Every Action Movie Releasing In 2024
A look at the most anticipated action movies arriving in 2024, featuring star-studded casts and adrenaline-fueled plots that promise to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Exciting Action Movies of 2024
Action movies continue to be a major moneymaker for Hollywood productions year after year, and there are lots of adrenaline-fueled releases to look forward to in 2024. With countless special effects and death-defying stunts reliably selling big at the box office, studios have a full slate queued up. Over the next 12 months, moviegoers can expect shootouts, explosions, high-speed chases, and hard-hitting fight scenes across action films spanning various genres.
The Cast of Lift
2023 was a decent year for action movies. Movies that redefined the summer blockbuster, like Oppenheimer, set the stage for more amazing acts to follow. With such a diverse range of action movies headed for both the big screen and streaming services, 2024 has intense excitement in store to satisfy any and all with a taste for fast-paced narratives. Pulse-pounding set pieces and incredible stunt work guaranteed to surprise and entertain be a common theme throughout the year.
Kevin Hart running from an explosion
High-Flying Heist and Thrillers
The year kicks off with a high-flying heist thriller as Kevin Hart leads a crew of thieves in the Netflix release of Lift. The film promises death-defying action as the team attempts to pull off an impossible mission at 40,000 feet. Directed by action veteran F. Gary Gray and featuring a star-studded cast, Lift is set to deliver heart-stopping suspense and intense thrills.
Kevin Hart and the cast of Lift
Following closely is The Beekeeper, starring Jason Statham as a small-town beekeeper turned vigilante. Packed with action and a powerful narrative, The Beekeeper promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats as Statham's character seeks justice in a world of conspiracy and deception.
Jason Stathman as Clay from The Beekeeper
In February, audiences can look forward to the star-studded spy adventure Argylle, directed by Matthew Vaughn. Henry Cavill leads the cast in this fun and thrilling espionage film that is sure to deliver high-octane action and edge-of-your-seat suspense.
Argylle and Dua Lipa's character slow dancing
Summer Blockbusters and Epic Sequels
As the summer heats up, moviegoers can anticipate the release of Ballerina, a gritty and explosive spinoff from the John Wick franchise. Ana de Armas takes on the role of a vengeance-fueled ballerina-assassin, promising intense action and emotional depth in this highly anticipated summer blockbuster.
Ballerina - A ballerina with back tattoos dancing on stage to an empty audience
June also brings the return of the beloved detective duo in Bad Boys 4, featuring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, this over-the-top exploit is set to electrify the summer movie slate with its signature blend of explosive action and banter.
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence sitting in a car looking out the window as their characters from Bad Boys
In November, audiences can expect the epic return of Gladiator 2, directed by Ridley Scott and featuring a star-studded cast. Set to continue the legacy of the original period action film, Gladiator 2 promises massive battles and adrenaline-pumping action sequences that will captivate audiences once again.
Gladiator 2 - A gladiator in full armor rushing towards something