Emotional Discovery in Starfield Reveals Heart-Wrenching Lore

Emotional Discovery in Starfield Reveals Heart-Wrenching Lore

Embark on a journey in Starfield where a player uncovers a poignant detail that tugs at the heartstrings, shedding light on the deep lore within Bethesda's expansive space RPG.

One Starfield player recently experienced heartbreak upon learning that Labrador Retrievers are extinct within the game's universe. Despite this being a well-known fact within Starfield's lore, many fans had been unaware of this detail until recently.

Set in the 24th century, Bethesda's intergalactic RPG showcases a time where humanity has left Earth behind to colonize the vast reaches of space. The reason behind this mass exodus serves as one of Starfield's core mysteries, leading players on an extensive journey as they delve into the game's main storyline.

The fate of canines in this universe is no longer a mystery - they have all gone extinct. This fact is confirmed by the presence of Chocolate Labs, a common type of loot in the game. These breakfast cereals are described as being "shaped like an extinct canine called Labrador Retriever." While some players discovered this sad detail shortly after the game's release in September 2023, Reddit user Serafim42 only recently noticed it, deeming it as "the saddest thing" they've encountered in the game so far. Many fans joined in by sharing their Chocolate Labs screenshots on the largest Starfield community on Reddit, showing that the knowledge of dogs' extinction in this world is still a surprise to some players.

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The post on Reddit

Controversy Over Starfield's Absence of Dogs

Some players have sparked a debate over Starfield's lore, specifically focusing on the absence of dogs in the game. Many fans argue that it doesn't make sense for people to leave their pets behind when venturing into space. On the other hand, some players believe that Earth's inhabitants may have chosen to stay behind with their beloved pets, leading to their extinction in the game.

Starfield Dog Doll

Starfield Dog Doll

Starfield Pet Mods Are a Distant Possibility

Renewed calls have been made in discussions for the modding community to incorporate pets into Starfield. Although no projects have been confirmed, the possibility of modders taking on this task in the future appears likely. This is supported by the presence of high-quality pet mods in Bethesda's other RPGs like Skyrim.

However, the absence of pet models in the game means that even the simplest pet mods would require a significant amount of effort to develop. It may be unrealistic to expect such dedication from modders, especially since Bethesda has not yet released the official mod tools for Starfield. On a positive note, there are indications of progress towards the release of Creation Kit 2, with recent activity in the Starfield Steam repository suggesting that the toolset is approaching beta testing.

Editor's P/S:

The article's revelation that Labrador Retrievers are extinct in the Starfield universe has sparked a bittersweet reaction. While it's a testament to the game's immersive lore, it's also a somber reminder of the consequences of humanity's exodus from Earth. The controversy surrounding the absence of dogs in the game highlights the emotional attachment many players have to their virtual companions, underscoring the importance of pet-related content in future updates or mods.

The potential for pet mods in Starfield offers a glimmer of hope for those who miss the presence of furry friends in the game. However, the technical challenges involved in creating pet models may limit the scope and accessibility of such mods. Nevertheless, the modding community's dedication to enhancing Bethesda RPGs suggests that pet-related mods may eventually become a reality, providing a way for players to bring a touch of warmth and companionship to their intergalactic adventures.