Edi Gathegi Stuns with Superhero Physique as Filming Commences

Edi Gathegi showcases an incredible superhero physique in the latest workout images, setting the stage for an impressive on-screen appearance as filming kicks off. Prepare to be amazed by Edi Gathegi's transformation into a superhero powerhouse!
Edi Gathegi has been cast as Mister Terrific in Superman: Legacy, and a sneak peek at the DCU character is now available online, thanks to his personal trainer. Gathegi has clearly been dedicated to physically preparing for his role as filming for Superman: Legacy begins. Fans can now get a glimpse of his superhero physique, giving them an idea of how Gathegi will embody Mister Terrific on screen. However, the official reveal of Mister Terrific's costume is still pending.
Recently, Gathegi's personal trainer, Paolo Mascitti, shared a photo of the actor on Instagram. The image showcases Gathegi shirtless and visibly muscular for his role in Superman: Legacy. The caption simply states "Mister Terrific," leaving no doubt about the character's identity. Mascitti's post featuring the photo can be viewed below:
Instagram article posted by paolomascitti
Mascitti has collaborated with other DC actors in the past, such as Flula Borg for his portrayal of Javelin in The Suicide Squad. It is a common practice for actors to undergo physical training for superhero roles, so Gathegi is probably not the only member of the Superman: Legacy cast who has been focusing on fitness.
What Role Will Edi Gathegi's Mister Terrific Play In Superman: Legacy?
Mister Terrific runs as he takes gunfire in DC Comics - What Role Will Edi Gathegi's Mister Terrific Play In Superman: Legacy?
Though details about Gathegi's Mister Terrific in Superman: Legacy are scarce, it can be assumed that he will closely resemble his comic book counterpart. In the comics, Michael Holt is a brilliant inventor who utilizes his technology to become a superhero. He has led The Terrifics team and been a member of the Justice Society of America and The Justice League Reserves. It is possible that some elements of this comic book history will be incorporated into the film.
Superman: Legacy will also feature another member of The Terrifics, Metamorpho, portrayed by Anthony Carrigan. This could indicate that Mister Terrific is already overseeing his own team of superheroes at the beginning of the movie. The events of Superman: Legacy may serve as the impetus for Mister Terrific to assemble his team. Furthermore, James Gunn may be laying the groundwork for unique additions to the DCU's Justice League roster, potentially including Mister Terrific, instead of adhering to the same lineup from the previous DCEU films.
Source: Paolo Mascitti/Instagram
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming DCU film "Superman: Legacy" has generated excitement among fans with the casting of Edi Gathegi as Mister Terrific. The sneak peek of Gathegi's physique courtesy of his personal trainer showcases his dedication to the role. While the costume reveal remains pending, the glimpse into his superheroic physique offers a tantalizing hint of how he will embody the character on screen.
The potential role of Mister Terrific in the film is intriguing. Based on his comic book counterpart, Michael Holt, it is likely that Gathegi's Mister Terrific will be a brilliant inventor utilizing technology for heroic purposes. The inclusion of Metamorpho suggests the possibility of a Terrifics team, hinting at a broader expansion of the DCU's superhero roster. James Gunn's approach to the DCU appears to prioritize fresh perspectives, and Mister Terrific could be a pivotal addition to the Justice League, bringing a unique blend of intellect and heroism to the team.