Empowering Gen Z with Financial Literacy Through Intuit's Educational Initiatives

Empowering Gen Z with Financial Literacy Through Intuit's Educational Initiatives

Amidst Gen Z's aspiration to be online influencers, Intuit's educational efforts during Financial Literacy Month aim to equip them with essential money management skills. As more youngsters dream of lucrative TikTok brand deals, Intuit's focus on budgeting, saving, and financial literacy is crucial for their future financial well-being.

Over 50% of Gen Z children aspire to be online influencers, as revealed by a recent Morning Consult survey. In honor of Financial Literacy Month in April, Intuit aims to equip them with the necessary skills to budget, save, and effectively handle the income they may receive from potential TikTok partnerships in the future.

Intuit is hoping to empower the first generation of financially savvy students with Intuit for Education, a free program for students and educators launched this month.


In a recent survey of 2,000 high school students, it was revealed that 85% of them expressed a desire to learn about financial topics in school. Among the students who actually do receive financial education in school, an overwhelming 95% found it to be helpful. Despite this positive feedback, the survey also highlighted that only a small number of students are currently receiving financial education in school.

To bridge that gap, Intuit last week announced the Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge to encourage all schools to spend one hour on financial education during Financial Literacy Month.


Intuit for Education offers free personal and entrepreneurial finance courses for high school teachers and students. These courses feature interactive lessons and simulations using Intuit products such as TurboTax, QuickBooks, Credit Karma, and Mailchimp.

Intuit for Education provides educators with over 150 hours of customizable curriculum. This includes resources to teach important skills such as budgeting, saving, managing credit, and understanding basic finances. Additionally, teachers have access to free live and on-demand professional development content like webinars and podcasts.

Schools that register for the inaugural Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge will get ready-to-use lesson plans inspired by the Intuit for Education curriculum. They will also have access to Intuit Prosperity Quest, an engaging online game that teaches important financial topics like taxes, credit, and investment in an enjoyable and relatable way.

Students who lack personal finance knowledge may struggle to make wise financial choices, putting their future financial success at risk, according to Dave Zasada, vice president of Education and Corporate Responsibility at Intuit. He stated that financial education is crucial, as shown by a survey revealing that 95% of students benefit from financial curriculum in school. Intuit, a global organization dedicated to promoting prosperity for four decades, aims to enhance the financial literacy of 50 million students by 2030.

As part of the Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge, schools can compete to win a celebration worth up to $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000, depending on the size of the school.


Schools interested in signing up for the challenge can visit intuit.com/houroffinance.

TMX contributed to this story.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the growing aspiration among Gen Z children to become online influencers, underscoring the need for financial literacy education. Intuit's initiative to equip students with these essential skills is commendable, recognizing the importance of financial planning and management for their future success. The survey findings indicate a clear demand for financial education in schools, yet the current provision is insufficient. Intuit for Education's free courses and resources offer a valuable solution, providing teachers with customizable curriculum and professional development opportunities.

The Intuit Hour of Finance Challenge encourages schools to prioritize financial literacy education during Financial Literacy Month. By participating in this challenge, schools can access ready-to-use lesson plans, engaging online games, and the opportunity to win substantial prizes. This initiative aligns with Intuit's goal of enhancing the financial literacy of 50 million students by 2030, empowering the next generation with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions and secure their financial future.