fighter that celebrates its 37th anniversary in 2024. Additionally, Capcom is the company behind the popular Monster Hunter franchise, which now includes a game available on mobile platforms. While not all of these titles are expected to be featured in the upcoming presentations, there has been confirmation on which ones will be included.

Capcom Highlights Confirmed Announcements

Airing on YouTube and Twitch, Capcom Highlights will showcase updates to its games and company on March 7 and March 11, at 3PM PT both days. Each video is expected to last between 15-20 minutes. Day 1 game highlights will include Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess and Dragon's Dogma 2. Day 2 highlights will include Street Fighter 6, Exoprimal, Monster Hunter Stories, and Monster Hunter Now. There will be no official announcements made regarding Monster Hunter Wilds. Capcom recently made a separate announcement for a special Monster Hunter program that will air on March 12.

kunitsu-gami-path-of-the-goddess-official-artwork - Capcom Highlights Confirmed Announcements

kunitsu-gami-path-of-the-goddess-official-artwork - Capcom Highlights Confirmed Announcements

March 7, 3PM PST

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess (Xbox, PC, PS5)

Dragon's Dogma 2 (Xbox, PC, PS5)

March 11, 3PM PDT

Street Fighter 6 (Xbox, PC, PS4, PS5)

Exoprimal (Xbox, PC, PS4, PS5)

Monster Hunter Stories (port) (PC, PS4, Switch)

Monster Hunter Now (iOS, Android)

Hosting the two-day event is FightinCowboy, a popular streamer known for his Elden Ring video guides. Capcom specifically chose him to be a special guest to help spread the word. While his YouTube channel currently features Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth videos, FightinCowboy previously hosted last June's Capcom Showcase on his channel. Despite some mixed reactions from fans, the event was a success, evident in his return as a host. Last year, the Showcase was part of FightinCowboy's livestream on YouTube and lasted 45 minutes. This weekend, Capcom's plan is to split the event into two shorter videos, although it is unclear if they will be pre-recorded.

Day 1 brings two exciting announcements - Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess and Dragon's Dogma 2 are both coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox, and PC. On Day 2, more titles will be revealed, including the port of Monster Hunter Stories for Switch, PC, and PS4, with Monster Hunter Now being the only mobile title featured. Additionally, it seems that a new playable character may be joining the Street Fighter 6 roster soon.

Mark your calendars for March 7 and March 11 for all the reveals. Just a heads up, Capcom mentions that the dates and times for the videos could change without notice, so fans should stay tuned for updates.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides an exciting glimpse into the upcoming Capcom Highlights presentations, where fans can anticipate updates on upcoming titles and the latest from Capcom. The lineup of confirmed games, including Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, Dragon's Dogma 2, Street Fighter 6, and Monster Hunter Stories, promises a diverse range of announcements.

Capcom's partnership with streamer FightinCowboy adds a personal and engaging touch to the event. His successful hosting of the previous Capcom Showcase demonstrates the value he brings in connecting with the gaming community. The decision to split the presentations into two shorter segments allows for a more focused and digestible experience for viewers. While the potential for changes in dates and times remains, fans are eagerly awaiting the reveals and insights that Capcom Highlights has in store.