Embracing LinkedIn's Top Skills: Enhancing Your Profile for Success

Embracing LinkedIn's Top Skills: Enhancing Your Profile for Success

Discover the crucial skills outlined in LinkedIn's latest report for 2024. Learn why mastering human-centric abilities such as communication and customer service is vital in navigating the evolving landscape of AI and workforce changes.

LinkedIn has released a new report highlighting the key skills that professionals need to stay competitive in today's job market. Communication, customer service, leadership, and adaptability are at the top of the list, showcasing the importance of skills that AI cannot duplicate.

LinkedIn VP Aneesh Raman predicts that people skills will play a more central role in individual career growth. He also believes that people-to-people collaboration will become more important for company growth.

The annual ranking is determined using data from LinkedIn's 1 billion users in 200 countries and regions.

The Top 10 Most In-Demand Skills For 2024

A graphic showcasing the

A graphic showcasing the "most in-demand LinkedIn skills for 2024" with adaptability highlighted as the top skill of the moment, by LinkedIn Learning.

Screenshot from: LinkedIn, April 2024.


Customer Service


Project Management







In addition to the top 10 list, LinkedIn identified adaptability as the “skill of the moment” due to its remarkable year-over-year growth in demand.

LinkedIn Global Head of Content Strategy Dan Brodnitz stated that adaptability is now considered the top skill with the highest demand due to the profound impact of AI on the workforce. It is crucial for teams to remain flexible and effective in navigating the rapidly changing landscape.

It is projected that by 2030, about 65% of job skills will undergo changes, a significant increase from the 25% reported in 2015. Presently, more than half of LinkedIn users hold positions that are at risk of being disrupted by AI.

LinkedIn is currently providing free access to valuable learning courses until May 31st, 2024, to assist individuals in developing essential soft skills. You can access the links to these courses in LinkedIn's report.

The Significance of Highlighting Skills on LinkedIn

In a recent LinkedIn blog post, it was mentioned that with skills-based hiring becoming more common, it is crucial to clearly showcase your abilities on your LinkedIn profile.

According to Bruce M. Anderson from LinkedIn, skills are now just as important as education, past employers, job titles, and work history when it comes to landing a new job.

Nearly half of employers actively look for candidates with specific skills when hiring for open positions.

According to data from LinkedIn, individuals who have at least one skill listed on their profile tend to receive twice as many profile views, connection requests, and messages compared to those who do not list any skills.

LinkedIn suggests including a maximum of 50 skills on your profile, covering both technical and human skills.

It is recommended for job seekers to prioritize skills that are commonly requested in job listings for the specific roles and industries they are targeting.

Anderson recommends focusing on specific skills rather than generic terms. For example, instead of listing "communication," highlight specialized skills like public speaking, executive communications, and copywriting. Remember, the devil is in the details!

Simply listing skills on LinkedIn is not enough. To enhance credibility, it is recommended to ask colleagues and managers for endorsements of those skills.

In addition, users have the option to showcase their skills in action by creating a “Projects” section. This section allows them to detail how they have applied specific skills and back up their claims with media such as case studies, blog posts, and presentations.

“Regularly adding new skills is also advisable,” says Anderson, pointing to data showing members updated their skills 11% more frequently when hired or promoted.

In Summary

In today's job market, it is crucial to showcase your full range of skills on LinkedIn as artificial intelligence takes over more technical tasks. Those who excel at regularly updating and effectively promoting their skills will have the best chances of staying employable in 2024 and beyond.


Importance of Adaptability for SEO Experts in the Age of AI

LinkedIn has identified adaptability as a crucial skill, especially with the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace. For SEO experts, being adaptable means being able to easily adjust to new technologies and navigate through search engine algorithm changes.

SEO specialists must constantly adapt and remain competitive in the industry by flexibly shifting strategies when needed.

With the ongoing transformation of job roles due to AI, those who can quickly learn and implement new techniques will continue to be valuable to their clients and maintain success in the market.

Importance of Updating Skills on LinkedIn for SEO

Updating skills on professional platforms like LinkedIn is crucial for SEO experts. By showcasing a wide range of abilities, professionals can attract more clients or employers who are looking for specific skills.

Focusing on specialized SEO skills such as technical website optimization and creating high-quality backlinks, as well as showcasing endorsements and examples of previous projects, is crucial for establishing credibility. This demonstrates a commitment to staying current with the constantly changing best practices in the SEO industry.

Why is it important for SEO experts to also develop soft skills like leadership and teamwork, as suggested by LinkedIn?

LinkedIn's report highlights the increasing importance of soft skills like leadership and teamwork, which are challenging for AI to imitate.

For SEO professionals, developing these skills is crucial for effective project management, working collaboratively across different functions, and leading SEO teams or projects.

Soft skills complement technical abilities, enabling SEO professionals to navigate client relationships and foster an environment of continuous improvement.

Editor's P/S:

The LinkedIn report's emphasis on the significance of soft skills, such as communication, leadership, and adaptability, in the face of AI's growing presence in the workplace is intriguing. These skills, which AI struggles to replicate, are becoming increasingly sought after by employers. Professionals who prioritize developing and showcasing these skills on platforms like LinkedIn will enhance their employability and career prospects.

Moreover, the report's findings indicate the need for adaptability as a key skill, particularly for SEO experts. The fast-paced nature of the SEO industry, driven by technological advancements and algorithm updates, demands that professionals embrace adaptability to stay competitive. Regularly updating skills, seeking endorsements, and showcasing projects are valuable strategies for SEO professionals to demonstrate their expertise and adaptability to potential clients and employers.