Duke Nukem Publisher Faces Backlash Over AI-Generated Artwork

Duke Nukem Publisher Faces Backlash Over AI-Generated Artwork

Blaze Entertainment sparks controversy with an AI-generated promotional image for their new Duke Nukem game collection Critics slam the move, citing concerns over the use of AI in the creative industry

Blaze Entertainment recently caused a stir with the release of their Duke Nukem Remastered games collection for the Evercade handheld. However, the unveiling was met with criticism after it was discovered that the promotional image was generated using AI. Fans and artists were taken aback by this unexpected move from a company of Blaze's stature, especially due to the several red flags present in the Duke Nukem image. While AI image generation has undoubtedly brought about significant advancements in numerous industries, it's important to recognize that the technology is not always perfect. In this case, the noticeable flaws in the artwork made it clear that it was created using AI.

Blaze Entertainment has apologized for the promotional image created for the Duke Nukem Remastered collection and has pledged to address the situation. The company has acknowledged that the image did not meet the expectations and standards of Duke Nukem fans due to the use of AI in the creative process. An artist commissioned by Blaze Entertainment was responsible for the image. The company has taken prompt action to remove the artwork and has announced plans to commission a replacement piece that will meet the elevated standards demanded by the fanbase.

Duke Nukem Publisher Faces Backlash Over AI-Generated Artwork

Many individuals on social media expressed their appreciation for Blaze Entertainment's statement acknowledging their mistake. Some users commended the company for listening to customer feedback and proactively addressing the situation, while others expressed support and understanding, emphasizing that they held no ill feelings towards the artist and recognized that the artwork for Duke Nukem did not meet expectations. As an adored and iconic series of video games that has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry, the Duke Nukem franchise continues to enjoy enduring popularity, with various remakes being developed and released across multiple platforms. With the upcoming Duke Nukem remakes, fans can look forward to enjoying their favorite 90s game with updated graphics and features.

Duke Nukem was released in 1991, with several ports being launched over the years.

Source: Evercade