The official Netflix Anime account announced that Monsters, an anime created by Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, is set to be released in January 2024. The announcement was made on X, previously known as Twitter, on December 15, 2023, at 12 pm JST, and featured a key visual of the anime adaptation.
Monsters is an adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s one-shot manga titled Monsters: Ippaku Sanjō Hiryū Jigoku, which translates to “103 Mercies Dragon Damnation.” This manga was also included in Wanted, a collection of one-shot manga created by the same artist. This article will provide a detailed analysis of the key visual and other important information in anticipation of the anime adaptation’s release.
Taking a look at the Monsters anime key visual and character visual
The key visual prominently features the protagonist of the upcoming anime adaptation, Ryuma, with a double exposure effect showing a close-up of his face blended with a shot of him in combat with his sword. The title of the Monsters anime is positioned in the center, with the two important deuteragonists in the series also featured. On the right, Cyrano stands out with his unique appearance, sporting a Musketeer hat, a red cape, and a thin, curved mustache, reminiscent of Mihawk Dracule from the One Piece series.
To the left are Ryuma, Flare, and Cyrano (Image via Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha)
On the other hand, Flare, with shoulder-length hair, is seen wearing a yellow and white-colored striped shirt to the left. At the top of the key visual, fans can catch a glimpse of the Dragon, which served as the basis for the one-shot manga.
More about the Monsters anime production
Official announcement by E&H Production (Screengrab via X/@EandH_INFO)
The Monsters anime, created by Eiichiro Oda and produced by Netflix, will be directed by the well-known Sunghoo Park. With experience directing visually stunning and successful anime titles like Ninja Kamui and Jujutsu Kaisen, Park has also opened his own animation studio, E&H Production, which will work on this project.
About the one-shot manga
The Monsters anime is an adaptation of Monsters: Ippaku Sanjō Hiryū Jigoku, a one-shot published by Shueisha in 1994. This one-shot, along with other works by Eiichiro Oda, was later compiled and released in a series called Wanted. In addition, a voice comic adaptation of the original one-shot manga was produced in 2021.
This was part of the One Piece 100 We Are ONE celebration, which commemorated the release of One Piece’s 100th volume. The voice comic adaptation was released as a two-part series on September 6 and September 7, 2021. Keep an eye out for more anime and manga news as 2023 unfolds.
Editor's P/S
As a hard fan of Eiichiro Oda's works, I am incredibly excited about the upcoming Monsters anime. The captivating new visuals revealed for the January 2024 premiere have only heightened my anticipation. The double exposure effect used in the key visual, showcasing the protagonist Ryuma's face blended with a shot of him in combat, is particularly intriguing. It hints at the dynamic and intense nature of the story. The inclusion of Cyrano and Flare, the other important characters, adds to the intrigue and suggests a well-rounded cast.
The involvement of Sunghoo Park as the director further elevates my expectations. His track record of directing visually stunning and successful anime titles, such as Ninja Kamui and Jujutsu Kaisen, speaks for itself. The fact that he has opened his own animation studio, E&H Production, specifically for this project demonstrates his commitment to delivering a high-quality adaptation. I am confident that Park's expertise and passion will bring Oda's vision to life in a truly captivating manner.