Elrond's Fate After Lord of the Rings

Discover the untold story of Elrond, the wise and powerful elf who played a pivotal role in the War of the One Ring Follow his journey after the war as he navigates the changing world of Middle-earth and faces new challenges
Elrond played an essential role in the formation of the fellowship in the Lord of the Rings, but his days were numbered even before the nine members embarked on their journey to Mount Doom. As with all Elves, Elrond was destined to make the Great Journey to Valinor, the Land Across the Sea. While some Elves departed immediately, others chose to stay in Middle Earth, creating long lives for themselves amongst its diverse inhabitants. Elrond followed in the footsteps of his parents, Elwing and Eärendil, and experienced both great joys and deep sorrows.
He established the stunning Elven realm of Rivendell, where he built a home with his wife Celebrían and their three children - Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir. When Middle Earth went to war against Sauron in the First Age, Elrond took up arms and put his trust in Men, only to be let down by their great warrior, Isildur. Understandably bitter about this for centuries to come, Elrond nevertheless continued to work tirelessly towards Middle Earth's ultimate victory over Sauron. It was only then that Elrond finally answered the call of Valinor.
Where was Elrond at the end of the story?
Elrond's past experience with Men had left him deeply distrustful of their capabilities, particularly when it came to wielding the power of the One Ring. After witnessing Isildur's failure to destroy the ring and subsequently succumbing to its influence, Elrond's faith in Men was shattered. This mistrust extended to Isildur's heir, Aragorn, whom Elrond saw as weak and unworthy of Gandalf's belief in him. Despite attempting to persuade Arwen to abandon her mortal love for Aragorn, Elrond eventually came to see the error in his judgment and opened his heart to the possibility of redemption for both Men and himself.
Gandalf implores Elrond to have faith in Men once again in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. However, Elrond is hesitant, recalling the betrayal of Isildur and the consequences of trusting in Men. His negative opinion towards Men is apparent, almost bordering on misandry if he were a modern-day woman. In Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Elrond advises Arwen to leave Aragorn behind, warning her that their love is destined for failure. He reminds her that even if Aragorn survives the war against Sauron, he may still perish in another battle or from old age.
To Elrond, Arwen's decision to stay with Aragorn in Middle Earth seems senseless and naive, as he sees her situation as hopeless. He himself had chosen to live as an Elf despite having the chance to walk the lands as a Man, due to his dual nature. However, Arwen is willing to risk everything for a life with Aragorn, regardless of how short it may be. She had loved and been loved by him for a long time before discussing it with her father, and the thought of living without him forever was unbearable. Elrond's heart was heavy with certainty that Aragorn would fail towards the end of Lord of the Rings, and that his daughter would be ruined in the process.
What Happened to Elrond After The War of the One Ring?
Despite initially distrusting Aragorn, Elrond was ultimately proven to be a compassionate and helpful ally. He played a crucial role in aiding Aragorn's quest to reclaim the throne of Gondor, providing him with assistance whenever possible. In Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, we see a significant change in Elrond's opinion of Men. He sends his sons, Elladan and Elrohir, to fight alongside the Rangers of the North in Rohan, demonstrating his newfound faith in their abilities. Elrond even goes as far as to warn Aragorn of a secret fleet of Southerners sent by Sauron to attack from the river, further solidifying his commitment to the cause.
Aragorn's army is outnumbered and unprepared for an attack from both sides. Elrond suggests using the Paths of the Dead, where the spirits of past warriors roam, to bolster their forces. Aragorn is hesitant, believing these spirits to be cursed for not aiding Gondor in the past. However, Elrond presents him with the reforged sword that cut the Ring from Sauron's finger and reminds Aragorn that it's his destiny as the King of Gondor to offer these souls a chance at redemption.
Elrond's character underwent a transformation, as he learned to practice forgiveness and let go of his grudge against Men. Despite his initial reluctance, he ultimately accepted Aragorn as a worthy leader and supported his marriage to Arwen. This was exemplified by his symbolic return of the Sceptre of Annúminas, which demonstrated his restored faith in the connection between the royalty of Men and Elves. Elrond's journey did not end with his departure on the ship to Valinor, but marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life.