Effective Strategies to Boost Website Traffic Post-Google Update: Insights from Successful Bloggers

Effective Strategies to Boost Website Traffic Post-Google Update: Insights from Successful Bloggers

Learn valuable insights and proven strategies from experienced bloggers on increasing website traffic following the recent Google update. Enhance your online presence and draw in a larger audience to your website.

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Our travel blogger partners have been greatly affected by the recent Google update. Despite the difficulties they faced, we are impressed by their ability to bounce back.

While we may not have control over Google's algorithms, we can certainly focus on what we can manage.

Check out these five tips from travel bloggers on boosting website traffic post the recent Google update.

In This Guide

  1. Use Pinterest As An Additional Search Engine

  2. Keep Visitors Engaged With Email Marketing

  3. Add Your Content To Flipboard To Grab More Website Visits

  4. Get Discovered With Short-Form Videos On Social Media

  5. Expose Yourself To New Audiences With Guest Posting

  6. Compensate For Traffic Dips By Maximizing Your Revenue.

Get the most out of each visitor. Check out our guide, Ten Tips for Maximizing Revenue for Travel Bloggers.

1. Use Pinterest As An Additional Search Engine

Many people think of Pinterest as a social media platform, but it functions much more as a search engine.

Pinterest’s tools make it a fantastic way to get visitors to your website.

How To Get Started With Pinterest

To access business tools like Pinterest Business Hub and Pinterest Analytics, you can either create a new business account or link/convert your personal account.

When writing your profile bio, make sure to include catchy and relevant keywords, especially if you have specific ones you use on your website.

Claim your website to track shares on Pinterest and increase visitors

Become a Pinterest Pro

Pinterest is built around pictures, so having great visuals is critical. You want to make yours stand out on the page.

When you travel, snap many pictures and pick the best ones later.

Use design tools like Canva to add text, create interesting layouts, and add branding elements.

Create boards to organize your content into categories, such as by destination or blog post type.

When using Pinterest, it is important to conduct keyword research just like you would on any other search engine. A helpful tool for this is Pinterest Trends, which allows you to view the search volume for keywords and see which pins are performing the best.

Once you have selected your keywords, make sure to incorporate them into your pin titles, pin descriptions, and board descriptions to optimize your content for search on Pinterest.

Screenshot from Pinterest Trends, June 2024

To keep visitors engaged, consider utilizing email marketing strategies.

Email marketing is crucial because you have complete control over it. While Instagram or Google can take actions that affect your visibility, your email list will always belong to you.

By utilizing this approach, you can establish a more stable and reliable flow of traffic rather than constantly chasing after new visitors.

How To Get Started With Email Marketing

Select an email marketing provider. Travel bloggers love MailerLite and MailChimp because they are low-cost and simple.

Start by collecting email addresses to build your mailing list. You can easily create a signup form with your website host and place it at the end of your posts to gather your readers' information.

Tips for Using Email Marketing Effectively

Create a lead magnet that attracts readers to provide their information in return for it. In the travel blogging world, common lead magnets include travel guides, ebooks, and itineraries.

The main aim of email is to drive your reader to visit your site. Ensure your emails are brief, feature eye-catching images, and include a direct link to your website. Spark their interest so they are compelled to click through for more.

Before sending an email directing traffic to one of your pages, make sure the page is optimized to generate the most revenue. Check out our guide, Ten Tips for Maximizing Revenue for Travel Bloggers.

Email marketing plays a crucial role in driving traffic and increasing revenue. While SEO is important, email marketing can have a lasting impact on user engagement and building loyal customers. By regularly emailing our audience, we have seen consistent spikes in web traffic that have helped us grow our business significantly.

Beth Stanos, Wanderful CEO & Founder

3. Add Your Content To Flipboard To Grab More Website Visits

Flipboard is an article curation website that lets users flip through articles from different publications, like magazines.

How To Get Started With Flipboard

Download the Flipboard app on mobile and create an account and profile.

Create Flipboard magazines. These are topic categories that group your content (much like Pinterest boards).

Add your blog posts to them from the magazine page on Flipboard or the Flipit Chrome bookmark.

Screenshot taken from Flipboard, June 2024

How To Use Flipboard Like A Pro

Publish your latest blog posts on Flipboard as soon as they go live.

Don't forget to include interesting content from other bloggers in your magazines. Engaging with their content and regularly updating your magazines will expand your audience reach.

Make sure to incorporate your target keywords in your magazine descriptions, post captions, and profile.

Flipboard has proven to be a valuable traffic source for all three of my websites. Their platform offers a variety of helpful tools for creators, such as storyboards, scheduling features, and RSS feeds for magazines. These tools make it simple to create and share engaging content with your audience.

Amanda O’Brien, theboutiqueadventurer.com Founder

4. Get Discovered With Short-Form Videos On Social Media

Did you know that 77% of travelers use social media to plan their trips? You can catch their attention by creating short-form videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube shorts.

These platforms have algorithms that can show your content to users who are not following you, making it easier for new readers to find and discover your content.

How To Get Started Making Videos

Create your accounts on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Download Capcut, a free mobile app for video editing that offers pre-installed templates and effects, making it better than the in-app editing functionality.

Create a Linktree account or an alternative platform to provide users with a central location for all your links, as social media platforms can make it challenging for users to easily access your website.

“PLACES ON EARTH WITH THE BLUEST WATER” by @thetravelshack, June 2024

Tips for Creating Professional-Looking Short Videos

When you're out and about, always be on the lookout for captivating scenes or unique settings that would make great video content. Being prepared to capture these moments on video can make all the difference in turning a regular video into something truly amazing.

Make sure to write detailed captions on Instagram, but keep them brief on YouTube and TikTok.

Utilize voice-over, on-screen text, and music to boost your engagement rate. You can easily add these elements using Capcut or in-app features.

Choose your video thumbnails wisely. Ensure they are eye-catching when displayed among other videos in a grid.

Remember to keep your short videos brief. The recommended duration for Reels is 7 to 11 seconds, TikToks should be 21 to 34 seconds long, and YouTube Shorts should range from 25 to 35 seconds.

TikTok has been instrumental in getting our second blog on Mediavine. We create informative videos on "how to do something" and always encourage viewers to check out our blog for more details. Recently, some of our videos have gone viral, driving a lot of traffic to our websites through the link in our bio.

Natasha Alden, Co-Founder of theworldpursuit.com

5. Expand Your Reach Through Guest Posting

By having your content published on another website, you can reach a whole new audience, which can help you attract new readers.

How To Start Guest Posting

Find places that accept guest posts. Many publications have open submissions that you can submit to.

If you come across a website that accepts guest posts but does not have a submission page, try to locate their contact details and send them an email inquiry.

In your email, introduce yourself and highlight your experience in travel writing. It is also helpful to attach samples of your writing to showcase your skills.

How To Guest Post Like A Pro

When creating your pitch, understand the site’s needs. What content gaps do they have? Focus your pitch there.

By networking with travel bloggers, you can discover organic guest posting opportunities. Building relationships with them allows you to tap into each other's audiences. You can connect with bloggers through social media or attend events such as TBEX, TravelCon, and Traverse.

Make sure to include a clear link back to your blog when guest posting. A captivating description will encourage readers to check out more of your content.

Strategize by monitoring the traffic of potential sites with tools like SEMRush and pick the best option.

Sharing your content with another publication to be featured as a standalone article is a great way to showcase your expertise in a specific area. By doing so, you can reach a new audience through the article and any subsequent social media shares, allowing more people to discover you as a writer.

William Tang, goingawesomeplaces.com Founder

See how William Tang made travel blogging his full-time job with the help of Stay22’s revenue-boosting tools. Read the case study.

Boost Your Revenue During Traffic Dips

Maximize your revenue by strategically placing CTAs and using Stay22's advanced AI-powered affiliate tools! Increase your affiliate sales with these effective tips:

DOWNLOAD OUR GUIDE: Ten Tips for Maximizing Revenue for Travel Bloggers.


Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by Shutterstock. Used with permission.

Editor's P/S:

The recent Google update has undoubtedly posed challenges for travel bloggers, but the resilience and adaptability of these individuals are commendable. The strategies outlined in this article offer valuable insights into how bloggers can navigate the changing landscape and continue to drive traffic to their websites.

By leveraging platforms such as Pinterest, email marketing, Flipboard, and social media, bloggers can expand their reach, engage with their audience, and compensate for traffic dips. Guest posting provides an opportunity to tap into new audiences and establish credibility as an expert in the travel industry. These strategies not only enhance website traffic but also contribute to long-term growth and revenue generation. The article rightly emphasizes the importance of diversification and maximizing revenue during traffic fluctuations, highlighting the crucial role of affiliate marketing and the benefits of utilizing Stay22's tools.