Ex-President of Honduras Convicted in Drug Trafficking Trial

Ex-President of Honduras Convicted in Drug Trafficking Trial

Ex-Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was convicted of drug trafficking on Friday by a U.S. jury following a two-week trial in a federal court in Manhattan.

Former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández was convicted of drug trafficking by a US jury after a trial in Manhattan federal court. Prosecutors claimed that during his time in office, Hernández worked with drug cartels to transport over 400 tons of cocaine through Honduras to the US. In return, he allegedly received millions of dollars in bribes which he used to advance his political career in Honduras.

Hernández served as the president of Honduras from 2014 to 2022. Following the end of his second term, he was extradited to the United States in 2022. He is facing charges related to conspiracy to import cocaine, conspiracy to possess firearms and destructive devices for drug trafficking, and possession of such weapons during drug trafficking activities.

For these charges, Hernández could potentially receive a life sentence for each offense.

The Justice Department stated that during his time in office, Hernández supported and benefited drug traffickers close to him. They mentioned how he used his executive power to help extradite some drug traffickers to the US who posed a threat to his control, while assuring those who paid him and obeyed his commands that they would be safe in Honduras.

Additionally, prosecutors revealed that the conspiracy Hernández was involved in utilized the Honduran National Police to safeguard shipments of cocaine as they traveled within the country.

Hernández had denied the charges against him and testified in his own defense earlier this week.

A lawyer for Hernández said Friday they would appeal the conviction.

Raymond Colon, the attorney, described the former president as still strong but feeling disillusioned. He expressed sadness about the situation, referring to Hernandez as a noble man who fought for the same goals as the US in the war against drugs.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland stated that Hernández misused his power as President of Honduras to turn the country into a narco-state. This allowed violent drug traffickers to operate freely, leading to negative consequences for both the people of Honduras and the United States.

Garland also emphasized that the Justice Department is committed to dismantling drug trafficking networks that harm Americans. The conviction of Hernández serves as a clear example of their efforts to disrupt these criminal organizations, no matter how extensive or influential they may be.

Editor's P/S:

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