Eiichiro Oda has recently released a trailer for his Monsters anime, providing fans with a glimpse of the animation and art style. The show is highly anticipated by One Piece series enthusiasts as it is based on a one-shot created by Oda himself and released in the '90s. This one-shot, along with others by the same creator, has since been compiled. While many fans were thrilled by the trailer, some netizens expressed mixed opinions. While diehard fans are eager to watch anything by Oda, others had more varied reactions.
Fans do not seem pleased with the animation quality of
Conversely, a significant number of fans approached the animation with a critical eye and found it underwhelming. Numerous netizens highlighted the subpar animation, with one of them comparing the preview to a "slideshow."
Monsters anime
One thing about anime fans is their unabashed candor when critiquing shows, even their favorites. The Monsters anime is no different. Fans were less than pleased with the animation, hoping for the same quality as the One Piece world. It seems their expectations were sky-high.
Fans express their opinions on the animation quality of Monsters anime (Screengrab via X)
One fan criticized the preview video, comparing it to a "slideshow" and expressing disappointment in the choppy animation. The lack of fluidity in the movements did not meet the expectations of most big-budget anime titles. Additionally, many netizens commented on the overall production quality, with a majority stating that the preview video resembled fan animation.
Despite the poor animation quality seen in the preview (Screengrab via X), fans remain optimistic about watching the anime.
The overall production quality has been likened to that of content creators on platforms like X and YouTube, who take on projects with minimal funding. This feedback has been quite harsh for the animators, and the majority of the fanbase appears to be disappointed.
Final thoughts
Nevertheless, a significant portion of the fan base eagerly anticipated Eiichiro Oda's Monsters anime. Despite acknowledging its subpar animation, they remained optimistic about the high-quality content that would captivate the audience.
The animators are facing harsh criticism from fans, with the production company also being criticized. However, it's important to remember that preview videos often don't accurately reflect the final product. While the animation quality seen in the preview video is lacking, only time will tell if the Monsters anime will surpass fans' current expectations.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
Editor's P/S
As a hard fan of Eiichiro Oda's work, I was eagerly anticipating the release of the Monsters anime. However, I must admit that I was left underwhelmed by the trailer. The animation quality was subpar, and the art style was uninspired. I couldn't help but compare it to the high-quality animation of One Piece, and I was disappointed that Monsters didn't live up to the same standards.
Despite my disappointment, I remain optimistic that the final product will be better than the trailer suggests. Eiichiro Oda is a master storyteller, and I believe that he has the ability to create a compelling anime series even with limited animation. I am willing to give Monsters a chance, and I hope that it will prove me wrong.