Dramatic rescue saves fisherman from shark encounter after falling overboard

Dramatic rescue saves fisherman from shark encounter after falling overboard

Fisherman miraculously rescued after falling overboard and battling a shark for nearly 24 hours Using his watch reflection as a signal, he was saved off New Zealand's coast A gripping tale of survival against all odds

The fisherman who fell overboard and spent nearly 24 hours in cold, choppy waters, catching the attention of a shark, was rescued off the coast of New Zealand on Wednesday. Using his watch reflection to signal for help, the unnamed angler had set off on a solo fishing trip aboard his 40-foot (12-meter) boat on Tuesday, according to Whangamatā Police Sergeant Will Hamilton.

While attempting to catch a marlin, the fisherman tumbled into the sea approximately 30 nautical miles (55 kilometers) off the coast of New Zealand's North Island, according to the report. Despite trying to swim to the nearby Alderman Islands, he was swept away by powerful currents as his boat drifted out of his grasp.

Hamilton said the fisherman was so drained that he couldn't continue swimming and had to endure a cold night in the ocean. He added that at one point, a shark came to investigate before ultimately leaving. "It's truly a miracle that the fisherman survived the ordeal," Hamilton stated.

The angler miraculously survived after three fishermen spotted a reflection on the water and went out in their boat to investigate. They found the stranded man using the reflection of the sun from his watch to desperately catch their attention, according to Hamilton.

He was brought back to Whangamatā and received treatment for hypothermia and exhaustion.

"If it weren't for the prompt actions of the three men who rescued him, the situation could have been a tragedy," Hamilton stated.

The incredible rescue of three fishermen was the result of a "series of fortunate events." Rescuer James Mcdonnell told CNN affiliate Newshub that the fishermen "sort of saw a glistening, probably 600 meters away" from their boat. They were surprised to find a person there.

"We were 10 miles (16 kilometers) off the back of Mayor Island with no boats in sight. As we got closer, it became quite obvious that someone was waving their arms," said rescue boat skipper Max White. He added that their priority was to get the man aboard and keep him awake and warm, as told to Newshub.

"We wrapped him in as many layers as possible in a large cooler bag," he explained. "He was desperate for water, so I gave him some warm water and cranberry juice from the boat. We did our best to keep him hydrated and talking, and made sure he stayed awake."

Police said the fisherman wanted to thank his rescuers and the emergency services.

"The boaties did an absolute stellar job and without a doubt saved this mans life," Hamilton said.

Authorities are currently searching for the fisherman's boat, but he was able to cling to the one thing that provided him with a spark of hope during his harrowing experience.

"Even though the boat is lost, the fisherman still has his watch," Hamilton stated.
