Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

Maintaining a considerate attitude while sharing a flight is crucial Discover essential etiquette tips to ensure a smoother journey amidst a planeload of fellow passengers From greeting to dealing with conflicts, armrests to seat reclining, kids, headphones, food, alcohol, and avoiding foot-related mishaps – this article covers it all

Planes will be filled to capacity, testing one's patience and inevitably leading to some frustration. Add to that a seat-kicker, a slightly intoxicated stranger, and someone casually barefoot in November, and the Thanksgiving journey becomes even more challenging. Furthermore, this year is predicted to break records for air travel. The Transportation Security Administration anticipates screening more people on the Sunday after the holiday (November 26) than ever before in its two-decade history, and certain airlines are bracing for their busiest Thanksgiving travel season yet.

For a smoother experience, it is important for every passenger to embrace common courtesy during the flight. To provide insight into the best practices of airplane etiquette, CNN Travel consulted experts. The key aspect that is often lacking is self-awareness, as individuals often become engrossed in their own journey and overlook the fact that they are sharing the plane with many other passengers.

It never fails to astound me to witness such behavior, as it pertains to my personal belongings, my designated space in the overhead bin, my seat, my flight, my connection, and even my drink. It reflects a distinct self-centeredness in the way people conduct themselves on an aircraft.

According to Rich Henderson, a flight attendant of ten years, this mindset is perplexing considering that there are hundreds of passengers on board. It is crucial to acknowledge and respect one's surroundings and the individuals in proximity.

It starts with hello

Greet the flight crew with politeness as it has a significant impact. According to Diane Gottsman, an etiquette expert and owner of The Protocol School of Texas, being pleasant to the first person you encounter on the plane can go a long way.

Andrew Henderson, a seasoned flight attendant with two decades of experience, echoes this sentiment.

"Basic gestures like a friendly greeting, expressing gratitude, or simply acknowledging our presence are acts of politeness. Unfortunately, with the prevalence of noise-canceling headphones and our constant reliance on devices, these simple etiquettes seem to be fading away. We have become so engrossed in our busy lives that we often overlook the fact that we share this world with other human beings," expressed Andrew Henderson. He is happily married to Rich Henderson, and together they curate the website and social media accounts of Two Guys on a Plane, where they offer a complimentary blend of humor and sass.

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About those headphones


Earbuds and noise-canceling headphones have their advantages and disadvantages. They are effective in blocking out unwanted noise, but they can also hinder our ability to pay attention in crucial situations. Rich Henderson emphasizes the importance of being aware of our surroundings, especially in emergencies. Flight attendants often joke that if there was an emergency, many people would still be on the plane because they are immersed in their phones, wearing noise-canceling headphones, and oblivious to what is happening around them. This thought is quite unsettling.

Passengers engrossed in their own thoughts often overlook beverage service and subsequently become irritated when they are skipped.

According to Andrew Henderson, "To avoid any future confrontations, please take off your headphones and acknowledge the presence of a cart or a flight attendant approaching your row."

Noise-canceling devices, referred to as the definitive indication of a desire for privacy, certainly prove beneficial. Tired of chatting with your neighbor endlessly? Simply wear headphones. Furthermore, these devices act as a lifesaver when dealing with inconsolable babies.

So put them on your ears and be kind.

Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

illustration by Stewart Scott-Curran/CNN

Kids on planes

"I believe it's important for us to show understanding and patience towards parents who are traveling with young children. It's not the baby's fault, and it can be quite distressing for the parent to see others reacting negatively," expressed Gottsman. "They don't want their baby to cry any more than we do."

However, situations involving unruly children are a different matter. Neglectful parents often compile lists of the most irritating behaviors on airplanes.

Parents, just like in any public setting, should be responsible for monitoring their children, according to Gottsman. Whether they are dining in a restaurant, shopping in a grocery store, or traveling on a plane, it is important for the child's safety and the comfort of fellow passengers. Parents should be mindful of their children kicking the seat in front of them.

Seat-kicking and other conflicts

Seat-kicking is a frequent passenger complaint, along with armrest-hogging and a laundry list of other grievances.

Andrew Henderson emphasized the importance of showing kindness towards one another. He suggested that instead of getting upset, adults should address issues directly, such as politely speaking to someone who is kicking their seat. Effective communication in such situations can prevent frustration from arising.

"So, as a passenger who prefers to keep the window shade closed throughout the entire flight, I would politely ask my neighbor if they have any preference for it to be open. In case someone wants it open, we can discuss and find a compromise. Perhaps they enjoy looking outside during takeoff and landing but are comfortable with it being closed otherwise."

Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

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According to Samantha Brown, a renowned TV host and travel expert, the decision to have the window shade up or down lies solely with the person occupying the window seat. In an interview with CNN, she stressed that the individual seated by the aisle does not have the authority to request the window seat person to lower the shade.

Andrew Henderson advises against adopting such a approach, stating, "Engaging in a self-absorbed manner and claiming ownership over a window, with an attitude of 'It's mine, and I can close it at will,' will inevitably lead to conflicts."

Proceed carefully, window seaters.

The rule on armrests

In terms of armrests, Gottsman stated that the middle seat is granted priority. According to her, the person occupying the middle seat always gets both armrests and has the freedom to choose how they want to lean.

Samantha Brown said the middle seat occupant definitely gets both armrests. "The middle seatthey get anything they want."

Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

illustration by Stewart Scott-Curran/CNN

A measured approach to the seat-reclining question

The issue of seat reclining cannot be resolved in this discussion. To recline or not to recline is a highly debated topic among travelers. However, it is crucial to prioritize courtesy regardless of your decision.

If you choose to lean your seat backwards, it is essential to check if anyone's knees are up against the seat, if the tray table is down, or if someone has food on the tray table, advised Gottsman.

Rich Henderson believes in reclining, but with a condition.

"In general, I believe people should use their seats as intended," he expressed, emphasizing that on flights that include meal service, it is appropriate to lean your seat forward.

Boozing it up

Alcohol has been implicated in numerous severe air rage incidents in recent years. Passengers who consume alcohol both at the airport bar and on the plane often exhibit disruptive behavior, making them undesirable seatmates and customers. Consequently, these individuals often incur substantial fines.

"I think that its important to drink in moderation," said Gottman. "If you are going to drink, and thats fine, dont over imbibe."

Etiquette Essentials for a Seamless Flight Experience

illustration by Stewart Scott-Curran/CNN

Smelly food, smelly people

In close confines, it is difficult to avoid unpleasant odors. Therefore, it is important to consider the food you bring on board a plane. Consider avoiding fish and hard-boiled eggs, as they can be particularly strong-smelling and may disturb others.

Andrew Henderson advises, "What may not be smelly food to me could be offensive to someone else. If you notice people complaining about the odor of your food, it might be best to avoid eating your fish tacos on the airplane. Alternatively, if you do choose to bring fish tacos, it is courteous to apologize to those around you for the smell and try to consume them quickly."

Do your personal grooming at home and refrain from clipping your nails while traveling to your grandmother's house. However, it is essential to take care of your personal hygiene before boarding a flight. According to surveys, complaints about unpleasant smells from passengers, whether due to inadequate hygiene or excessive use of perfume or cologne, are prevalent.

Smelly feet – or any feet, really

Gottsman advises passengers to select a pair of shoes that will provide comfort throughout the flight, even if their feet swell. According to her, it is not acceptable to kick off one's shoes and take a quick nap. While a nap is permissible, shoes should remain on. Additionally, it is not advisable to walk barefoot or in socks when moving around the cabin, to the restrooms, or returning to one's seat.

Under no circumstances should you place your bare feet on someone else's armrest. Brown had an extremely annoying experience when this occurred, stating it as the worst passenger encounter she has ever had.

"I immediately felt the need to address this issue by politely requesting, Please refrain from doing that. However, before doing so, it is important to document the incident," she mentioned, displaying photos of the passenger's offensive bare feet (both with red toenail polish) to CNN viewers.

That also gave the other passengers partner time to say, "Uh, you should remove your feet. Shes taking pictures of them."

Bottom line?

"We could all do a little bit better to be nicer to each other," said Rich Henderson, "especially in such tight quarters."