Embrace the 'Glam Lift' for Effortless Application of Press-On Beauty Products

Embrace the 'Glam Lift' for Effortless Application of Press-On Beauty Products

Experience a unique elevator journey with the beauty brand's innovative 'Glam Lift' campaign. Guests can enjoy applying press-on lashes or nails while traveling 30 floors, making beauty routines convenient and fun.

Kiss Products Launches "ImPress Yourself" Campaign

Kiss Products recently introduced a new campaign called "ImPress Yourself" to showcase their ImPress line of press-on lash and nail products on a global scale.

The campaign aims to showcase the quick and simple application process of Kiss products. Creative content will focus on an "ImPress Express" elevator concept where guests are challenged to apply press-on lashes or nails during a 30-floor ride.

The campaign will be featured on linear and connected TV (CTV), as well as on social media and streaming radio platforms like Pandora and Spotify. Developed in collaboration with The EGC Group, this campaign is the first to combine Kiss' lash and nail ImPress products in one unified effort.

Article Insight:

Kiss has launched a new campaign called "ImPress Yourself" which combines their ImPress Press-On Falsies and Manicure products. This campaign aims to attract new audiences, especially those seeking a more convenient beauty routine.

The key to the campaign is the content that focuses on the elevator-turned-beauty-pod concept created by EGC Group. This concept aims to show how quickly and easily Kiss' press-on products can be applied. In two video ads featuring the ImPress Falsies and Manicure products, guests enter an elevator and are challenged to apply lashes or nails during the elevator's 30-floor ride. EGC Group collaborated with production company Unreasonable to create the video content over a three-day shoot, directed by Maya Margolina.

The campaign will cover various platforms such as linear and CTV, Pandora, Spotify, and popular social channels like Meta, TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat. It is scheduled to run until September. This campaign is significant as it combines Kiss’ ImPress lash and nail products for the first time, serving as a foundation for future campaigns, as stated by Rich DeSimone, vice president and creative director of EGC Group.

DeSimone mentioned that they are exploring new ideas beyond TV and digital platforms to reach a wider audience and attract new users to try the products.

Kiss, a brand known for its press-on manicure product for more than ten years, introduced ImPress Falsies in early 2020. To support the launch, the brand ran an out-of-home campaign in New York City and Los Angeles, aiming to reach over 40 million consumers in both cities. This campaign was managed by EGC Group, a company that has worked with Kiss for seven years.

The most recent campaign collaboration between Kiss and EGC Group came after a three-month bidding process involving multiple agencies, concluding in December. Following the bidding, EGC Group quickly produced video assets for the campaign. EGC Group also works with other notable brands like Canon and Mayo Clinic.

Other beauty brands, such as CeraVe and E.l.f. Cosmetics, have also been actively promoting their products. CeraVe had a successful campaign at the Super Bowl earlier this year, featuring Michael Cera in a commercial. They then used a similar marketing strategy for another campaign, which included a movie teaser-like ad. Recently, E.l.f. Cosmetics launched a campaign called “So Many Dicks,” highlighting the lack of diversity on U.S. corporate boards by comparing the number of men named Richard, Rick, or Dick to the number of women from various backgrounds.

Editor's P/S:

The "ImPress Yourself" campaign by Kiss Products is a clever and effective way to showcase their innovative press-on beauty products. The "ImPress Express" elevator concept is particularly brilliant, as it succinctly demonstrates the convenience and speed of the application process. The campaign's focus on a unified effort that combines both lash and nail products is also a smart move, as it appeals to a wider audience and reinforces the brand's commitment to providing a comprehensive beauty solution.

The collaboration between Kiss and EGC Group is another noteworthy aspect of the campaign. EGC Group's expertise in creating engaging and impactful content is evident in the video ads, which capture the essence of the "ImPress Yourself" message in a fun and relatable way. The campaign's multi-platform approach, including linear TV, CTV, social media, and streaming radio, ensures maximum reach and engagement. Overall, the "ImPress Yourself" campaign is a well-executed and promising effort that is likely to drive awareness and sales for Kiss Products.
