Ellie's Incredible Journey Continues: Enter a World Transformed in The Last of Us 3!

Ellie's journey in The Last of Us 3 takes a heartfelt turn as she confronts the consequences of Joel's fateful decision, leading her towards a transformative path of healing and growth
Joel's decision in The Last of Us serves as the series' climax and a pivotal moment with far-reaching effects in both games. It profoundly impacts various characters long after its occurrence, particularly Ellie, who struggles with the morality and consequences of Joel's choice for the fate of humanity, their relationship, and the deception Joel had perpetuated. While Ellie's future remains uncertain at the end of The Last of Us 2, the potential for a sequel is evident due to the numerous paths available to her.
What remains evident is Ellie's difficulty in avoiding involvement in conflicts she deeply cares about; when presented with the option to pursue Abby or cultivate a peaceful life with Dina, Ellie chooses the former. An intriguing way to challenge Ellie would be to place her in the same predicament Joel faced years ago, granting her the chance to determine her own choice, whether she would resort to deceit, and how she would navigate the consequences that follow.
Joel's Choice Reached Far Beyond The Last of Us
In The Last of Us, the ending reveals a crucial moment for Joel. He uncovers the Fireflies' plan to dissect Ellie in order to study her immunity to the Cordyceps fungus that caused the epidemic. Choosing to protect Ellie, Joel betrays the Fireflies by killing many of them, including the doctor who was supposed to perform the procedure. Together, they escape. Joel lies to Ellie by distorting the Fireflies' intentions, claiming they were not interested in finding a cure for humanity since they had already encountered many immune individuals.
Years later, Ellie uncovers the truth behind Joel's deceit, leading to a significant rupture in their relationship. Even after resolving this conflict, the tension lingers between them, and following Joel's death, Ellie wrestles with her internal turmoil. None of her other connections can compare to the bond she shared with Joel, and this is one of the reasons why she acts irrationally in The Last of Us 2. Her unyielding anger and hatred towards Abby drive her to pursue revenge instead of letting go and moving on.
The Last of Us Needs Ellie to Move On
Ellie must overcome her anger and complex emotions towards Joel, particularly regarding his choice to prioritize her life over the fate of humanity. One way to achieve this is by immersing Ellie in Joel's perspective, placing her in the role of a caregiver for another immune child. In this situation, she would be faced with the difficult decision of choosing between the child's life and the future of humanity. The bond between Ellie and the child could mirror her journey with Joel in The Last of Us, ultimately leading to a similar decision where Ellie, potentially, allows the child to make the choice she herself was denied.
The characters of Ellie and Joel are profoundly influenced by their past experiences. Ellie's own encounters with deceit and having her agency stripped away would undoubtedly shape her reaction if she were in Joel's position. While it is likely that most players would understand Ellie making the same choice as Joel to save a child she has formed a connection with, the crucial difference lies in her refusal to deceive them afterwards. Regardless, establishing a relationship with someone resembling Ellie, similar to her dynamic with Joel, would provide the perfect opportunity for Ellie to confront her past head-on, ultimately enabling her to release her anger and embrace healing.
The Last of Us Part 2 is available now for PS4.